"She is gonna be the princess of the Ranawat empire, You should have understood by now that your brother is and will be partial towards the princesses of our family, don't worry, I am there for the boys' team", Isha said and Avyan nodded with a wide smile...
"I'm very happy, bhai sa accepted Anshi...", Avyan said and Isha nodded...
"He wants to protect her not just because she is the respect of the family, but also because she is gonna be a wife to his dear brother, and I saw the protectiveness in his eyes, he slowly started accepting Anshi as family, the affection could be seen Avi...", Isha said and Avyan nodded with a smile...
Both of them talked for a while before Avyan received a call from Ranveer asking him to come to the study as the 'BEAST' was going out of control and he was unable to manage him alone. So, Avyan rushed to the study and Isha walked to their chamber and she saw Bhairav keeping a notice of her from a distance. She sighed at her husband and his right man's overprotectiveness.
"Bhairav...", Isha called for him who rushed to her immediately...
"Rani sa...", he bowed
"You don't have to keep a note of me every second, I'll be careful while walking, go and do your work, I know you have many important things to do... Since Rana sa is back, you need to give a brief about all these days to him, no ?", she asked and he nodded... "Then go and do the work Bhairav, Don't waste your time", she said politely...
"I'm doing, Rani sa...", Bhairav said showing his tablet and the earpod in his one ear... She saw her husband in the tab, Ranveer and Avyan were briefing him and by his words, Bhairav was also briefing Abhyansh about all the operations and developments that took place in his absence. Isha glared at Bhairav and her husband at their antics.
"You are just like your Maharaj...", Isha said with irritation and stormed towards her chamber...
"Rani sa... slow...", Abhyansh's cautioned voice was heard from the speaker. Isha glared at Bhairav for turning the speaker on... Bhairav looked down... Isha shook her head and left from there, this time walking slowly. Bhairav kept an eye on Isha until she entered her chamber and the huge slap of the chamber gate was heard by Abhyansh too. He understood she was upset and angry again. These days, just a small thing can upset her a lot and make her furious, so he was being extremely careful.
The meeting came to an end in the early hours, Ranveer and Avyan left for their chambers yawning while Abhyansh connected with Dr. Parthasarthy for his sessions. Both of them discussed various ways to keep his calm when Isha was throwing her anger at him, some seemed fine to Abhyansh while some were utterly stupid and Abhyansh blasted at Dr. Parthasarathy for those. Their session came to an end, when Abhyansh wanted to ask about Isha's past.
"By the way... You didn't tell me about my wife's sessions? The reason for her nightmares ?", Abhyansh asked
"Wh...What ? Maharaj... I can..can't... I signed a confidentiality agreement...", he said and Abhyansh frowned...
"Yes so ?", Abhyansh asked, and looking at Dr. Parthasarathy's face, he understood what blunder the old man did... "God! It mentions you should keep it from Ranveer, not from me...", Abhyansh said shocking Dr. Parthasarathy
"But Rani sa...", the old man trailed but couldn't finish his sentence because of Abhyansh's heated glare. "With all due respect, I trust your words, but before disclosing it, I would like to take confirmation from Rani sa", Dr. Parthasarathy said, Abhyansh though furious and impatient, understood and appreciated Dr. Parthasarathy's professionalism and trustworthiness.
"Get a confirmation from her tomorrow and we'll connect then", Saying this, Abhyansh hung up.
He walked to his room, and laid beside his wife, slightly caressing her hair... She sensed his touch and snuggled into his warmth... He gently cocooned her in his arms covering the both of them in a duvet.
Isha and Ranveer sat in the guest chamber, i.e Ranveer's chamber in Ranawat palace. Isha wanted to know the truth but Ranveer was scared to tell her that...
"Bhai... I know you got to know the whole truth, tell me, please... Baba wasn't at fault right ?", she asked with hope...
"Ishu... I didn't get to know the whole truth bacha... There's still some left and only Kailash Rajput can tell us that", Ranveer responded gritting his teeth...
"Bhai ? You don't look okay", Isha asked, she could see the distress in her brother's eyes.
"Bacha... I want you to be strong and handle yourself well, only then I will tell you the truth... No matter the truth, don't blame yourself... Please", Ranveer said...
"Is Rana sa right? Did baba kill Advaita for me ? No right ? say No bhai... Baba can't do it", Isha said hyperventilating...
"No, he didn't, handle yourself bacha... calm yourself down, only then can I have the courage to tell you Ishu...", Ranveer calmed her down and she took deep breaths to bring her calmer self out... "Listen to me completely Ishu... Don't judge Bhabhosa or blame yourself", Ranveer said and Isha nodded but she wasn't sure of it.
Ranveer narrated everything he got to know in these few days, including how Amar abandoned Advaita despite being aware of her being alive to tend to Isha's wound... All this while holdingIsha protectively in his arms. Isha didn't say anything, her brain couldn't register that her father could be so heartless to leave a young girl child suffering that too when he was the one who hit her. How could he not save Advaita ? His best friend's daughter ? a kid who was younger than his daughter ? Who needed him the most at that time ? She till then thought her father was unconditionally kind but the realization hit her hard. He was kind but it came with a condition, until it wasn't about his daughter...
"Ishu...", Ranveer called but Isha took a few minutes to respond, she didn't know what to say...
"Bhai... He wasn't the 'baba' I know, Rana sa was right, I barely know him...", Isha said, and slowly tears slipped from her eyes... Ranveer shook his head consoling her... "If not for him, Advaita wouldn't have suffered such a cruel fate... She... the little kid suffered so much bhai... If baba had taken her to the hospital in time, she would have been alive...", Isha said
"We don't know that bacha", Ranveer said
"Stop taking baba's side bhai... He was wrong... Advaita didn't die because of the accident, but because of the afterpain, the doctor who performed her postmortem told Rana sa...", Isha screamed while sobs escaped her throat.