Their elder son Arhat held his brother's palm, as if he wanted to help his brother, he failed to do so but his little act was caught on camera by none other than his mother...

"Rana sa... Did you see that ? Oh my god... My children are the best", Isha walked in taking her elder son in her arms and peppering kisses all over his face, making him giggle. The younger one stared at his mother for his turn and as soon as he got his mother's kisses, he too started squealing in delight...

Isha picked up her daughter and kissed her cheek, but Atimya protested as her mother took her away from her father...

"Sorry... Sorry, Here is your baba, now don't be a brat", Isha told his daughter, dropping her back in Abhyansh's arms...

"She is not a brat, those two are", Abhaynsh said pointing towards his two boys...

"Rana sa... At least appreciate what your son did today... He made me so proud... He cares for his siblings... just like you, I see a mini you in my Arhat... My wish of seeing a mini Abhyansh without brooding got fulfilled, I'm thankful to god", Isha said picking up her son and making them sit in her lap...

"Say Mumma... Ma... Ma...", Isha taught them...

"Ba... Ba... Da...", they said but not ma...

"You seem to love me more, yet say da first huh...", Isha whined but she is happy that they are willing to call their father first, he deserved every bit for being the best man and father anyone could ever have in their life.

"Maybe My princess will say it, hm ?", Isha asked turning towards her daughter who was now relaxing in her father's lapafter a tiring day, crawling around, squealing, screaming, crying, throwing tantrums, doing standing practice with her father etc.

"Ba... Da... Ba...", Atimya said holding his father's shirt tightly in her fist...

"Yeah right...", Isha sighed in looked at her sons...

"don't be disappointed... she will learn to say Mama soon", Abhyansh said and Isha hummed leaning back on the footrest.

"Tired ?", he asked

"hm... I have lost touch spending the whole day in office... that's why feeling so tired...", Isha said forwarding her feet in her husband's lap making sure her feet didn't touch her daughter...

Abhyansh made his daughter sit beside him and started massaging his wife's feet which didn't go well with her daughter... She pushed her mother's feet grabbing her father's hands with her little palms, squealing angrily. Isha laughed at her jealousy so did Abhyansh. She teased her more by placing her feet again in her husband's lap, and this time, her daughter pushed her feet with more force, screaming loudly...

"Bacha... You shouldn't do that, and don't scream baby, you will hurt your throat...", Abhyansh said softly rubbing her throat. Isha again laid her feet in her husband's lap, Abhyansh tried to divert his daughter so that she wouldn't see it, but Ish purposely made sounds with her anklets bringing their little girl's attention to her feet. Abhyansh can't even ask his wife to pull away her feet, as it might hurt her, though she is taking all her daughter's antics as fun now, the moment he asks Isha to pull away, justfor their daughter's sake, it would hurt her, she is extremely possessive of him, it's on him how he balances his affection for his daughter and love for his wife. He was thankful to his Mahadev, when he found out that like most of the men, he didn't have to balance between his mother and wife as they get along well and it's the other way around, his wife has to balance between him and his family, but now he got trapped badly between his daughter and his wife.

"Rani sa... Why are you doing this ? She is just 8 months old", Abhyansh said

"Exactly, We should teach her things from this early, she needs to share you with me, like I'm sharing... You are my husband at the same time her father... She can't deny me my husband, no one has that right, not even my children Rana sa", Isha said

"Of course... Who is denying your right now ? Come here...", Abhyansh said forwarding his palm...

"You don't have to convince me, I'm not upset with you, I'm just trying to make our daughter learn things...", Isha said with a smile picking up her daughter and kissing her cheeks, this time the baby girl didn't protest...

"Mumma will give you foot massage while dadda gives the same to mumma ? Okay ?", Isha asked and her daughter started talking in gibberish... She protested but Isha knew how to handle her daughter, she started giving her a gentle massage with the baby oil and soon she started enjoying it and fell asleep in a few minutes.

"Isha... I'm sorry bacha...", Abhyansh said, he knew his wife was hurt but wouldn't show it...

"It's not your fault...", Isha said

"But you are hurt...", Abhyansh replied, taking her feet in his lap and she let him massage...

"Despite your sons' crazy obsession with you, you still manage to make me feel loved, I do get insecure but it just vanishes the next minute with the way you take care of me... I think I'm failing to provide that reassurance to you", Abhyansh expressed his regret...

"It's not like that Rana sa... Maybe I'm overreacting, because of all this stress and mood swings... I get easily tired after their birth, even the doctor said, it would take some time for me to recover the earlier stamina, so there might be something wrong with me as well, so don't feel bad, whatever it may be, we'll figure it out together... Handling a single baby gets challenging for the new parents, and we are handling three... So there will be challenges, don't blame yourself completely, whatever it is, We are together", Isha said shifting to her husband's side and laying in his arms...

"Remember one thing, You are not overreacting, What you did is incredible, even doctors are surprised at your strength, they didn't expect you to have such a speedy recovery, but you did... You are the strongest and I'm proud of you, but don't push your limits, you are already doing so much, I'm worried about your health, listen to me on this, Please bacha...", Abhyansh said, kissing her hair...

"You know, I so love it when you say 'Please', it makes me feel special, I'm the only one to hear that word from you...", Isha said and he smiled nodding... "I know you go soft on your daughter, but I know you will be the best father to her, and would never let your extreme love and affection negatively affect your children, you will be the best father to them...", Isha said

"I will try to be the best and I'm sure with you beside me, I will just do fine", Abhyansh said and Isha smiled shaking her head at his modesty, which only she gets to witness.