"God! How is my son dealing with you", Pratap groaned...

"Well a man called your son lucky that he got me ? who is it ? Ah! I remembered, you are that man...", Isha teased

"Who told you ?", Pratap asked

"Ma", Isha giggled

"this woman! she is about as discrete as a sieve", Pratap muttered with irritation

"Don't blame ma... She was just quoting you...", Isha said

"Well, that was before I know you, now I take back my words...", Pratap said

"Liar! you don't mean it, anyways, go and talk to Anshi's parents... Her father's name is Mahesh and her mother is Subhadra... Don't start the conversation with asking their name, till now they are just worried, hearing you they would slip into shock knowing their daughter's father-in-law don't even know their names", Isha commented, he sighed and walked away knowing his daughter-in-law though said it in a funny tone actually meant it. She wasn't wrong though, he didn't know their names until now.

The function successfully ended after the rituals and a lavish meal organized by the king and queen of Ajmer. Ragini's parents are also invited and after all the guests left, they discussed Ranveer-Ragini's engagement as not many days are left for ittoo. After all of it, they called it a day and dispersed to their chambers.

After a few days, Isha shifted to Rajput palace as it was just a few days before her brother's engagement and she needed to check the final arrangements, as usual, Abhyansh was against it, but Isha asked him to tag along as he was the one who promised Ragini and her parents that they would take care of the engagement.

Ragini and Ranveer got engaged in a private ceremony not as grand as Avyan's Roka, as Ranveer wanted to keep it low, they wanted to make the wedding a huge event instead and Abhyansh though reluctant at first, later agreed since the wedding will be soon and they could make the event big, while Avyan's Roka needed to be grand as they are taking a gap of 2 years for marriage and the 'Roka' needs to be announced to the world in a very grandeur manner. It's also to assure Anshi's family.

Abhyansh and his wife didn't have a memorable wedding, but he wanted Ranveer and Avyan to have a dream wedding with all the rituals & functions, Abhyansh never craved for all this but he knew his wife wanted, it's clear in how she took care of every small detail in the arrangements and wanted to make the event a success. She is searching happiness in their siblings' wedding functions. Abhyansh even asked if she wanted to marry him again, though he was completely aversive to that idea, he wanted to do it for her, but she outright rejected it and even called him crazy for coming up with something like that.


"Are you ready ?", Abhyansh asked coming out of the washroom...

"hm...", Isha nodded pinning her saree...

Both of them walked to the temple, offered prayers to 'Mahadev' and performed the 'Abhishek' together. After taking Mahadev's blessings, Isha bent and touched her husband's feet. Both of them silently sat near the pillar before Abhyansh started speaking.

"I know you hate me for forcing you to see Dr. Parthasarathy, and you might think I'm selfish, and you are not wrong. I'm being selfish here Rani sa. I'm doing this for myself, I am scared to see you in that condition again... I couldn't bear the sight... even the thought of it aches me physically, I want you to be free from your suffering as soon as possible", Abhyansh said holding her palm...

"I'm mad at you, no doubt about it, but not because you wanted me to see Dr. Parthasarathy, but how you got me say 'Yes' to it", she said

"Did you leave me a choice ? Tell me from how long was I asking you to see him huh ? Every time I raised this topic, you either diverted it or outright rejected that idea. I didn't want to force you, I wanted to convince you patiently that's the reason I gave you enough time, in fact, more than enough time, but now it has become too much, you tested my patience, Isha... I know I'm guilty of hurting you when I asked you to choose, I hurt you when I talked about our separation, and trust me I'm sorry but I don't regret it... because I was having your safety in my head and I would commit any mistake or destroy anything or anyone to keep you safe", Abhyansh said and Isha didn't know what to say, well he was right, he did try to convince her a lot calmly, she wasn't left with much argument after his strong point so she chose drama.

"Haw... Mahadev... Are you hearing him ? He said he would commit any mistake, that too in front of you, he has no fear at all", she said looking at the 'shiv ling'.

"My Mahadev understands me, well, I learned from him... He became a destroyer after Ma Sati's self-immolation, he immensely loved and respected his wife, and as his devotee, I am following his path", he said

"hm... I'm halfway through Shiv Puran... It's so good, thanks for the book", Isha thanked her husband suddenly remembering how he gifted her the book when he noticed her eagerness to learn about all this.

"Hm... Let's go, We are getting late", he said and got up, he forwarded his hand and she held it, getting up. Both of them then started to the spot Dr. Parthasarathy called them. Abhyansh wanted him to come to one of his palaces but Dr. Parthasarathy had already told him that he would treat Isha on his terms and his methods wouldn't be questioned. Abhyansh agreed to it knowing his successful track record.

He purposely called them to a restaurant Isha visited with her parents and brother during her childhood, he wanted her to get comfortable with him, and what better way to start it with some good memory? A smile appeared on Isha's face instantly seeing the place but she didn't share the details with her husband knowing his hatred for her parents.

Abhyansh and Isha greeted Dr. Parthasarathy, and he introduced his assistant. All four started having their food continuing their basic introductions. After a while, Abhyansh excused himself as requested by Dr. Parthasarathy before, his assistant too disappeared and Isha understood what was happening. But to her surprise, the session was very light and she got comfortable with Dr. Parthasarathy. But before she said anything, she told him that she wanted her privacy to be protected and she also told him that Abhyansh might have informed him. He assured her that he would never compromise with his client's privacy. Isha found the genuineness in hiseyes. He also got ready to sign a confidentiality agreement, so, for now, she believed him and they got back to their conversation. Slowly Isha started sharing her childhood with Dr. Parthasarathy and some light moments with her parents, and brother. Since she was only 10, she struggled to recall some things, and Dr. Parthasarathy understood her and didn't pressure her much as it could hurt her.

And the sessions continued, it's a few weeks since they started and they became somewhat comfortable and Isha trusted the old man. She also appreciated his efforts to come to India and treat her even at this age. But still, Isha never talked about her sufferings let alone what led her to her panic attacks.

Dr. Parthasarathy met with Abhyansh and Ranveer to share the feedback up till now. He talked to Ranveer in detail about the situations and Ranveer's details helped Dr. Parthasarathy schedule sessions at those places that could trigger her memories and let her spill the beans at one or the other weak point but she didn't.

"I don't know how to tell you this... Rani sa's willpower is strong, It's tough to crack her, she had built very strong walls concealing the truth inside them... She didn't want to talk about it. I have realized some pain points like what would trigger her past, or threw her in discomfort, there are some things that make her stop talking about her past abruptly, and I have noted it all for deeper analysis. But, only if she opens up a bit more, I could decode the main issue behind her panic attacks, is it because of some fear or the pain she faced, or something else, we need to figure it out, so I suggest she stay in Rajput palace in those conditions she lived in before", Dr. Parthasarathy suggested

Both Abhyansh and Ranveer were offended with his statement. Did he mean they should make her go through all the torturesher uncle-aunt made her go through? Looking at their heated gaze, Dr. Parthasarathy understood what they thought.

Ranveer informed him about a few things Isha went through in Rajput palace including how she was caged and homeschooled there. The old man's heart went out to her... The kind queen she is didn't deserve all those sufferings.