"We need to talk to Chairman Abhyansh Singh Ranawat", the director, Mr. Chakraborty said storming into the R Empire space.
"His Royal Highness is on a business trip, unfortunately, he won't be able to meet you Mr. Chakraborty", John said. As soon as the security at the gate informed him about their arrival, John along with the immediate staff of Abhyansh came to the first floor. State agency or Central, none has the power to enter Abhyansh's office at the top floor until he allowed, so John decided to deal with these people on the first floor. "Let's go in and discuss this", John suggested but the director outright rejected John's proposal.
"Let the employees of R Empire also know what their boss has been doing to create all this wealth", Mr. Chakraborty said, and that fumed Isha, how dare he speak about her husband like that ? She wasn't stupid, she knew why they were here now and what was their motive. Her husband might not have told her in detail about his vast empire but he sure gave her brief about every sector major or minor, so she had an idea of everything.
"Innocent until proven guilty, and alleging an innocent with such harsh words doesn't suit your dignity Mr. Chakraborty", Isha said walking forward.
Ranveer and Avyan came there followed by Bhairav hearing about the commotion.
"You are ?", Mr. Chakraborty asked, his tone polite but he sure tried to be nonchalant and ignorant though his internal fear for the BEAST didn't let him sound harsh with the queen. He knew who she was.
"Rani sa...", Bhairav stepped in to give a proper introduction of Isha and also threw a punch or two at the man for being rude to the queen but Isha stopped Bhairav with a polite smile.
"Isha Abhyansh Singh Ranawat... Like John suggested, let's go inside and discuss this...", Isha said but no, that man was adamant, he demanded to see the financial records, ledgers, and everything. With his each word, he tried to intimidate Isha a lot but she remained calm shocking everyone, they thought she would break considering all the allegations the department officials were putting on Abhyansh and the whole family. At onepoint, Ranveer and Avyan thought of involving themselves but Isha stopped them signing them with her eyes.
"Hm... seems like you have a lot on your plate... No problem, please go ahead with your probing, our staff will be happy to help you with it. But, yeah make sure you are not rude to them... The top management made sure every employee got their deserved respect, especially Rana sa and he wouldn't like it if you people disrespect his staff, especially in hisabsence", she stressed the absence word so that they understood that she knew why they were here. Two can play this game and now she would see how they find any evidence to throw dirt on her husband's reputation.
They walked away, they searched for the whole day but couldn't find a single paper they could use against Abhyansh.
"We want to interrogate you Mrs. Ranawat", The director finally said
"That's enough, How dare you say that to Rani sa ?", Bhairav fumed shielding Isha...
"Bhairav, it's okay... let them do their job but before that...", she started, turning to the officer who dared to say that... "Show me the evidence that it's your job that you are doing", she asked indirectly asking for orders to interrogate her.
She knew they didn't have any, though they had an idea of her husband's missing, they wouldn't dare to officiallyissue permission to take her into custody, Ranawats were too powerful for anyone to touch them and Isha knew it very well.
The whole staff was in shock at the audacity of the officers to talk to Isha in such a way. After some talks, they left there promising to return with the orders and Isha responded with a sassy remark saying 'Happy to help always' which further fumed them.
After they left, Ranveer and Avyan asked if they should talk to the central authorities but Isha refused, she wanted to see how far they go.
"I so wanted to destroy them Bhabhi ma, how dare they question you", Avyan asked
"Leave them to your bhai sa Avyan, he will take care of it", Isha replied calmly and left for her workplace followed by her colleagues, everyone followed suit.
"I didn't expect you to be that confident and brave with a state-level agency director...", Ragini told Isha... She thought she would have gotten frightened, especially at how intimidated they sounded. Isha would have but the confidence that she had in her husband that he would protect her even when he was far away filled her with courage.
"I would have got scared but when I thought of what my man is capable of, fear was replaced by pity for those men", Isha said confidently... Ragini nodded with a smile... It was true... Abhyansh Singh Ranawat could become a scary BEAST ifsomeone even thought of hurting his wife and here these people crossed too many lines.
Filling his face with blood, bruises all over the body, blood oozing out from every cell of his body, making cuts all over torturing the BEAST by giving all kinds of physical pain to him... That's what his enemies thought of doing to him when they first planned to capture Abhyansh Singh Ranawat, the man who controls more than half of the globe and maintains a very good relationship with the rest of it. They thought of having the upper hand after having him at their mercy but it didn't take much time before they realized how wrong they were.
In front of them, there sat Abhyansh Singh Ranawat with his signature confidence not wavering even for a second. It had been 4 days since he was captured by his enemies, he did not have his weapons with him, no gun, no sword, not even a single thing to defend himself yet he sat there on the chair crossing his legs one over the other like a king he is without a tinge of fear or uncertainty. He still looked so much in control and that had made his foes burn in jealousy and fume in anger but did he care ? Absolutely no f**ks given in turn he enjoyed it.
Though he was captured by them, they couldn't harm even his hair strand, they so wanted to kill him but were they capable of it ? Honestly, he was disappointed with his foes, he didn't expect them to turn this stupid, did they think they could kill him ? Him ? He pitied their naivety. He was the kind of man who thinks for at least next 1-2 decades before investing bulk in any business, did they really think that such a man wouldn't have thought about his own safety and the probable threats that would be mounted on his head ? A careful and clever person would anticipate the dangers and create backups for worst-case scenarios, but he was an ultra-smart man, he not only had backups for the worst-case scenarios but also devised plans to divulge the worst-case scenarios and that's how he got control of the whole situation despite being in his enemy's territory.
-------- 4 Days Ago --------
When Abhyansh's own men backstabbed him, he got a clear picture of the whole thing. All of them backstabbing him wasn't expected by him, it did come as a shock, because some of them were very loyal to him, but if his rivals got even his most loyal men to backstab him, he understood their network was much more than he was aware of, and the mad desire to take them all at once doubled, till then he was thinking of getting his hands on just Neil Singhania but after this, he wanted to take down everyone and end this fiasco for once and all. His initial plan was to go with them, letting them think that the ball was in their court. They threw a trap called Neil Singhania to capture the BEAST, they thought it would lure the BEAST into their net and Abhyansh knew it very well, so he let them think so.
Just when he was about to play his part, he got to know about the attack on his family, and that broke his resolve to end his enemies. He tossed away his plans and immediately left for the airport to leave for Ajmer telling Mr. Khan. And that's where things went south, his foes took control of the whole airport and that's when he realized that the president of the European nation he was in, whom he just met a day prior was ousted a few hours ago and a new regime was established. He understood it was a very big trap laid to end BEAST's dominance and his family's existence. In fact, it was the biggest trap laid for him in his whole life, he was sure there were multiple governments' hands in this as well and he very well knew who they were as well. Most of the ruling, as well as opposition parties in most of the countries across the globe, favored him, there was no doubt about it but there were a couple of countries who antagonized him too, But would he be called a BEAST if he didn't learn from his mistakes, this might be the worst trap and the worst attack on him and his family in his entire life but he wouldn't let the consequences of this turn worst because he wasn't the same Abhyansh Singh Ranawat who didn't hold much power to defend himself and his family from deadly and treacherous attacks decades ago, he changed, now he was the BEAST and he didn't know what was defeat. His strategies never fail, he wouldn't let them.
Abhyansh had a plan in mind but before executing it, he needed to know if his family was safe. He badly wanted to leave for Ajmer, to take his wife in his arms, to console his family, to calm his mother's panic attacks, he was sure she might be havingthem if she didn't see him after the attack. His mother developed this kind of fear after his sister's death, after an attack or even the thought of it, she needed to see her children in front of her eyes, otherwise, she would suffer an attack. Though he kept his distance from his mother, he always had an eye on her health report.
And his Rani sa ? He knew she might be acting so brave and he knew she wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice herself to save any of his family members, and that's what was expected from the queen but what about his wife ? No, he wasn't ready for even a scratch on her... He was hell scared, furious over his foes for even thinking of harming his wife... Damn! they are so dead, the wildness he was trying to hide within himself was unleashing with every passing minute. He wanted to go to them but he knew his foes took the whole control of the airport and he couldn't leave it now. He hated for his miscalculations, damn! his emotions, as soon as he got to know about the attack, he lost his mind and the only thought was to see his wife and take her in his arms, console her and his family, and those emotions overpowered his rational self and that was why he was now stuck in airport.
He called Mr. Khan, and through him, he got in touch with his spies, he had them across the globe and he developed such a fine network that he was now sure they might know about his family's condition despite the seclusion the back palace had. He believed in his wife's abilities, he was sure she might have succeeded in saving the whole family but he couldn't be at peace until he heard it.