"You know exactly how to welcome me Khan Saab", Abhyansh said surprising Mr. Khan... Abhyansh addressed him 'Khan saab' very rarely, only in two conditions... One when he wasextremely mad, or else extremely pleased with him, and by his tone, Mr. Khan could easily guess it was the latter emotion.
"I'm glad you are pleased Maharaj", Khan said as if the three men weren't bleeding from every part of their body right there "They are the people who are left alive with the knowledge of Ilir's actual demise", Khan said, his tone turning from amusement to serious, when it came to work. Abhyansh acknowledged his statement with a nod.
Ilir Dervishi, the cause of Abhyansh Singh Ranawat's only lie. His death occurred almost two decades ago, that's what he made the world believe in, for the sake of Bhairav. When Bhuvan was killed during the attacks on Ranawat palace, Bhairav vowed to not touch a single morsel until he ended all the perpetrators of his brother and Abhyansh killed every single human mercilessly, he was a wounded lion hungry for revenge and he hunted each one responsible for the destruction except for Ilir Dervishi, one of the masterminds of the attack was roaming free, he was hidden in such a place that was taking time for Abhyansh to track him down, but unfortunately, Bhairav's health started deteriorating, and after losing Bhuvan, Abhyansh refused to let Bhairav go, so he did what he despised all his life, he lied to him that Ilri Dervishi died.
A week after that, he pinned him down. He would have killed him after torturing him for a few days if he had found him a week prior but the fact that he made the BEAST lie to his most trusted man Bhairav made him furious and as always his fury turned his foes into ashes and the same happened with Ilir, he was torturedfor about 2 decades before he was burnt alive along with the building that had seen and heard his painful moans for years.
Abhyansh wouldn't have let him die even then but Ilir's partners after searching for decades finally found proof that he wasn't dead and Abhyansh couldn't let this news reach Bhairav even as a rumor, so he ended his life followed by all his partners who found the proof, except for these three, he couldn't kill them as they have responsibilities to fulfill. One man had his daughter's wedding scheduled, another one's wife was on deathbed, and another man's pregnant & widowed daughter had only him(her father) in the name of family.
If he was the same man he was before his wife entered his life, he would have killed them the very moment he found them, but the empathy his wife brought out in him didn't allow him to do so. Hence, he waited for the right moment, he ordered his men to bring the first man after his daughter's wedding, the second after his wife took her last breath peacefully, and the third man after his daughter gave birth. The three men sure were sinners but unfortunately, he couldn't punish their families since they were innocent, so he did what he could. There was no way his wife would know about it but even then, he wouldn't want to do something that would disappoint her. He loved her too much to cause any kind of negative emotions to her.
The familiar and painful ache made its home in his heart, the pain of guilt and regret for how he treated his wife, how he punished her brutally for her parent's sins, especially her father's sins. A new rule of not punishing innocents added to hislist of values he wouldn't dodge even when he was at an inch distance from death. Only if he had this prior, he wouldn't have hurt his wife ever, the agonizing physical and mental pain he gave to his wife and the deeds he did to her were unforgivable, he couldn't face himself many times, and he knew he deserved this pain throughout his life, and that was why he never let his wife comfort him, he knew he deserved the ache and much more than that and no matter what she believed, he was determined to face it. His brain started to recollect some things in support of his actions but he quickly shut it with a clear warning... What he did to his wife was a sin, there was no debate about it, nothing would justify it he warned his head for once and all.
"End their lives, Khan... Tonight", Abhyansh said and got up suddenly, surprising Mr. Khan. He thought Abhyansh would enjoy torturing these men but he got up and ordered their killing instead.
"Maharaj...", Zahid Shah Khan started but one look from Abhyansh was enough to close his mouth. "Yes Your Highness, will let you know soon after the job is done", Khan said, Abhaynsh gave a curt nod and left from there...
On his way, he called his wife, his heart carried an unsettling but always-existing pain whenever he was reminded of the torture he did to her.
"Rana sa... I was just thinking about you", her cheerful tone greeted him...
"Hm...", he said waiting for her to say more as he wanted to listen to her, just listen to her. His agony didn't let him talk much, one she would sense it from his tone that he was hurting, two he didn't know what to do except to hear her.
"Are you fine ? What's wrong ?", she asked, she could sense the cold aura... Sh*t, she sensed it even if he didn't utter a word.
"I just want to hear you, tell me about your day Rani sa", he asked, she sensed the heaviness in his tone but refrained from commenting on it, she knew he would get fine by hearing her so she started narrating her day and what all she did, and soon his heart lightened and a small smile formed in his lips...
"I miss you Isha...", he said and she was startled to hear him, well she knew he missed her a lot, but it was just a day since he traveled and as far as she knew her husband, he didn't like expressing his feelings much, especially about how much he missed her.
"Hm...", She said analyzing the situation...
"What Hm ? Don't you miss me ?", he asked, she imagined the deep frown on his face and the desire to tease him arouse...
"Well... It's just a day since you have gone there Rana sa, moreover, I don't have time to miss you, Avyan, Ma, and I are discussing things", she said
"Avyan? Aren't angry with him ?", he asked, how did his wife's anger melt away so soon ? If it were him or his brother-in-law(Ranveer) she would have definitely stayed mad for at least a week while his brother gets the leverage to do anything he pleases and get away with it. He sympathized with himself and Ranveer for the absolute partiality Isha showed but soon a kind of bitterness filled his brain for having sympathy for his idiotic brother-in-law.
"Well, I'm a bit upset, but I can't stop talking with him for it", she said and he opened his mouth wide, thankfully it was just a phone call and not a video call otherwise she would have taunted him for that as well but he couldn't help his expression. What did she mean by 'she can't stop talking with him(Avyan) for it', that is what she always did with him(Abhyansh)... "and moreover we have lots of work to complete for the Roka, your job is done by just passing orders but we have to work hard to ensure in-time completion otherwise you will have our head", she taunted him...
"Looks like Rani sa has a lot of complaints against me hm ?", he said, his tone turning husky, shivers passed through her spine...
"N.No...", her lips quivered at his intensity... she took a deep breath before warning him... "Don't do this to me Rana sa, especially not when you are so far away", she complained again and he chuckled, he loved when his wife expressed her desire and longing for him.
"hm... I'll end all this soon and come to you...", he said and she hummed...
"Okay... go home, freshen up, and call me after you are done with your prayers, I'll guide you", she said and he groaned... His wife will now guide him to prepare breakfast, he had to dismiss his staff again as he can't afford to let them see that and she understood his problem...
"No need to disperse your staff... Don't be so egoistic, let them see you cooking, what's the issue ?", she spoke... She knew it wasn't ego but she sometimes liked to push his buttons, not always did she like playing the Good Wife.
"They feel I'm a beast and I can't have emotions, I would like to keep it that way", he said his tone turning cold... She knew it, but she also knew they would feel so no matter what but she didn't say it, her husband is rigid in some things and she accepted him that way, but that doesn't mean she wouldn't try changing that but she wouldn't force him either.
"Hm... call me after you freshen up", she said and hung up... He sighed closing his eyes to get a few seconds of peace but it evaporated as soon as he realized the man who dared to piss him in recent times, the man who was behind the destruction he caused to his wife, The man, Neil Singhania was still out there, free as a bird living his life to the fullest and even that thought made him bubble in fury.
'Do not think about it now, just don't...' Abhyansh told himself in his head several times, as he knew he would be unable to control his fury if he remembered those bizarre yet infuriating encounters he started having right after his marriage. He neededto communicate with his wife in a while and if he was furious, she would know it in a wink. It's almost impossible for the world to decode his emotions but not for his wife. She was an expert in that.
He reached his mansion, freshened up, and after his prayers, he called his wife and she guided him, she gave him company while he had his food chatting with her.
After that, she guided him through the afternoon meal preparation, and only after that did she go to sleep while various thoughts evaded him, but he soon surpassed them and got back to his work in Europe, hunting his enemies and destroying them.