They are safe here, wouldn't it be much required for Bhairav to be with him instead ? Isha thought. She can't even imagine something happening to her husband, she isn't stupid, she knew Abhyansh is going to handle something very crucial and it has danger lurking around. She prayed for his safety and determined to send Bhairav with Abhyansh.

"Tell me the tentative date at least", she asked and he informed her that he would be leaving in 3-4 days. Her heart hammered with ache at the news of his departure but she stayed strong.

"Can we go for dinner today ?", she asked and he nodded with a smile. He decided to arrange a beautiful dinner date for his wife tonight.

He gave his hotel staff instructions to get the arrangements done according to his wife's taste. He is gonna take her to another one of his hotels as he wants her to explore different places and also know about their business briefly.

The whole day, he worked from home while his wife slept in his arms after having breakfast. She only woke up to have lunch and fell back into slumber. He kissed her head often with love, having her in his arms for the whole day warmed his heart. Heso wanted to wake her up and keep talking to her but didn't as he can see the fatigue on her face.

In the evening, both of them got ready and Isha checked on her mother-in-law once before leaving for dinner with her husband.

As soon as they entered, Isha is surprised to see the place decorated with her favorite flowers, the mild lavendar room freshner soothing her. She held her husband's palm with a hidden child like glee on her face. They walked in and with every step she took the sight got more beautiful and her grip on his palm unknowingly tightened. But when she realized she held her husband's palm in public which as a queen, she is not allowed to, she tried to detach her hand but he tightened his hold on her palm surprising her.

The hotel staff are about to enter the cabin Abhyansh got ready for his wife for them to have a peaceful dinner, but he raised his palm stopping them. They bowed and left from there.

Abhyansh held the door for his wife and Isha walked in followed by her husband. As soon as she entered, the rooftop of the cabin opened and the ballons that filled the room flew away bringing a beautiful view of a candle light dinner set up. Isha cupped her mouth, her eyes shone with happiness and excitement that fluttered Abhyansh's heart who is looking at his wife with folded hands and leaning to the wall. It's as if seeing his wife happy is the biggest motivation in his life.

"Rana sa... This is so beautiful", Isha gasped looking at the sky filled with stars giving the setup a close to nature feeling.

"I'm glad you liked it", he said walking towards her, she leaned on his chest wrapping her hands around his waist...

"Thank you", she said, making surprises, planning dates, purchasing gifts, or wishing for occasions aren't something her husband did, it's so out of character for him but for her he did and that made her happy, and at the same time made her feel guilty for what she did.

"Come sit... Let's have dinner", he said pulling a chair for her and she raised her brows in surprise. "Stare at me later, for now, come and sit", he said and she blushed looking here and there embarrassed making him chuckle.

"I am not staring at you... Just wondering, are you the same man or someone else's soul got into your body ?", she said and he glared at her adjusting her seat before taking a seat in front of her. Seeing his upset face she understood he is jealous, she giggled at him, he glared at her coldly which stopped her giggle instantly.

"Rana sa... You are so petty... It was just a statement, I wasn't actually having dinner with someone else's soul that entered in my husband's body", she said but even that statement brought fury, yeah it seemed petty but he is sometimes even jealous of her own shadow that get to be with her always. He didn't plan on loving her so much, it just happened and now he didn't regret a bit.

"Can I ask them to bring the food if you are done with your stupid jokes ?", he asked, irritation clearly visible on his face.

"Grumpy old man...", she muttered to herself...

"What did you say ?", he asked hiding his smile, he heard her but wanted to see if his wife dares to say it on his face or not...

"Doesn't matter how good the setting is, you will always remain grumpy", she said loudly...

"I think I heard something like old man ? Let's go home, will show you exactly how old I am", he said, his tone going rasp making her blush...

"Rana sa...", she glared at him but he could easily see her tinted cheeks she is trying to hide.

He called for the dinner and the dishes made Isha's day. She loved the white sauce pasta she had the first time when she came out with her husband which was on their first anniversary, and she ordered it every time they went out, so he made sure to add that in the menu today.

"You want to have something other than this ?", Abhyansh asked his wife if she wanted to have anything more other than the menu he chose.

The chefs and the servers who came there to personally take the king and queen's preferences are left in shock hearing Abhyansh's tone he used at his wife. Cold yet soft.

"No Rana sa... This is a lot", she said and he nodded.

The staff served the starters to the couple while Isha detailed about her husband's preferences to the chefs for the main course, this place is hosting the king for the first time so they don't know his preferences, so Isha is detailing the them who left after taking note of everything.

Isha had the white sauce pasta completely while just tasting the rest all items of starters, she didn't take a second serving of many items citing she need to save a room for main course though she liked it. Abhyansh frowned at his wife's limited appetite. He even discussed it with the expert doctors who expressed that this might be because of practicing limited or low intake of food for years and he knew that's the case with his wife but she willingly didn't do it, Kailash and Sheela Rajput made her go through all that. His fury on them doubled. Well a part of him blamed himself too who made her starve for days.

"Try this, you liked it, didn't you ?", he said offering her Bruschetta...

"I liked it but I have no space left, I can't have main course if I eat this", she said,

"I have to eat this noodles too...", she said digging into her plate...