"What about the surname ?", Ranveer asked

"Rana sa gave only Ranawat surname because she will have a choice to adopt her husband's name in the future, and at that time, if she has two surnames, she would want to drop at leastone of the two, so we thought...", Isha started and Abhyansh looked extremely troubled with what his wife said but he couldn't say a word, but the other men got alarmed.

"Wait! Husband ? What the hell... Ishu, have you gone crazy ?", Ranveer exclaimed

"Bhabhi ma... What are you even saying ?", Avyan asked perturbed

"Isha ?", Pratap asked making Isha take deep breaths at the horror-stricken faces of the men...

"Stop arguing about it... she is just weeks old, no one is getting her married now, it's just a thought", Isha said and though the men were very upset with the discussion, they didn't say much...

"So ? he could have given two surnames to Atimya ? She would choose which one to drop when it's time...", Ranveer asked and Abhyansh glared at him...

"She is my daughter, she would choose my name at the end of the day, dropping your surname, so thought of saving you from that trauma", Abhyansh taunted Ranveer...

"You could have added my surname as well Ranawat... We would have known which one would she drop when the time is right...", Ranveer argued

"She is my daughter... my blood...", Abhyansh began but Isha stopped these two men from arguing further...

"Bhai... It's my decision too... and I'm happy that he agreed to add 'Rajput' to Arhat and Adhyat, though he has many complaints against Baba...", Isha said

"That's your right, Rani sa... and theirs as well", Abhyansh said

"What about my niece's right ? BEAST...", Ranveer muttered, Isha didn't hear but Abhyansh did, but ignored...

Everyone got up to freshen up, Isha took both her sons, while Abhyansh picked up his daughter... Isha walked to their chamber first, while Abhyansh walked to his brother-in-law to drop some salt on his wound.

"You were right... The reason I didn't add your surname to my daughter is because I don't want her to have any other surname except for mine...", Abhyansh said and walked away with his daughter, leaving his cursing brother-in-law behind.

Isha ran a bath to her sons first and till then, Abhyansh walked in with his daughter.

"Rana sa... Dress them up, and give her to me", Isha said...

"I'll run a bath to her, you just guide me", Abhyansh said, afraid as his wife gives a deep massage bath to their children which makes his daughter cry a lot...

"No... You wouldn't know how to... Let me handle this, dress them up till then", Isha said passing her sons one by one...

Abhyansh felt bad looking at his sons, their whole body is red matching their face that reddened due to extensive crying...

"Run a normal bath, why are you going with such deep cleansing? Look at how badly they are crying ?", Abhyansh said.

"I am following the doctor's as well as daima's advice, they knew better than us, Rana sa... They need a deep cleansing bath at least once a day till they turn 2- years old at least. It's good for their body... Keep your fatherly insticts aside for a while and pass your daughter fast... We are getting late for dinner", Isha asked sternly.

"We are getting late, so make it fast, no need of deep massage... And why are you staying in the water for so long? Doctor asked you to take care, right? Why don't you listen to me?", Abhyansh said

"Rana sa, stop with your games and pass me your daughter right away... That is if you really care for me, I can't sit on this stool for so long, only I know what I am going through, yet I am trying to do the best for our kids, but among all these, your overprotectiveness has been a constant hindrance...", Isha said getting upset with her husband's behavior.

He quickly passed their daughter and went to dress up their sons understanding his wife's pain, while Isha gave a bath to their daughter, Abhyansh tried to ignore her loud cries of his daughter but couldn't... Isha dressed up their daughter, and then freshened up herself, all the time Abhyansh had a cold face. All 5 moved downstairs, and joined everyone for dinner.

Abhyansh's appetite is long gone hearing his daughter's cries though Atimya now became calm and is enjoying her mandatory night walk Bhairav gives the triplets every day.

"Abhyansh... Why aren't you eating properly? Is the food not up to the mark, should I make something else ?", Amruta asked

"I don't have an appetite", he answered, Isha sighed at her husband's antics.

"Rana sa... Please have your food... Atimya is fine...", Isha said

"What happened to her? Is she okay ?", Pratap asked