Now the only thing his foes had in their hand was Abhyansh himself, but they couldn't even hurt a hair strand of his to get any information out of him.

With the blasts and their timings, Marcus and his allies believed that there was definitely a mole in their group but they failed to realize that it was Abhyansh Singh Ranawat's perfect planning and his timing that was making these exemplary moves, not to forget his team's flawless execution. His brain starts working from the point where his rival's ends... Trying to defeat him was just baseless and by now they might have understood this, but they were stuck... Abhyansh knew they wouldn't let him go by themselves as he was their destruction, so he had to figure a way out for himself but he must agree, they arranged the security tightly, and fighting all these men wasn't a big deal for him but they have weapons, he wasn't afraid of bullets, he got them multiple times, but this time, he was scared of his wife, she wouldn't spare him if he got hurt so he had to think through a road of non-violence. He mentally groaned at it and that non-violent path was what that was taking time.


It was already 4 days and he was still stuck at his rival's camp... But, except for his worry for his wife and family, and the fact that he missed her handmade food terribly, everything was so perfect there. He enjoyed seeing anxiety, depression,distress, and whatnot on his rivals' faces. Their frustration was quite visible. With each of their asset turning into ashes, their confidence wavered into thin air and the BEAST was getting the entertainment of his life seeing all of it. But, he needed to get out of there despite the fun he was having.

They needed to find the moles in their men and kill them, then they could kill Abhyansh and soon these attacks would stop, that was the only way out of this problem, well, that's what Rizzo and his allies thought, but only Abhyansh knew there were no moles in them.

"I was disappointed in you Rizzo... I thought if not equal to me, you would be smart enough to figure out a solution to the problem I created, if not actually implement the solution but here you are still stuck at figuring out the problem... huh... Extremely disappointed... you don't deserve the title of my biggest rival... Someone smart deserves that place", Abhyansh infuriated Rizzo even more so that he completely stopped thinking in the right direction and so far it was working... Because he needed to buy some time as he realized soon the 10 codes would expire and it wouldn't take much time for Rizzo to figure out what Abhyansh was up to, and that would end his game...

"You were enjoying too much BEAST... But the moment I find the ones I'm searching for... Your game is over... I'll have my own sweet time torturing you before ending your life", Rizzo said indicating about finding the moles among his men.

"Good luck then", Abhyansh gave a snarky remark... He tried to help him, he even hinted saying they couldn't even figure out the problem yet but if his enemy was too egoistic to take his advice then it wasn't his problem... Abhyansh shrugged...

"You'll kill him and I'm happy about it, but the thing that's pinching my heart is his Rani sa", Neil said walking inside, throwing a smirk at Abhyansh...

"You bas***d...", Abhyansh screamed, lunging at him, he was left free but around him were tens of men holding guns at him but he cared the least, hearing Neil Singhania talk about his wife got him furious... That man was partially responsible for his inhumane behavior towards his wife, he wouldn't leave him for it ever...

Tens of bulky men guarding him had to hold him back from lunging at Neil.

"Calm down BEAST", Marcus told Abhyansh, throwing a glare at Neil Singhania but would he care, no. That man was as shameless.

"You shouldn't be so aggressive, I'm just worried about your sweet wife, she wouldn't look good in a white saree without vermillion, widow face doesn't suit her... how about I get her re-married to my son", Neil Singhania said, and that's it... Abhyansh lost it...

He broke out of the men's clutches and slapped the old man hard on his face. Unable to hold the intensity, the Neil fell on the floorwith blood oozing out of his lip, Abhyansh held his neck choking him with his one palm while the other was fisted and indulged in handling the men who tried to stop him... Abhyansh's grip on Neil's neck didn't loosen even when tens of men were pulling him, he was called beast for not only his actions but for his physical strength as well. His maddening rage only fueled his vile grip... The men were able to pull him but his vile grip on the old man remained.

"BEAST... let him go...", Marcus said from behind but did nothing to separate Abhyansh from him because he knew that would be futile...

Neil's eyes rolled back as if he was struggling hard to stay alive. The oxygen supply was cut off and he wouldn't be surprised even if his larynx and pharynx were damaged permanently.

"Talk about my wife again and I would chop your son into pieces in front of your eyes and stuff them in your throat", Abhyansh said coldly, his tone ruthless and by his stern expressions, he knew he meant every word he uttered.

"BEAST... he would die", Marcus said and that brought Abhyansh out of his rage, he decided to leave him as he had some other plans for Neil Singhania, he couldn't let him die without suffering much. With that thought, his grip loosened and soon he left him free and Neil collapsed on the floor gasping for oxygen.

Marcus called for the doctor at the base immediately and he was there within the next 20 minutes and treated him, till then theexpert men gave first aid to Neil to keep him alive. Abhyansh made his own calculations with that, if the doctor took 20 minutes to reach there, the base would be at max 10 minutes away from the place he was kept. He heard the chopper sound when the doctor arrived so he was sure they had to travel by air. He planned to escape from there by killing or injuring everyone guarding him, he would reach the base before more assistance reached from the base but that plan would be fruitful only if his men were already present in all the bases that belonged to the enemy.

It was impossible for Khan to decipher the total number of bases and their locations, it could only be done by Bhairav, but how would Bhairav know that Khan would know anything at all ? Abhyansh himself took measures to hide his meetings with Khan in order to keep Bhairav away from the truth regarding Ilir's death.

Abhyansh couldn't understand what to do now to guarantee his win, he just hoped he would succeed in defeating the men at the base as well, but if thought practically, no matter his extreme capabilities, defeating or even fighting with a battalion of armed men with no arms or weapons at hand was a hard task and Abhyansh had no choice of succumbing. No, he cannot die and let his wife live with that grief for life, he knew she would be shattered and she might even succumb, even the thought scared him. What about his family ? God, his brother was soft, no doubt he was a good businessman but not ruthless. If something were to happen to him, he could trust his wife to handle the family, his grandmother to guide them, his brother and brother-in-law tohandle his business, and Bhairav and John to protect his family but who would handle his wife? No one could and with this conclusion, Abhyansh knew he had to fight this war and win it no matter what.


Isha walked to her husband's cabin on the first floor and soon Ranveer, Avyan, Bhairav, John, and Bharat joined her. She massaged her forehead as it started throbbing heavily with the things that were taking place around her. It's been 4 days yet they couldn't figure out her husband's whereabouts, now she started worrying about his state...

"The local government had started their game... We need to tackle this soon Rani sa", John said

"I'm surprised at their audacity to come here and accuse us, even in Rana sa's absence, I didn't think anyone is capable of doing it, Rana sa created walls so strong that no one could break them", Isha expressed her doubts...

"They have been like this always Rani sa... The majority of the ruling party members belonged to royal families and they craved the respect people gave Hukum, but they never succeeded... This was one of their dirty moves to malign Hukum's name", Bhairav explained...

"I won't let them succeed though", Isha said, Ranveer raised his brows at his sister... If his sister so confidently declared she wouldn't let them succeed, then he was sure she must have hada plan, so he waited for her to vocalize it... "People... ", Isha said and Bhairav looked at her with wide eyes getting what she was planning... Isha wanted to spread the news regarding the games played by the ruling government to malign and destroy their beloved king. She knew the people loved Abhyansh and respected him a lot, they would never tolerate such plotting against him.

"Forgive me Your Highness but Maharaj didn't like involving people in these games...", Bhairav said, Isha knew her husband was against using people's emotions for his benefit. Even, she wasn't in favor of doing it but they didn't have a choice now, and she would do anything to protect what her husband had built with his sweat and blood... He protected his empire from getting blackspot in all these years, and she wouldn't let anyone malign his and his company's image in his absence now.

"You think I like going against Rana sa's principles Bhairav ? But we have no choice now... I can't let R Empire's reputation be tarnished, this firm provides employment and livelihood to millions. Rana sa doesn't like taking people's help because he is capable of dealing with things in his way without anyone's support but I can't especially in this situation", Isha said and Bhairav lowered his head in sorrow hearing Isha's words, he didn't like Isha's words for herself, their queen was extremely capable and how she concealed her pain and handled the family, people and the empire in these 4 days was enough proof for it. He always had immense respect for her and it only multiplied tenfold during this time.

"Forgive me Rani sa...", Bhairav said, Isha shook her head with a small smile seeing his loyalty for her husband that he didn't hesitate to oppose her on her face.