"Damn... I missed this so much...", he said kissing her neck, while Isha tightened her grip on him...

"Rana sa...", Isha let out and her tone expressed her emotions... he broke the hug and took her lips into an intense kiss nibbling her petals with his, chewing and biting them. She hissed in pain and he gently soothed them with his tongue... He reluctantly left her when he sensed her breathlessness...

No one uttered a 'I miss you' but they knew how much they missed each other. Every minute was like hell for the both of them...

"Do you have to leave again ?", she asked with tear-filled her eyes... The thought that he would leave again snatched her peace.

"Sh... there is still some time for it...", He said wiping her tears...

"I'm not ready to stay away from you...", she said

"I know bacha... I know...", he said pulling her into his arms... "Where is my favorite shirt ?", he asked and she smiled nuzzling into his neck...

"I'll make it your most favorite shirt by wearing it tonight", she whispered into his ear, lightly kissing his earlobe...

"Damn... You are very dangerous for my sanity Rani sa", he said and she giggled...

"Freshen up in 5 minutes and come down for dinner", she said moving away from him...

"I don't understand your obsession with 5 minutes", he groaned, he can't freshen up in 5 minutes and walk all the way down to the dining hall.

"It's just a phrase... By 5 minutes, I meant do it as soon as you could", she said and walked away...

He chuckled, freshened up, and walked downstairs. Everyone knew Abhyansh had no idea of Avyan's marriage so they left it for Isha to disclose it to him. Isha decided to tell him after their night, she didn't know what would be his reaction and she wouldn't want to spoil her husband's plan, she knew he needed her more than anything now, and her husband was insatiable for her.

"Welcome back Ranawat...", Ranveer said with a smirk...

"Rajput... You are relieved from your duties from now", Abhyansh said

"That's such a relief Ranawat", Ranveer said faking a relieved sigh...

"Bhai...", Isha said slapping her brother's arm so as not to irritate her husband...

"What ?", Ranveer whisper-yelled at his sister.

"He just returned from a tiresome journey, stop irking him", she said

"Tiresome and he ?", Ranveer said shaking his head. Abhyansh smirked at his brother-in-law but frowned at how Isha talked to him. He understood she forgave him and that didn't go well with him. He decided to show his displeasure to his wife that night.

Everyone soon gathered for dinner... Isha served her husband and then sat for dinner. She sighed in disappointment, if she had known, she would have prepared all her husband's favorite food and he understood her. He signaled her with his eyes that it was okay.

"So... How are the trip and things in Europe ?", Pratap asked shocking everyone...

"Look at your audacity to question me ?", Abhyansh said coldly... How dare he question him ? Everyone in the family shivered hearing that tone...

"Pratap... Eat silently", Devyani Devi said sternly, she understood her son's plan, but he was stupid and didn't know he was calling for his doom by doing this.

Avyan visibly shivered hearing his father's next words...

"I just asked you a question maharaj, and you are getting offended, I wonder how would you react if you knew your wife had fixed your brother's marriage without even consulting you", Pratap said

Isha's and Ranveer's eyes widened while Amruta looked at her husband with tears... Why is he doing all this? Just to avenge for what Isha did to him...

Isha didn't even look at her husband as she was scared of his reaction.

"Rani sa...", Abhyansh said, Isha looked up thinking he was calling her, but his eyes were pinned on his father who was now trying hard to hide his shivering form. "You will address my wife as Rani sa and my brother as Yuvraj...", Abhyansh said calmly in contrast to the emotions that are running inside him. How could she do that ? Why did she do that in the first place ? He knew his wife wouldn't do anything just like that. His inner beast was screaming for a burst out but he is taming him reminding him of the promise he made himself. To stay calm and hear her out completely, he chanted inside.

Pratap's eyes widened at Abhyansh's cool reaction, this wasn't what he was expecting. He was expecting his son to blast at his wife in front of everyone and that would be a tit-for-tat to Isha for insulting him but his plan failed.