"That's it... I think he might know about your brother's whereabouts", Isha said and Avyan gave her a perplexed look... "We don't have time to waste Avyan... Arrange a call for me with this Khan saab immediately", Isha said and Avyan went out to do the needed.
"Now will you tell me what was that all about ?", Ranveer asked her seriously and she sighed deeply before telling him what she recollected. At first, Ranveer stood shocked to learn his sister's ability to retain his brother-in-law's words even asleep then appreciated their unique connection.
"Are you sure you are not mad ?", Ranveer teased her earning a glare from her... "No, seriously, only crazy people display such odd behaviors, I know your husband is one odd human but youtoo Ishu ?", Ranveer teased her further, this time earning a hard slap on his shoulder...
"You really think so ?", she asked after a while and this time he got the seriousness underlying her question...
"No... this happens with many", he said
"Well, I don't care even if it's odd behavior or I'm crazy, because this is what is helping us find Rana sa", Isha said shrugging and Ranveer nodded with a smile.
Avyan was back with his phone and handed it to Isha...
"Hello Khan saab, Namaste... This is Isha Abhyansh Singh Ranawat...", Isha said confidently...
"Rani sa...Assalamu Alaikum... Of course, I know you... Tell me, how can I help you ?", Mr. Khan asked, perplexed at why Isha called him...
"I know you were the last person Rana sa met before his disappearance... Where is he ?", Isha asked without beating around the bush shocking the old man.
Zahid Shah Khan didn't expect someone to call him, let alone Isha. He was supposed to keep Abhyansh's meeting with him discrete. So, he was sure no one knew Abhyansh came to him then how did Isha know ? he wondered
"I don't know what you are talking about", Khan tried to downplay but Isha was having none of it
"Either you tell me or Bhairav will make you", Isha said in her no-nonsense tone... she didn't have time...
"No... Not Bhairav", Khan said immediately... If Bhairav got to know about it, Abhyansh would kill him. "Does he know I know ?", Khan asked, and now Isha knew she was going in the right direction.
"No... I know Rana sa doesn't want to let him know so I didn't involve himtill now... But, if you don't utter anything, I will be forced to involve Bhairav", Isha asked
"No... I'll tell you Rani sa... But make sure Bhairav doesn't know anything...", Khan said before narrating Abhyansh's plan of ending all his foes at a time, then how his plan was disrupted by Rizzo and his partners. Isha sat down on the chair, tears flowing from her eyes imagining her husband captured by his foes for 4 days.
"When were you going to tell me all this ?", Isha screamed in anger...
"I was ordered by Maharaj not to contact anyone Rani sa... Trust me, I wanted to... Because only Bhairav knew all our enemy's bases and his help was much needed in finding Maharaj but I couldn't go against Maharaj's orders, I am supposed to inform you and Bhairav about all this if he didn't return before a week, so I was waiting", the older man said and Isha was furious, here her husband was in danger and this man was still loyal to their king's word, other than trying to save him? Seriously, herhusband has some crazy loyalists. Isha so wanted to bang his head somewhere but she didn't have time even for that...
"Okay, tell me the details...", Isha asked and he gave all the details and cautioned her to not let Bhaiarv know that she got these details from him and she understood how serious her husband was in not letting Bhairav know about it, whatever it was.
"I'll take care of it... Don't worry... Bhairav, Avyan, and I will be coming there... We'll take care of the rest, make sure you hide your involvement in this by then", Isha said and hung up...
"Bhai... we'll go there, you stay here with the family... It's important for someone to be here", Isha said
"Okay... then you stay here... I can't allow you to go there... it might be dangerous for you", Ranveer said but Isha was adamant... She was determined to get her husband back safe and sound. The brother-sister argued and Isha won at the end. Later, they decided a story about how they got the details.
Bhairav was called in...
"Bhairav... We are leaving for Europe right away...", Isha said
"Any lead Rani sa ?", Bhairav was quick to get alerted...
"Yes... I want you to arrange our journey and our trusted men for our security... Before anything, Find these people's bases there... all of them, and send our loyal men to every base without leaving a single one", Isha said handing a list to Bhairavwhich consisted of Abhyansh's top foes... Bhairav was about to question regarding how she got the list but Isha stopped him from questioning, citing their time crunch to discuss all of it.
Bhairav and Avyan started with the work and they soon began their journey to Europe... Ranveer reluctantly let his sister go with a heavy heart, he wanted to go with her but he had to protect the family by staying back... Isha took Avyan as she remembered her husband telling her that for some key places and lockers, Avyan's fingerprints and iris scan were a must. Also, she knew her brother-in-law might have some idea of things like he had an idea about whom his bhai sa called 'Khan saab'. Avyan's knowledge might be helpful so Isha asked him to tag him along otherwise she wouldn't have risked his life... Same with Avyan, he didn't like his sister-in-law travelling to Europe that too when his brother was captured by enemies... But he knew she wouldn't listen to him, so he promised to protect her with his life.
It's Day-5 of Abhyansh's missing, and Bhairav planned everything, found out all the bases, and distributed their loyal men around all the bases. 9 blasts were already done and he knew 9 codes had expired, he was left with only one code and before it expired he needed to kill all of them and leave from there. Tackling with men guarding him wasn't a big deal for him, his biggest challenge was at the base where there were a huge number of armed men. He planned perfectly and executed it, as per plan, he tackled the men there at night and left to the nearest base in the chopper available. As he expected, the actual problem started at the base, he was attacked, and injured but asper Rizzo's orders, none shot him, so he managed to fight them, irrespective of their number, courtesy, his years of practice in swordsmanship, and other strenuous physical activities he took part in daily.
He was fighting alone, he knew dominating all these men was far from easy, despite his beastly nature but then, he witnessed his loyal men there, and soon shootouts took place there. He was surprised to see his men there, how were they here ? Only Bhairav knew all their foes' bases and the thought that Bhairav could have known about his 'lie' crossed his head distracting his attention for a microsecond and it cost him a lot.
Abhyansh was shot twice, one on his shoulder which pained him a lot but it was manageable for him, he got shot many times but the other bullet was near his chest area, he knew it was a sensitive area, he just hoped it didn't hit anywhere near his heart otherwise his wife... No, he refused to think about it. He ignored his increasing pain and shot back his foes but it didn't last for more than 5 minutes, as the BEAST collapsed on the floor. His men wanted to finish this war as soon as possible and take Abhyansh to a safe place but things were getting hard. That's when Bhairav got there with Bharat and other men and immediately airlifted Abhyansh.