"Sh... Not a word today", He said placing his finger on her lips before carrying her to their bed...

"Rana sa...", she started but he groped her breast roughly making her moan loudly in pleasure and pain... "You became very disobedient, when I say not a word, then NOT A WORD", he said sternly hovering her... He held her wrists above her head and he tied them to the bed rest, her eyes widened at the realization but she is scared to say a word.

"Choose a 'Safe word' baby...", he said... "Say it when you couldn't take it anymore", he explained looking at her confused eyes... "As I told you, I am extremely furious today Isha... I sure want to punish you but never hurt you", he said, and his eyes softened a bit when he uttered the last phrase but within seconds, that animalistic rage replaced the softness in his eyes and she sighed...

"I don't need a 'Safe word' when I am with my Ansh...", she said looking him in the eye meaning every word, she could see rage in his eyes, and she is scared for what he is about to do but she is equally confident that he wouldn't hurt her ever neither will he ever disrespect or degrade her. Despite being a beast in bed, he never did a few things or made her do a few things which made her feel shameful or disrespect towards her, and that made her respect tenfold for her husband, he wouldn't call her Rani sa for namesake, he means it too inside and outside their chamber.

"Today, I am more of a Beast my enemies know me as than your Ansh", he said cupping her cheeks, while his fingers brushed on her lips wiping the blood on her lower lip and she winced in pain but closed her eyes in pleasure when he slowly sucked her lower lip cut slowly rubbing his tongue over it and she sighed in relief as she feels her pain soothing. And he is scared he would hurt her ? Isha wants to hug her husband pulling him into her arms tightly. She had hurt him, angered him, he should be angry with her but here he is, worried that his fury would hurt her... How can she not fall for him again and again... Suddenly her love for him overpowered her emotions and her eyes welled up... She sniffed and he instantly stopped his ministrations and looked in her eyes.

"Did I hurt you ?", he asked, though there is rage in his eyes still, his concern isn't hidden...

"No... I just realized I love you so much that your pain is aching me", she said trying to cup his cheek and that's when she realized her hands are tied.

"You do know that these words aren't gonna save you today right ?", he said and she opened her mouth wide in 'haw'

Did he really think she is saying all that buttering him to save herself ?He chuckled looking at her expressions, he knew she is being truthful and the overflowing love and affection for him in her eyes did make him take a step back, but it's just momentary, the memory of how she tried to convince him to listen to hismother brought back the rage in him and he bent down placing wet kisses on her neck, biting and nibbling her skin...

He ripped her saree away followed by her blouse and petticoat, she opened her mouth to say something but he shut it with his while his rough palms started exploring her body, soon her lingerie followed the fate of her other clothes...


Just an hour into it and Isha regretted not choosing a 'safe word'. It's not the pain but the incomplete pleasure and how her husband mercilessly left her at her high without letting her climax that's making her restless. If this is the situation with just his fingers, mouth and tongue in her, she didn't want to imagine the amount of pain and punishment she would go through when he actually enters her...

"Rana sa... Please... I am sorry... Don't do this", she said but today he is a merciless beast, he placed his mouth on her nipple sucking it gently, but it didn't take him to get rough and bite her sensitive skin... By now her whole body became extremely sensitive to his touch, filled with his saliva, there isn't a part of her he hasn't touched with his mouth.

"Ah... Ansh... Please...", she moaned when she felt his fingers on her sensitive cl*t... He soon entered all his digits one by one and increased his pace, she thought he would show some mercy on her and at least let her climax now but she was so wrong... He left her again... This time she was frustrated that her eyes are filled and she looked so furious at him but didn't say aword, she turned her head sideways... He is fully clothed while she is stark naked which frustrated her and above all this his punishments... Now she understood why her husband is called merciless especially when he comes to his beast mode...

"You don't get to complain or get angry Biwi, not after what you did", he said coldly looking at her fury... His endearment made her eyes widen... 'Biwi'? This is the first time he called her that... As much as her heart fluttered hearing it, his cold tone equally scared her, he isn't satisfied even after torturing her for so much time...

He got down the bed, started undressing himself all the while looking at her, and her eyes dilated in anticipation and after undressing completely, he hovered over her and without any warning he thrust into her and she screamed in pain, he placed his lips on hers eating her screams along with her lips while pumping into her at an animalistic pace, his mouth and hands exploring her body all this while not letting Isha breath... She screamed loudly when an heavy orgasm hit her and it lasted long, she came down from her high but he hasn't stopped thrusting into her neither his pace slowed down and soon she came again and after few hard thrusts, he released inside her with grunt and she climaxed with him again, her eyes closed not having an ounce of energy left in her. But the pleasure she experienced at the end made her feel worth of all the pain she had to take for the past few hours... But her husband needn't know it.

He untied her hands and looking at the reddish marks on her wrists due to the tie, his eyes softened, he slowly rubbed it when he heard his wife wince, that's when he saw her body which is filled with his marks... He didn't regret it completely as he realized his wife enjoyed it but looking at the proof of his BEAST angle on her body did make him a bit guilty...

He brought the ointment and applied on her wrists and her body...

"Did I hurt you ?", Abhyansh asked but she didn't answer, she is tired and is in no mood to answer...

"Just answer and you can sleep peacefully...", he asked but she didn't respond... "Bacha... Please answer", he said, there is concern underlying his tone and she couldn't ignore that tone, she knew he is still mad though he took out all his rage on her but still he is worried if she is hurt and that warmed her heart.

"No you didn't... I already told you, my Ansh can never hurt me but yes it's true that I was in pain, I still am... But I am not complaining", she said, she is being truthful, she is in pain, her whole body is aching, consequences of having a Beast as your husband, as much as the pleasure, so is the pain, and today he was too hard on her courtesy his rage.

"You deserve it for what you did", he said lightly pecking her lips... She sighed looking at his red eyes... He is still mad though it wasn't destructive like it was a few hours ago but still it was there and now she doesn't have enough energy to take his anger anymore, she is very tired.

"I know... Now please calm down... I am sorry, I am really sorry", she said cupping his face and he nodded.

"This isn't over though...", he said and she widened her eyes...

"Ansh... I can't...", she said her eyes drooping...

"Yes you can...", he said, his fingers rubbing her sensitive nub and she moaned, he smirked, he knows her body more than herself.

He soon replaced his fingers with his Mr. Beast junior making her moan in pleasure and pain. He went on till early hours, Isha passed out soon after coming from her high.

He gently kissed her forehead and cleaned her, made her wear his shirt before going to take a bath.

After that he completed his morning prayers and came back to his wife and drifted to sleep taking her in his arms... He knew he couldn't hold her in his arms for the next few days and even that thought made him distressed, he didn't imagine himself whining about staying away from his wife ever, that's so not him but his wife changed all his inhibitions about himself.

After an hour or so, Abhyansh woke up and tried to get up to leave for work but his wife tightened her hold around his bare torso...