"As I already told you, We are here to ask for Anshi for our Avyan", Isha said and looked at her husband waiting for him to add something but he stayed silent observing everything with his eagle eyes. Isha is tensed about his reaction. Anshi's parents expressed how delighted they were to have them in their house and all that but still neither Abhyansh said anything nor Rajmata. Ranveer was carefully gauging Abhyansh's expressions. Anshi's parents started getting worried seeing the silence.
"Rana sa...", Isha nudged her husband, seeing the worried glances of Anshi's father and almost tears of Anshi's mother.
"I would want to talk to your daughter alone", Abhyansh said and stood up...
"Yes Maharaj...", Anshi's father Mahesh nodded leading him to a confined place while Anshi's mother Subhadra went inside to inform Anshi and take her there.
Isha looked worriedly at Ranveer who calmed his sister but he himself was concerned. Even Anshi's parents are fretting about all this but they didn't have enough courage to question the king so they did what he asked them to.
Anshi walked in, she was literally shivering even in the presence of the beast.
"Sit...", Abhyansh said before she could announce her presence... She couldn't sit in front of the king, she wanted to say that to him but she couldn't form any words.
"Sit", he repeated again, and this time she had to speak... Otherwise, it was a clear disrespect to the king which she couldn't dare to do.
"I am fine Maharaj... Thank you", she said without fumbling and that did surprise Abhyansh.
Abhyansh waited for some time watching her reaction, as he thought of calling Isha or Rajmata inside if he felt she was uncomfortable in being alone with him, but she seemed fine sohe directly came to the point. All he wanted was clarity that she wasn't in love with some other person while getting married to his brother. One woman with a broken heart destroyed his family and herself enough, he didn't want another woman to do the same to his brother and his family.
Abhyansh came to the point directly, he asked about her relationship with her ex-fiance. His question perplexed her but it didn't take her a second to start answering his question, and that's a testament that she wasn't emotionally attached to that person because if she was, she would have prepared herself mentally before answering him. She told him how it was arranged and she agreed to it. She had hardly spoken to him twice or thrice.
With a little discussion, Abhyansh got the clarity he required. He had one last question in his head which he asked her.
"Why did you agree to marry Prince Avyan Singh Ranawat ?", Abhyansh asked
"For Respect Maharaj...", Anshi answered without any hesitation... "My parents had faced a lot of disrespect in the past few months, I want to regain it", she added, her honest answer impressed Abhyansh.
She didn't worry that Abhyansh would think her reason to be selfish, she wanted to be truthful and she would do that no matter what. Abhyansh nodded at her and walked out.
Rajmata and Isha looked at Abhyansh with anticipation, his facial expressions gave them his answer, Isha sighed in relief.
"We'll do the Roka in the coming month", Abhyansh announced, Mahesh and Subhadra smiled widely with happiness. "And the marriage will happen 2 years later", he declared, their smiles dimmed, 2 years were too long to wait...
Isha looked at her husband with wide eyes, so this was his plan, he wanted to delay the wedding. As on cue, Rajmata opened her mouth to defend why they wanted it 2 years later, and after her logical explanation and the strength in her tone didn't let anyone question her. So, this was what the grandmother-grandson planned, Isha thought to herself. Ranveer glared at Abhyansh for using him...
After finalizing things, all of them left from there. Avyan paced to & fro waiting for his family's return. They walked in and Avyan rushed to his mother and Isha to know about it. Abhyansh cleared his throat, glaring at his brother for his excitement. Looking at the sad faces of Amruta and Isha, he imagined the worse, he contained his curiosity feeling his brother's sharp gaze.
"Sorry bhai sa...", Avyan muttered...
"Avyan... your marriage is finalized with Anshi... We'll do 'Roka' in the coming month and...", Isha trailed, Avyan got so happy, if his brother wasn't present there, he would have jumped in happiness. Abhyansh understood this and walked away from there...
"Thank you bhabhi ma, and ma...", Avyan said hugging Isha and Amruta...
"Avyan... I'm so sorry, Your marriage will be done after 2 years", Isha said
"What ? Why ?", Avyan asked, if everything was finalized then why to wait for 2 years ? "What's the reason bhabhi ma ?", Avyan asked
"I'm the reason", Ranveer said glaring at his brother-in-law's back who already reached the top of the stairs, walking towards his study...
"Huh ?", Avyan gave a confused look... Rajmata shook her head and left from there followed by Pratap.
"Your brother is so good at hitting 2 birds with a stone", Ranveer said clenching his teeth...
"In this case, it's 3 birds Bhai... You, me and Avyan", Isha said and Ranveer nodded...
"Your brother made me the reason for the delay in your marriage so that I feel guilty of it, that's my punishment for trying to save you both, hiding your location, while the delay in the marriage is yours and your bhabhi ma's punishment for taking this decision", Ranveer said
Isha explained how Rajmata cleverly told him that Ranveer was older to Avyan and also was next-in-line for marriage in the family, and even career-wise, there was a lot of improvement forAvyan and only when he achieves it, he would get married, and that takes a minimum of 2 years. Age was also a major factor, and according to the royal family, Avyan was too young to marry, so they needed to wait.