"And he took you away from me Ishu... Trust me, I would have hated any man who would have married you, but I hate Ranawat more", Ranveer said and Isha chuckled

"Bhai... Why do you love me so much ?", Isha asked

"Because you deserve it bacha...", Ranveer answered... "And I know you love me more...", he said and she nodded...

"I do", she answered with a smile...

"You know when you are 9 months old... this small...", Ranveer said showing his hands, and Isha nodded with a smile at her brother who was so cute... "Your aunt and uncle (Nandini and her husband) came to see you... I was sitting beside you playing with you and suddenly your aunt said you are so cute and she would like to take you with her...", Ranveer said, his eyes still holding that fear of someone taking away his sister from him which he had then... "I got so angry and afraid at the same time... I took you in my arms and ran away... bhabhosa, bhabho, your aunt and uncle, my parents, dadi sa, everyone ran behind me afraid I would drop you down and I myself would fall downbut I didn't stop, I took you to a nearby room and locked myself inside... I said I wouldn't come out until your aunt and uncle leave from there, and I actually didn't come out until they left", Ranveer said shocking Isha... He pulled his sister into his embrace fearing she would leave him... Isha hugged her brother tightly stopping her tears... "And this continued till you were 5, I never let your aunt and uncle meet you, I used to run inside a room with you and lock it whenever they visited us", he said

"Then ? how did you stop it ? How did you realize that they were just kidding ?", she asked him curiously

"They came for your 5th birthday, and I did the same, our palace was filled with guests who arrived for your birthday party, but I locked both of us in a room, adamant to not come out until they left, then bhabho came inside with a small cake followed by bhabhosa... They said, it's okay if I don't want to share my sister with any of them, then they made me hold your hand and make you cut the cake...", Ranveer said, Isha's eyes welled up...

"Your sister is yours Veer, We will keep her here with us always...", Amar said to Ranveer

"Acha ? then what would you do when she gets married ?", Pallavi asked

"ghar jamayi...(Son-in-law who stays at wife's place)/ No marriage", Amar & Ranveer said simultaneously...

"Butbhabhosa... Why to get Ishu married ? I don't like any boy near my sister", Ranveer told his uncleseriously

"I know Veer... but what can we do, that's the course of nature, and I want my daughter and son to experience that unconditional love which I did", Amar said caressing Ranveer's and Isha's cheeks...

"Hm... But What if the guy didn't agree to stay here ?", Ranveer asked

"Then we will go to his place and stay... whatever it is, We both can't stay away from Ishu, and your bhabho can't stay away without the three of us so she will follow us", Amar said and Ranveer smirked giving a hi-fi to Amar...

All the four laughed...

"Really ? Did baba actually say that ?", Isha asked and Ranveer nodded...

"He did...", Ranveer said kissing Isha's forehead, he felt very bad for his sister who didn't get to live a loving childhood with her parents despite having such loving parents... Losing your parents at such a tender age is the most difficult part of childhood, his situation was much better as he was old enough to handle the bitter truth, but what about her ? And above all that, the struggles she had to face because of his parents, Ranveer felt indescribable fury on his father.

"And then what happened ? Did you take me outside to my birthday party or not ?", Isha asked and Ranveer smiled

"Yes, Bhabhosa and bhabho made me believe that no one is going to take you away, I trusted them and then took you with me outside, but I didn't leave your hand even for a second, I was still scared", Ranveer said and Isha smiled leaning her head on her brother's shoulder and he ruffled her hair gently...

"Sometimes I feel I don't deserve your love bhai...", Isha said

"Idiot!, Don't think that way... Only you deserve bache... and you loved me more than this, you still do... let me remind you if you don't remember... You were just 3 when you saw me getting sick immediately after eating bottle gourd and from then, you used to cry hard whenever you saw it, until it was thrown away, one-time bhabho tried to resist you since your tantrums were getting worse, but you didn't stop crying even after hours and eventually fell sick, bhabhosa and I weren't home, when we returned back, bhabhosa got very upset seeing you like that and he banned bottle gourd in the house", Ranveer said and her brows raised in surprise...

She didn't get to see bottle gourd in her home until her parents passed away, even after that, whenever her aunt asked her to cook bottle gourd, she used to feel very uneasy and unexplainable dislike towards that vegetable and after she got married and she got the right to cook according to her will, she refrained from cooking it. But, now she understood the reason...

"I still don't like it bhai, and till now, I couldn't figure out the reason, thanks for telling me", Isha said and Ranveer chuckled

"Pagal(mad)", he said flicking her forehead...

"You are mad", Isha said flicking her brother...

"Well, you both are", Abhyansh said from behind startling the siblings...

"From how long are you standing there ?", Ranveer asked while Isha avoided looking at her husband... She was somewhat hurt at the same time was afraid to see the disappointment in his eyes, she felt she was thinking too much but she couldn't help her thoughts after his 'mess up' statement...

"Long enough to support my statement", he said, waiting for his wife to look at him, he knew he might have upset her, he was afraid that she might have cried because of his behavior. He was mad, extremely mad, he left from their room to avoid saying something that could hurt his wife but he eventually did.

"We are not mad", Ranveer said offended by his brother-in-law's accusation...

"Sure, delusion is a substitute for sleeping pill", Abhyansh said making Ranveer fume...