"Practice makes ma perfect, Rajput developed this skill in one such manner... Starting with that kid Aryan to babysitting awhole bunch of kids, he has got hell lot of practice", Abhyanhs mocked Ranveer who glared at his brother-in-law...
"Ranawat...", Ranveer started but Isha interrupted him...
"Bhai... It's okay, let it go, just because he said something like that, it won't become true right ? He is just irritating you", Isha calmed her brother...
"By stating facts", Abhyansh interrupted
"Rana sa...", Isha warned
"What? It's true... Your brother babysat a whole bunch of kids, ask him ?", Abhyansh said, smirking at Ranveer who looked traumatized at the memory... Isha looked at Ranveer for confirmation...
"I had to, I once went to pick up Aryan from his nursery, but there was an issue with the toilet, so the teacher went to show the plumber, requesting me to babysit the kids for a while... It was years ago... I don't know how your beast of a husband gets the hang of all my life's embarrassing moments", Ranveer said while Isha stifled her laugh at her brother's pissed face.
Avyan came forward to take his eldest nephew in his arms, but was scared...
"Relax! put one palm under their neck supporting the head, and with the other one, support his body", Abhyansh guided his brother, while Isha put him in Avyan's arms who smiled widely when he successfully took his nephew in his arms.
"Where are others ?", Isha asked, as she knew her whole family was excited to meet the triplets, they were eagerly waiting for them to get out of the NICU.
"We didn't let anyone know", Ranveer said, cooing his younger nephew.
"Yeah, we want the triplets all for ourselves...", Avyan said, staring at his eldest nephew, admiring his every feature... "Bhai sa... Did you see his eyes, he has beautiful eyes, just like you", Avyan said excitedly... Abhyansh nodded, Isha's food approved by her nutritionist made its way to her ward and Abhyansh started feeding his wife, while his brother and brother-in-law enjoyed their time with his sons...
Soon Ragini busted inside glaring angrily at Ranveer, who looked here and there understanding his wife's anger...
"RANVEER RAJPUT... Why didn't you tell me about their arrival ?", Ragini asked pointing at the cribs...
"I forgot... I'm so sorry baby, I was so excited to meet my niece and nephews that I completely forgot about informing anyone", Ranveer defended himself and Ragini slowly calmed down understanding her husband's attachment towards the triplets and his sister, but Abhyansh didn't like it, so, he signaled to Avyan who smirked and nodded.
"But Ranveer? When I asked about informing the families, you said you wanted some time alone with the babies, without any disturbance, but I thought you might have informed at least Ragini, I didn't know you considered her as a disturbance aswell", Avyan said innocently, Ragini's anger which was calming down, suddenly boiled again, she glared at Ranveer...
"How could you....", she started but Isha glared at her husband and brother-in-law who were enjoying her brother's poor state and came to his rescue...
"Ragini... fight with bhai later, first meet your nephews, baby", Isha said, using the word 'baby' with extra sweetness, in order to irritate her husband who wouldn't leave a single chance to trouble her brother.
Abhyansh glared at his wife, she ignored him but she felt another glare and it was her brother's... She rolled her eyes at her possessive husband and brother... She prayed to God to save Ragini from her brother's possessiveness...
"What's with this 'baby' and all ? Call her by her name, she is your best friend and sister-in-law, not your 'baby' ", Ranveer said and Isha shook her head turning to Ragini...
"You better shut up, or else I would put a plaster on it... I'm already very irritated with the stunt you pulled...", Ragini warned her husband which instantly silenced him... Avyan chuckled at the chickened-out Ranveer while Abhyansh thoroughly enjoyed it.
Isha helped Ragini take the babies one by one and soon the Ranawat family walked inside, glaring at Avyan... Now, it's Ranveer's turn to trap Avyan but unfortunately, BEAST came to his brother's rescue flopping his plans...
A few days passed, and only Isha was allowed inside the NICU to feed her daughter, every time she came out of it, Abhyansh asked her about their daughter, Isha felt bad seeing her husband's condition... She asked the doctors if he could go inside with her, and though they allowed him, Abhyansh knew there were a few minor risks with it, so he controlled his emotions... He would always be his daughter's protector but never a potential risk to her, so he refrained from going with his wife inside the NICU.
Finally! Abhyansh Singh Ranawat's wait to take his daughter in his arms is over... The whole Ranawat and Rajput clan is present in Isha's ward, decorating it grandly to welcome their princess. Isha walked in her ward carrying her daughter... Their sons who were in Abhyansh's and Ranveer's arms were now passed to Devyani Devi and Amruta, the men waited to take the princess in their arms... The triplets were fraternal, so the family has no problem in identifying them...
Abhyansh forwarded his palm toward his daughter who unconsciously put her hand in his and soon held his finger tightly and wouldn't leave it. Abhyansh's eyes welled up at the first touch of his daughter. He took her in his arms gently, lifted her to his face, and kissed her little feet, shocking his whole family with his act.
"Baba is blessed to have you bacha", Abhyansh whispered emotionally, Amruta broke into sobs seeing a glimpse of her 'Abhi' after about 2 decades...
Devyani Devi consoled Amruta, she asked Avyan to hold the baby in her arms but he denied saying he needed to take the princess in his arms, Ranveer did the same, Ragini rolled hereyes at the men's obsession with their princess, and took the baby boy from Devyani Devi's arms.
"Ranawat... Give her to me...", Ranveer asked
"No, I'll hold her first", Avyan said
"I'm her grandfather, give her to me", Pratap said forwarding his hand...