"Isha, when will Maharaj come ?", Shivam asked
"He'll be here till lunch, till then, come I'll show you the palace", she said and everyone nodded enthusiastically.
"Bhabhi ma, I'll show them, you need some rest, you have been continuously working since morning", Avyan said and Ishanodded as her feet were aching badly and moreover she couldn't roam with the baby in her arms and she didn't have the heart to return the baby to her friend yet.
So she and Amruta stayed in the hall playing with the baby. After some time, Abhyansh returned home and the most beautiful sight that took him to their wonderful future welcomed him.
His wife walking to and fro with the baby in her arms, cooing her. His eyes got dreamy for a second with the imagination of his Rani sa, pregnant with his child.
"What happened bacha... Why are you crying hm ?? Feeling hungry hm??", she asked as she already checked his diaper which is clean, so that was not the issue as well. She took her bottle and tried to feed her but she kept crying. She is about to go to her mother-in-law when she saw her husband staring at her.
"Rana sa... Good that you came, hold her, I'll call her mother", Isha said making his eyes widen.
"I can't hold her, if you want, I can divert her and then you can try to feed her", he suggested...
"You again went to your den ?", she asked him seriously, she thought he might have tortured or killed someone, and that's why he is refusing to take the baby in his arms.
"No Rani sa... It's just that I came from visiting many places, I need to freshen up", he said which wasn't a lie but he hid the main truth, he is afraid of taking babies in his hands. He is afraid of hurting them with his rough hands. She nodded accepting his explanation.
Abhyansh tried to divert her with sounds and Isha giggled.
"What?", he asked raising his brow at why is she laughing
"You are such a 'khadoos' (rude/brooding) even to an 8-month-old huh...", Isha taunted and he glared at her... "What should I call you then? Can't you open your mouth and say a few wordsto the little baby instead of making weird sounds", she asked and he rolled his eyes at her drama.
"Baby, have milk, don't throw tantrums", he said in his hard tone which made her cry in fear
"God... Is this how you talk to a baby ? You are ordering her as if she is your commander in-chief... You will not come near my children until they are at least 1 year old", she said and he raised his brows at her statement...
"Your children ? And how will you get them ? From the tree outside or from the market nearby hm?", he teased her and she blushed slapping his arm slightly.
He decided to go to his chamber to freshen up and change, before leaving, he slowly leaned and caressed the baby's head, and the baby looked his face in the eye, and she stopped crying, as she found his eyes very interesting, they looked like colorful little balls, she raised to pluck those little balls but Abhyansh leaned away chuckling at the little one's efforts. He leaned again and the little girl tried again but he moved back.
Isha looked at the moment in astonishment. It's surreal. The baby started enjoying and taking this as a chance, Isha put the bottle in her mouth which she happily started sucking making Isha sigh in relief.
"Not bad huh... I appreciate you Maharaj", she said with a proud look on her face and he smirked at his wife before walking away to their chamber.
It's time for the lunch and the family assembled at the dining hall and settled in their seats. Avyan came there with the 10 of their guests he settled in his seat while Isha went to her friends and made them settled.
She already detailed the basic dining etiquette that's followed in Ranawat Palace. She also asked them not to address with hername when there are servants around or at the dining hall. Isha doesn't want her husband to go all threatening on her friends like he did with Vikram and Aryan. Well, that was partly her brother's fault, he didn't tell them the rules, and she learnt her lesson from it.
She knew her husband would treat her friends respectfully as they were the guests and moreover, he himself invited them. But she also knew some things could really anger him.
They all greeted Rajmata Devyani Devi and Pratap, their parents had many stories to tell them about Rajmata and her courage, and she looked exactly as they defined, the epitome of beauty and courage, her eyes held the extreme confidence, and her tone held the base that could shiver even strong men.
Everyone stood up when they saw the king arriving, they sat down after Abhyansh settled on the head chair.
Isha's friends greeted Abhyansh and thanked him for inviting them for lunch. He nodded at them and asked them to eat. Isha served Abhyansh while the servants served everyone else. Isha sat after serving him everything.
"Rani sa... Take your friends to the front palace, and ask someone to give them a tour of it, they can take pictures as well", Abhyansh told his wife in his usual tone but his words surprised everyone including Isha, as though occasionally people that too only VIPs are allowed in the front palace, none can click pictures in any of the palaces, even the dignitaries that attended their wedding in the front palace were delivered their pictures with the king and queen separately by the Royal photography studio.
"Ji Rana sa(yes Rana sa)", Isha responded
The king's words made the friends so happy, especially the girls, they so badly wanted to click pictures with grandeur walls. Everything looked so royal and the antiques were placedeverywhere without fear of theft. Some things are made of pure gold and expensive stones like rubels and diamonds.
Almost all the swords had a gold handle with stones over it, decorated so beautifully. What makes them so special is they are coming from generations yet they are so well-maintained making them shine the same.
They even wanted to click pictures of the food served and the dinnerware which is all silverware with a gold flower in the middle of the big plate, they noticed the family had a different kind of plate but didn't get a look at it much.