"Don't say that in front of Rana sa", Isha said and Ranveer smirked.

"Now I will tell this in front of him definitely", he said earning a slap from his sister on his shoulder.

"I was thinking of making your favorite dishes for breakfast and lunch tomorrow, now I won't", she said and Ranveer sighed deeply.

"Fine, I am leaving, Good night", he said stomping outside the chamber but not before kissing her forehead. She smiled proudly at herself, she could convince the two most stubborn men in her life just with her handmade food. She is proud of her culinary skills that could make a man like her husband give into her almost all the time.

He wouldn't refuse to do anything she asks but if at all he does she would blackmail him with the food and he gives in. It was such an addiction to him. Well, she enjoys teasing him that way sometimes.

"I asked you to send him away not take him out yourself", he said grumpily as soon as she entered their room again.

"I didn't, I just made shake and gave it to him", she said settling beside him but he still was working on his laptop ignoring her and she huffed at his puffed face.

Isha shut his laptop, put it safely on the bedside table and settled in between legs leaning her head on his chest and making him wrap his arms around her waist. He tightened his hold and ran his rough fingers on her bare waist, she took deep breaths to control herself. He nuzzled his head in her neck pressing soft kisses on her nape and neck.

"Rana sa...", she said pushing his away making him groan.

"I wanted to talk to you tonight", she said

"Where am I stopping you, talk as much as you want, I am all ears", he said nibbling her ear, a moan escaped her lips...

"Only this comes out when you do all this, not words", she said pushing him away, he laughed at her cute complaints.

"What to do, staying away from you became an impossible task for me", he said, his lips touching her neck...

"I feel bad for bhai... I think I should forgive him, what do you think ?", she said and he groaned.

"Your brother again", he said in irritation... "Everyone should take lessons from you on 'How to spoil husband's mood ?' ", Abhyansh said

"I thought I should teach on 'How to make your husband's mood especially when you have a husband who broods 24*7", Isha teased him... "Ah... Rana sa", she whined in pain when he bit her lower lip, he started soothing it immediately with his tongue making her pain turn to desire.

"I don't think you should forgive him yet, he made you cry and I so wanted to take revenge on him", he said leaving her lips.

"And you did", she said remembering how scared her brother looked because of Sharah and Veera. Abhyansh groaned in disapproval.

"Why do you love him so much that you are always ready to defend him ?", Abhyansh complained

"What kind of a question is that? Because he is my brother", she answered and Abhyansh rolled his eyes.

"Okay let's not talk about him now, maybe later", he said taking her lips into his, pushing her gently on the back and hovering over her.

They made love passionately appreciating every inch of their body, Abhyansh let her explore him to her heart's content before taking control, since they both would be satisfied only by his rough love.

The next day Isha tried getting some information about Anshi from her brother but he didn't say anything, all he said was it was better for some things to stay unknown. So, Isha had to get help from her cousin Anuj who runs a security Agency in Australia so he had some idea about how to get the necessary information. He promised to get back with the needed details soon.

Days passed and the 'Europe' issue wasn't solved yet but Abhyansh was trying to push his Europe trip as much as possible but seems like it's inevitable. He knew he needed to leave for Europe anytime now, so he decided to inform his wife about the issue briefly skipping parts which aren't needed for her to know, so he asked her to reach home early and get done with all her duties earlier and they could talk, he needs to get her ready to manage everything on her own for the days to come.

Isha decided to take help from her mother-in-law as she had a lot of work to complete. She didn't see Amruta in the main hall of the palace like every day, Isha thought that was because she was early from office today. So she decided to meet her in her chamber only.

Isha walked towards her mother-in-law's chamber, she reached the entrance, she was about to enter when she heard her father-in-law's harsh tone, and her eyes widened at it.

"Don't you dare say a word, I hate you and your son's existence, he doesn't respect me a bit, I am his father, or you told him I am not ?", Pratap screamed

For a second she is shocked to hear how he is speaking to his wife. Does he still verbally abuse her ? Isha wondered

"Please don't talk this way about Abhyansh, he is our son... he might not show it but he loves his family a lot", Amruta said tired of her husband's same words always

"You are actually right, but I'm not his family, his father is someone else huh ?", Pratap said, Isha cupped her mouth hearing her father-in-law's shameless accusations...