Amruta and Isha talked to Ragini to ease her worries and she got comfortable but as soon as the Beast walked in, he brought the cold aura with him, and everyone felt that his cold aura was stronger today. Ragini cursed her fate thinking they came there on a day when the king's mood was bad, but Ranveer knew his brother-in-law would behave the same way whenever he would have brought Ragini.
"Maharaj...", Ragini stood up greeting him, Ranveer followed, He looked into Abhyansh's eyes and on finding the glint of mischief in his brother-in-law's eyes, he sighed deeply, theBEAST was gonna play with him today, he got it by now. Amruta left from there to the kitchen to arrange snacks for them.
"Ranawat...", Ranveer cleared his throat before continuing... "So, this is Ragini, my partner and I would...", Ranveer started but Abhyansh interrupted him.
"I thought Vikram was your partner Rajput...", Abhyansh said, there was no hint of humor in his tone so Ragini is startled but Isha and Ranveer understood what he was doing...
"She is my girlfriend and I want to marry her Ranawat...", Ranveer said quickly...
"Oh! Are you sure you want to marry him ?", Abhyansh asked Ragini sternly... He wanted to intimidate her and she was actually getting intimidated, and it came as a surprise to Ranveer and Isha who knew her fierce personality...
"Y...Yes Maharaj...", Ragini answered...
"This man here is not reliable Ms. Shah... You still have chance, think about it clearly... Marriage is a big decision, I think you should take some time and decide it with a clear mind", Abhyansh said seriously... Ragini's seemed like she fell into deep thinking. Ranveer glared at her and Abhyansh simultaneously...
"Really ? You are having second thoughts, listening to him ?", Ranveer said, getting pissed. Abhyansh smirked and Ragini noticed this and got the whole picture, she already had an ideaof the bitter-sweet relationship between the brothers-in-law, so she decided to play along.
"Yes, Maharaj... I'll think thoroughly, thank you", Ragini answered Abhyansh ignoring Ranveer's words...
"What ?? Hello, excuse me, you had the option to say 'No', but that expired now... Don't even think about it", Ranveer said
"Bhai... shhh...", Isha tried to calm her brother down...
"Say this to your husband... 'Rana sa... shhh', tell this to him, he needs it very badly", Ranveer told his sister... Abhyansh raised his brow at Ranveer's impatience.
"Bhai... calm down, Rana sa is kidding", Isha said
"No, I'm not... I can't watch you spoiling a girl's life, definitely not my wife's best friend Rajput", Abhyansh said coldly... For a second Ragini thought he was being serious...
"Rana sa...", Isha slapped his arm glaring at him, and that's when a soft smirk appeared on his face that turned into a smug look as soon as he turned towards Ranveer.
"Fine...", Abhyansh said to his wife...
"Now you too, answer with an 'yes', fast", Ranveer commanded Ragini. Ragini rolled her eyes but answered with an 'Yes'.
"Thank you for your concern Maharaj... But, now that I have signed up for this disaster for my life, I can't back out now", Ragini said sadly...
"You have my sympathies, Let me know if you need any help in disaster management", Abhyansh told Ragini...
Isha is surprised to see her husband's humorous side with Ragini, well, he teases her and her brother, but this whole conversation with Ragini did came as a surprise to the Rajput siblings, well for Isha it was a pleasant surprise, but can't say the same for Ranveer who is fuming looking at the both of them.
"Ragini doesn't need but can't say the same about Isha, not just help, my sister needs a complete course on disaster management since you are not just a disaster but a destroyer...", Ranveer said, Isha shook her head at their banter...
"Sure,I'll destroy your life first", Abhyansh said glaring at Ranveer.
"Ranawat...", Ranveer started but stopped seeing Amruta walking towards them followed by house staff with snacks and coffee and tea with them.
Abhyansh stood up buttoning up his coat and looked at Isha...
"Rani sa... Get me a coffee, I'll be in my study", he said and she nodded with confusion, as he didn't confirm anything about Ragini and Ranveer and Abhyansh understood her unasked question.
"Ms. Shah, ask your parents to come and talk to me", Abhyansh said before walking away from there...
Isha jumped in happiness hugging her brother and Ragini. Amruta quickly dispersed the staff and hugged Isha with a wide smile but calming her as well...
"Hehe sorry ma, I got very excited", Isha apologized for forgetting the decorum and jumping in happiness. She looked behind to see her husband walking towards his study. She looked at him to see if he was upset. She cursed herself for not containing her excitement and jumping in front of the staff. A queen is supposed to conceal all her emotions and react in a composed manner in any time.
Abhyansh knew his wife was waiting to know his opinion, he can feel her stares though his back was facing her. So he stopped walking and turned to her, he blinked his eyes with a soft nod, and walked away. Isha sighed in relief and smiled widely. Her husband wa okay with it, rest all opinions don't matter to her.