"Sharah would carry you to the palace door with her mouth", Isha said shocking Pratap...

"Are you out of your mind, it's better to get killed by a bullet than this wild animal", Pratap said

"It won't eat you, trust me, it won't harm you... It would just carry you", Isha said but Pratap wasn't convinced...

"Fine... Veera and I will help you get on Sharah's back, could you hold it properly ?", Isha asked and Pratap nodded with fear in his eyes... he knew he didn't have a choice.

Isha gave specific orders to Veera and then she tried to lift Pratap and Veera instantly helped her, Sharah too helped by bending... Veera's paws hurt Pratap but he could do nothing now... Thanks to his son, they all were vaccinated.

"Hold tightly Sasur sa", Isha said and Pratap nodded... "Sharah... slowly... okay ?", Isha instructed, acting with her hands to make Sharah understand her words... Sharah acknowledged his Rani sa with a low growl and ran towards the entrance of the back palace.

Isha and Veera followed... The men soon found them and on spotting Isha they tried to get hold of her, but thanks to Veera they were unsuccessful but they did manage to hurt her, her hands got hurt by their knives which got the BEAST Veera into action... He injured the men despite Isha's protests... After the fight, Isha and Veera entered the back palace and Isha instantly closed the door and locked it from inside...

She ran inside and checked for Amruta, Devyani, and Avyan... They all were pacing worried for her while Pratap was sitting leaning against a pillar, there was no worry, not because he didn't care for Isha, he did, after what she did, he had to... After seeing her courage and her presence of mind, he was sure she would be safe, she would survive this...

On seeing all of them safe, Isha leaned her head to the pillar and sat down, and then tears of agony flew from her eyes... She was terrified by theupheaval that took place... She could have lost all of them... Oh God! She had to contact her brother... She had to... What if he comes to the palace and these men get hold of him ? She knew he was in Jaipur with Ragini yet she was extremely worried... Like Avyan was home while she thought he was in office, what if her brother too came there?

She called her brother through her mobile, she knew no one could put jammers in the back palace since they did not even have an idea of its location or access. Thankfully, Ranveer picked up the call and he was in Jaipur. Isha updated him about the whole ordeal and asked him to stay where he was. She told him that they all were safe and she was trying to contact Abhyansh.

Ranveer suggested they all switch off their phones as they could be tracked. If those men were able to break the tight security arranged by Abhyansh, they were capable of much more and Ranveer didn't want them to track them in any way. So, Isha obliged. Ranveer said he would meet them when everything would be cleared, he also assured her that he would get in touch with Abhyansh and let him know that his family was safe.

After he hung up, Ranveer took deep breaths and his eyes reddened with anger and concern...

"What's wrong Veer ?", Ragini asked placing her palm on his...

"There was an attack on Ranawat's palace, there were approximately 100 men, but thankfully Isha and the other family members are safe", Ranveer said rubbing his temples...

"Oh my God! Let's call Maharaj immediately", Ragini said and Ranveer nodded... The distress could be clearly seen on his face... God! he hated himself for not being there with his sister. He shouldn't have listened to her and come on a date to Jaipur with Ragini.

"I need to call Ranawat, I'll be back, by then, call R Hotel and book two rooms for us", Ranveer said and walked away. He couldn't go to Ranawat palace nor Rajput palace as the men might search for him there. Abhyansh's hotel was the next nearest destination for him to stay near to his sister yet far from their reach.

He called Nandini and informed them of the situation. They left the Rajput palace immediately to a safe place. Ranveer tried reaching out to Abhyansh but he wasn't picking up his phone. He tried Bhairav but his phone was switched off. He called the next in line for the security but none picked up their phones.

Ranveer sensed something terribly wrong and he started his background investigation immediately. He just prayed for his brother-in-law's safety. If something happened to him, the whole family would be destroyed, especially his sister would be devastated. God! He can't even imagine his BEAST of a brother-in-law in any danger.

He mentally chided himself for even thinking so. BEAST was known for being a danger to others, there was absolutely zero probability of him being in danger, Ranveer convinced himself.

He activated all his spies and they gave him a secured route to reach Ajmer R hotel. Ranveer and Ragini reached the hotel soon and he informed the higher authorities, soon Government security and army personnel cleared the space and took the leftover men into custody. It took them two days to certify the place safe and only after that, Ranveer was allowed to Ranawat palace to meet his sister.

He and Ragini walked to the back palace but he asked Ragini to stay in the alley and not come inside but Ragini was stubborn, so he let her in. He knew she would be terrified to see the beasts his brother-in-law petted all these years.

No, they were not beasts, they were his brother-in-law's brothers.

"Don't get scared or shout if you see a lion or tiger inside", Ranveer said, Ragini rolled her eyes thinking he was joking like always.

"Ishu... bacha... Bhayyu is here", Ranveer made a sound and soon he heard his sister's anklets sound, and he saw her running towards him embracing him in a tight hug...

"Bhai... Thank god, you are fine, I was so scared for you", Isha said sobbing...

"Thank god you are fine bacha, I'm so sorry I wasn't there with you", Ranveer said wiping her tears, but then he heard the growling sound that startled Ragini. Soon she was screaming in fear seeing Sharah and Veera.

"Sh... Ragini don't be scared, it's okay... They won't do anything...", Isha said softly before turning to her brother... "You didn't tell her ?", She asked Ranveer.

"I did... It's her who didn't take me seriously", Ranveer said earning a glare from Ragini and Isha.

Ranveer met others as well and all of them moved to sit in the hall.

"Sharah... Veera... Go in", Isha said and they followed her orders surprising Ragini. Her soft friend was capable of handling a lion and a tiger ? God! All this was like a dream... And then she was looking at the magnificent hall of the back palace. This was much grander than the main palace the Ranawats resided in. The decor illustrated the rich history of the Ranawats.