Hearing him, the elder lady's face paled but Anshi's face was the same, expressionless. He didn't understand what's wrong.

"Leave Yuvraj", Anshi said respectfully but her emotionless tone is what intrigued Avyan, she could bear any pain but she couldn't see her parents going through tough times, or insults which they did.

Her groom's parents' visited their home immediately after they got to know she was taken to the CD, as per the order of Prince Avyan Singh Ranawat who is known as a very kind and gentle person. When they heard that he ordered taking her into custody, they imagined worse about Anshi's offenses and canceled the marriage. She was told about it by her parents after she returned. They didn't tell her how they spoke about her as they knew she would break but when she insisted on talking to the family and the groom and explain her situation to them, her mother told how they insulted her.

Anshi shook her head mentally not to go into those memories which were a nightmare for her.

"Anshi...", her mother reprimanded her and turned to face Avyan.

"Please forgive her words Yuvraj... nadaan hai(she is childish)", the elder woman pleaded...

"You don't have to plead ma'am, it's okay...", Avyan said, he wished the lady invited him to their home as he could not apologize in front of everyone. If the news reached his brother, he couldn't even imagine how he would react and the ladyunderstood he had something to talk about, so she thought to invite him to their place.

"Yuvraj... Please visit our home and accept our hospitality if you don't mind.", the elder woman said and Anshi's head sprang in her mother's direction.

"Um... sure... just give me a minute", Avyan accepted her invitation instantly before her daughter could refuse him from entering inside. He didn't know why but he felt Anshi's hostility as if she was blaming him for something terrible.

He went back to his car to bring all the things he brought, he held the goodies with both hands and followed the mother-daughter to their place.

Anshi's mother offered water and snacks to him which he politely denied. Anshi is standing in the corner as if waiting for him to leave ASAP. He ignored her and gave the things he brought to Anshi's mother who denied but Avyan insisted so she had to accept. But Anshi lost it with what he did and said next.

"I hope your daughter has a wonderful life ahead. Congratulations and best wishes to you and your family, Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you need any kind of help with the marriage preparations", Avyan said politely with a smile, putting the sweet box above the gifts he brought for them.

Anshi walked to them and threw the sweet box on the floor shocking Avyan and her mother.

"Whose Marriage ?? With whom ?", Anshi harshly asked looking at Avyan...

"ANSHI...", her mother screamed at her but she didn't budge...

"Leave my house Avyan Singh Ranawat", Anshi shouted

"Anshi... shut up and go to your room", Her mother said harshly pulling her daughter back and pushing towards herroom, Anshi gave one last look to Avyan with tear-filled eyes before rushing to her room and banging her door shut.

Her mother apologized to Avyan and asked him to forgive her daughterand not take her to CD again. She was about to fall on his feet when he held her shoulders.

"It's okay, you are of my mother's age, don't ever try to touch my feet ever again please... I promise you, no one except my bhabhi ma would know something like this ever happened. I request you not to disclose to anyone either, not even her father, and ask your daughter to do the same", he said politely and left.

He knew if his brother got to know how Anshi disrespected him, he wouldn't spare her and Avyan didn't want that... He said he would tell Isha because he knew he couldn't hide anything from his bhabhi ma, and moreover, he wanted to share this with her, only his sister-in-law could find a solution to his heart which is burning now.


"They didn't tell me the whole thing bhabhi ma but by her words, I felt something terrible happened because of me... Why do I feel that her marriage broke ?", Avyan said, his tone filled with regret and guilt.

"Sh... Don't come to any conclusion yet, we'll have to find out what happened, and then we can find an appropriate solution... Don't suffer yourself with all these thoughts... I promise you, I'll make everything right... Don't worry... hm ?", Isha softly said caressing his head.

"Bhabhi ma, please don't...", he started but she understood

"I won't tell your brother, don't worry now, Go to your room, I'll send you warm milk, have it, you'll sleep better", Isha said and Avyan nodded walking away.

Isha sighed and went to her chamber after sending milk to Avyan. She decided to talk to her brother, now she understood her brother might have purposely not given Anshi's address or details to Avyan as he didn't want Avyan to suffer in guilt. Whatever it was, she decided to talk to her brother soon.

"What is your brother-in-law saying ?", she was startled hearing her husband's tone as she was involved deep in her thoughts.

"Rana sa... you scared me", she said and started walking to her closet trying to ignore his question but he understood her vague attempts to hide things.

"I asked you something Isha", he asked again making Isha stop on her track, she sighed deeply and turned to her husband.

"I won't tell you", she said and he raised his brows in amusement at his wife's blunt answer. "I promised him, so don't ask, you'll know soon anyways", she said and was about to leave to her closet but his words stopped her.