"Rana sa... take off the gun, please... I'm scared", Isha said but Abhyasnh didn't pay any heed. He was done with the woman called 'Nandini Rana'. He wanted to end her game now.
"You are ready to die, then die", Abhyansh said pulling the trigger, Isha screamed in horror, and so did Amruta... Nandini stood there in a paralyzed position, but the gunshot wasn't fired, Isha opened her eyes, and shock filled her senses...
She understood her husband was not going to listen to any of them now, so it was better to send her aunt away for now.
"Rana sa... Maasi would leave from here... Please put the gun down... Please... Please", Isha said joining her hands...
"I want her to say it", Abhyansh said standing emotionlessly.
"Maasi, please tell him... Please", Isha requested as she is hell scared of her husband's madness.
"I didn't know my sister's daughter would be this selfish...", Nandini said shocking Isha...
"Maasi ?", Isha said
"Your parents have been weighing this guilt for 2 decades Ishu... I beg you to give them peace at least now...", Nandini said
"Maasi, what are you talking about ? I don't understand anything", Isha asked perplexed...
"Get out or die", Abhyansh said coldly, his finger on the trigger again... "You won't get another chance to live Rana... choose wisely...", Abhyansh said, the determination in his tone confirmed Nandini that he would definitely kill him if she wouldn't leave now. So, she walked back and left from there. Abhyansh threw the gun away and stormed out.
Isha sat there stunned at what just happened. The thought of truth has made her uneasy many times, it scared her too but now it started destroying her peace. She wanted to know the truth, why does her husband hate her parents, especially her father ? and why did her aunt risk her life, to tell the truth to her husband ? And why is he so reluctant? All these questions started causing a permanent headache to her, and her husband's madness she just witnessed was the peak of her patience. First, she needed to get answers from her aunt, so she rushed there...
"Maasi... what were you saying ? What guilt What is it, please tell me", Isha pleaded, and Nandini knew Abhyansh would kill her but never hear her, so it was better to approach him through Isha so she tried to tell her why she was so desperate.
"Your husband knew only half-truth, the complete truth is altogether different Ishu... And based on that half-truth, he started hating your father, your parents tried to tell him the truth many times but he didn't give them a chance, during the day of their accident too... they were coming to Ranawat palace to try once again... Just a day before that, I spoke to your mother, she told me her plan of confessing the whole truth to Amruta and Abhyansh. I came here to support your parents but instead gottheir accident news... Your mother took a promise from me that I would clear Abhyansh's misconception... and that's it, she lost her life... Now tell me Ishu, your parents gave away their life in trying to make this truth reach your husband, don't they deserve at least a single chance to hear their side ? The last days were very painful for them, they were struggling, distressed, and the guilt was eating them up and I know they wouldn't be in peace till I convey the truth to Abhyansh. Your husband denied them peace for almost 2 decades even after their death, Now it's your responsibility to get them that...", Nandini said and left from there leaving Isha in distress and pain.
Hearing their dead parents' soul never rested in peace was very painful for any child and after almost 20 years of their deaths, Isha got to hear it and the irony was she didn't have any inkling of the truth. Neither her husband nor her aunt tells her the truth... The truth that destroyed her life, reason for her husband to torture her, the reason she had a nightmare in the name of marriage, and now the reason for the destruction of her peace, is still a mystery to her and she absolutely hated it.
Nandini didn't know if Amar and Pallavi attempted to disclose the truth to Abhyansh or not, but she assumed they tried, seeing their desperation to convey the truth to Abhyansh but the truth was they didn't. They wanted to but the situation didn't allow them, the night they had the accident was the first time they attempted to confess but before that, they were killed in an accident. And she told the same to Isha who was now determined to make her husband listen to the truth.
She didn't have control over his beliefs, whether he chose to believe her aunt or not but he could at least listen to what she had to say right ? She didn't understand her husband's reluctance. She always understood his pain, she didn't want to pressure him for the truth so she remained patient. Her heart and mind kept nagging her to know the truth behind his behavior and only then could she give her marriage a chance wholeheartedly but she ignored everything and put him and his feelings above everything. But, now after hearing about her dead parents' situation, for once she wants to put herself, her feelings, and her parents' above her husband, and she is determined to do it, no matter who thought what.
It was night, Isha and Amruta prepared dinner. Everyone was present at the dining table but none spoke a word. They were waiting for Abhyansh but he didn't come. So, she sent his food to his study.
"Isha... I think you should take it to him beta... If you go, you'll make sure he had it", Amruta suggested.
She knew Isha is upset with what happened in the morning but Abhyansh was still healing and food intake is important for him, she was scared he would skip his meals.
"He will have it ma... Don't worry...", Isha said
"But...", Amruta started but surprising everyone, Pratap opened his mouth.
"She said, didn't she ? He would have his dinner...", Pratap said, Isha gave a small smile to her father-in-law for understanding her. Isha is happy that now there was no hatred in his eyes for her but he still need to make up for a lot of insults but now she didn't think about it much.
Someone told it right, you would know a person's true character at the time of crisis and both Pratap and Isha got to know it at the time of their near death experience. Isha's determination to save him made Pratap see the real Isha, his daughter-in-law, not Amar Rajput daughter, while Isha saw the real Pratap Singh Ranawat when he didn't care for his life over her dignity. He hated her yet he decided to die but save his daughter-in-law's dignity, he forced her to run and save herself when he heard they wanted to abduct her. She realized his true character then, his hatred for her was just a mask which was now no more.
Everyone in the family noticed the word exchange and positive changes between the father-in-law & daughter-in-law and are happy about it.
Isha served herself but didn't take a single morsel as she was worried for her husband but tried hard to conceal it. He scared her with his behavior in the morning, she was upset with him for a lot of things but her love for him dominated all of it.
"You guys continue... I'm not hungry", she said and left from there. But everyone knew where she went. Amruta and Avyan gave a small smile at Isha's love for Abhyansh while Ranveer is upset. He was worried for his sister. He was scared that her love would make her helpless and choose her husband over herself.
Isha walked to her husband's study but didn't find him there. She looked at the food trolley there untouched and sighed deeply. She knew where he might be, she dispersed the servantand strolled the trolley to the back palace. She avoided him from the time all that took place in the morning and Abhyansh too didn't try to approach her, she understood he needed time to calm his fury.