"Rana sa... stay put", she said flipping her camera, exiting the closet, and settling on their bed. Abhyansh groaned at her move

"I was looking at you... Why did you flip the camera Rani sa ?", Abhyansh complained

"You can look at me now as well", she said and he glared at her...

"I want a wide angle...", he said, now it's her turn to open her mouth widely at his comment. She understood the unsaid meaning underlying his sentence.

"Rana sa... If you won't stop, I'll hang up", she threatened him...

"Fine... I was missing you in my arms, so just thought to calm myself by flirting with you, but no... you are such a mood spoiler", he complained making her giggle.

"Don't act cute... It gets difficult for me, You are not the only one craving...", she said and he smirked and was about to comment something flirty but she interrupted him... "Tell me something... Are you eating well ?", Isha asked and Abhyansh sighed deeply... He can't lie and he can't tell the truth either...

"Can we talk something else ?", He asked and She glared at him...

"Rana sa... The irritation on your face is quite visible which appears only when you won't have a proper meal...", she said,he is trying very hard to conceal his mood so that his wife wouldn't worry but she knows, like always, she knows... A small smile formed on his lips... "Now tell me, why aren't you eating properly ?",

"The food is tasteless...", he answered, displeasure visible on his face...

"Okay, but I prepared everything needed for a proper meal Rana sa... They just have to cut vegetables and cook... I called them and instructed the procedure and set the menu as well... Then what went wrong ?", she asked him... Even before her husband's plane landed in Europe, she called the chefs and instructed them on the necessary things to prepare a proper meal for her husband. From then on, she coordinated with them for every meal, so she didn't understand what was the problem that her husband hadn't had one proper meal till now.

"They (The chefs) are a bunch of idiots...", he said and Isha rolled her eyes... She knew, it's not their fault as well, her husband is a tantrum king, he wouldn't eat even if his food is cooked for a second more than what was required... "Don't roll your eyes, what would I do if they cooked bad food ?", he said

"Okay... I get it... I'm sure they are a bunch of idiots, but you are not right ? Now go to the kitchen, I'll instruct you, prepare accordingly...", Isha said

"I'm not hungry", Abhyansh said quickly... he is not in the mood to cook and definitely not with his wife supervising him on a video call. He knew she is very careful while cooking food forhim, and she would scold him even if he committed a small mishap and he wasn't ready for that.

"I'll be very patient, trust me, I won't shout at you or scold you... please go to the kitchen... I can't see you like this... You know how I feel knowing you hadn't had one proper meal in 3 days ?", she said, her eyes filled...

"Isha... Sh... calm down bacha... I'm fine...", Abhyansh said but her expression didn't change... "Okay... instruct me, I'll make a meal under my Rani sa's supervision... but before that, give me 5 minutes, let me clear the place first", he said and Isha giggled thinking how conscious he is about his image... He glared at her and that stifled her laugh. He picked up the intercom, asking his security head to instruct all the staff to disperse to their quarters...

His mansion there didn't have a separate kitchen in his room, and he didn't want his staff to see the mighty and ruthless Beast cooking for himself, and getting reprimanded from his wife...

He entered the kitchen, just for safety, he wore his ear pods so that his wife's colorful scolding stayed only till his ears. Isha instructed him and made him cook breakfast and then they moved to lunch. Abhyansh sighed as he knew his wife wouldn't give up.

"Show me the portion exactly, so that I can tell you how much salt to put, even a single granule of extra salt and you wouldn't even touch it, so show me properly", Isha asked her husband...

"Now is it visible clearly ?", he asked sighing for the nth time... His wife is bossing him around too much, not that he isn't enjoying it but he is worried about her sleep, it might be midnight there and she is on phone call with him for the past few hours...

"Yes", she said and then guided him with the procedure and finally he is done with lunch as well... "Now coming to dinner...", she started

"That's it Isha... enough now... I'll save some from lunch for dinner and make Roti(a variety of indian bread) at night", he said and she laughed...

"That's what I was about to say... why are you so irritated... relax... Now go take a bath again, you are sweating profusely with all the hard work you just did... I'll be on hold till you are back", she said

"Sleep bacha... it's so late there...", he said

"No, I'm not getting any sleep until I see you eating content...", she said and he sighed deeply, he knew even if he forced her to hang up and sleep, she is not getting a wink, so he let her, he quickly took bath in 5 minutes and arranged his meal, all this while Isha on video call, he connected her call to the big LED screen in his room, the set up gave the vibe as if she is with him though he still terribly missed her physical presence.

"How is it ?", she asked as soon as he took his first morsel...

"Hm... Edible, better than what those idiots cooked, but not even close to what you make", he said and she glared at him...

"Were you able to eat it without throwing tantrums or not ?", she asked and he sighed but nodded at her... "Good... Now eat...", she said and after he is done with his breakfast, she hung up and had some sleep, while he got some work done. During his lunch, his wife again called him at his usual lunchtime... and he understood she is maintaining a clock according to his time as well.

"I'm just about to have my lunch...", he said softly into the phone while his men muffled the painful screams of his enemies whom he enjoyed torturing...

"Yeah... whatever you are doing, stop it right away and go to the room, ask someone to arrange your lunch in your room, I'm video calling you in 5 minutes", she said and hung up... he smiled to himself at his wife's care...