And in those days when Amar was away from the Ranawat family, and Chirag represented from Rajputs side, he slowly yet subltly tried to caution Amruta and Pratap about Amar and Pallavi Rajput, Pratap though got his hints ignored all of them as he trusted Amar blindly. Chirag became so close to their family that they even had lunches and dinners at eachother's places thoughAbhyanshwas never a part of this circus, he monitored the developments from afar.
One day, Kailash Rajput told Chirag that Amar was planning something huge that could destroy theRanawatscompletely leaving them without a heir, as Amar planned to kill all three heirs of the Ranawat family, especially the twins. Kailash got Chirag's intentions for Amruta and provoked him against Abhyansh as well. Chirag knew thatAbhyanshwouldn't let Amruta leave with him, so he decided to protect only the Ranawat twins, letting Abhyansh fall prey to Amar Rajput's plotting. Kailash and Chirag planned to weaken Abhyansh physically as well so that he wouldn't be able to defend himself against Amar Rajput and his army, well that's what Kailash told Chirag, and he drugged Abhyansh through Amruta, and she who didn't know Chirag's intentions didn't doubt his actions feeding the same food to her son.
When the Ranawat twins got abducted, Chirag thought it was done by Amar, and he thought everything would go as per plan, but what he didn't expect was Advaita's death. Though the drug didn't have much effect on the BEAST, it did affect his senses a bit in regular time intervals that night and Kailash's men took that time as an advantage to attack him.
After Advaita's death, when Abhyansh forced his mother to wear a new saree on her birthday and sent her to the temple so that she would get out of her depression of losing her daughter, Amruta met Chirag who consoled her on her daughter's death,which was spotted by Pratap. He didn't see Chirag's face, but Chirag who saw Pratap slapping Amruta was determined to get her out of that hell.
On the other hand,Abhyansh was madly searching for his sister's culprits along with Bhuvan and Bhairav and got busy in ending them one by one. Chirag too openly testified against Amar Rajput which made Pratap hate Amar. Abhyansh tried to pull down Amar Rajput and kill him for what he had done to his sister, but every time Neil Singhania came into the picture stopping Abhyansh from reaching Amar. Abhyansh thought Neil was protecting Amar but in actuality Neil was protecting Kailash and himself. He was afraid, if Abhyansh captured Amar, he would get to know all the truth from Amar and despite, whether Abhyansh believed Amar or not, it would definitely cause him to suspect someone else's hand in all this and that would eventually lead to them, he knewAbhyanshwas capable of pulling all the truth with just a drop of hint, so Neil prevented Abhyansh from reaching Amar using all his wealth, power and strategy. Neil accidentally got to know Kailash's truth and hence helped Kailash as he also liked the idea of having all the Royal wealth of the country to themselves. If they end Amar Rajput and Abhyansh Singh Ranawat, they could enjoy all the royal wealth as they have all other Royal families dancing to their tunes. They cleverly made Amar and Abhyansh against each other and made Abhyansh destroy Amar. Neil knew he wouldn't be able to stop the BEAST for long, so they decided to bring Amar Rajput's end soon followed by Abhyansh's.
In all this, they underestimated the BEAST and his best friend. Abhyansh already solved his grandfather's death mystery, he knew Uday Singh Ranawat was brutally murdered by the royal families, he suspected Amar Rajput but he couldn't getto believe it. Then he found the amount that was paid to a professional contract killer that caused Pratap's accident was from Amar Rajput's account and it immediately raised concerns, Abhyansh didn't believe that Amar Rajput could be so stupid to actually use his own account to pay the contract killer and even Bhuvan felt so. There could be only two explanations for this, either Amar Rajput was openly challenging the Ranawats by paying the contract killer from his account or there was actually some gameplayedbehind. Well, that was the theory offered by Bhuvan and he asked Abhyansh to calm down before trying to attack Amar Rajput, and valuing his friend's opinion, Abhaynsh slowed down and he regretted it in the next few days.
With the same doubt, Abhyansh decided to capture Chirag and end him too. He soon got to know Chirag's intentions for his mother, this only fueled the accusations Pratap put on Amruta, Abhyansh didn't want to hear his mother and know her faults, he was already broken badly and in all this mess, his mother was the only one keeping him sane, and he knew himself, if he got to know his mother betrayed his father in any way, he wouldn't even be able to see her face properly and he couldn't afford to generate hatred for his mother in his heart, so he kept himself away from the truth, he also ordered everyone not to talk about it anymore.He loved his mother too much to even think about moving away from her
Abhyansh was busy punishing his sister's culprits, and he along with Bhairav and his men went to end them when they received information about them, but they soon realized it was a trap but it was too late, Bhuvan who was asked to stay at the palace to protect the Ranawat family was brutally killed leaving the BEAST inAbhyanshunleash.
After learning the truth about his mother's betrayal, the few emotions that were left in him too disappeared turning him into a wounded animal and he caused unimaginable destruction to everyone.Abhyanshregretted leaving Amar alive earlier hearing Bhuvan's theory of possibilities, he didn't want to commit such a mistake again. But before he could do anything, the Rajput couple died in an accident, and soon after that Neil went underground to save himself from the BEAST while Kailash Rajput rose to the throne, though he wasn't crowned or announced as the king, the power and money of Rajputs fell into his hands openly, and he acted as if he wasn't interested in all the responsibilities but had no option other than to take them.
Amruta didn't know any of this, she only told Ranveer the truth from her point of view which involved how Chirag spoke against Amar subtly in the days before, Advaita and Avyan were kidnapped, it was as if he expected such kind a mishap coming their way. Ranveer didn't understand why Chirag Rathore would speak against Amar Rajput ? Ranveer did meet Chirag many times as he was a best friend to his 'bhabhosa'. So, Ranveer couldn't understand his reasons, the only reason he could see was 'Amruta' but of course, he couldn't say this on her face. No matter what, he knew Amruta wasn't that kind of lady, despite the tortures and verbal abuse she faced from Pratap, she prayed for his well-being, and she was loyal to him, so Ranveer understood it could be a plan only from Chirag's side.
"Thanks for telling me, and I'm sorry if my probing hurt you", Ranveer politely told Amruta but she shook her head.
"No Ranveer... It's okay, at least someone is willing to ask me and hear things", she said and Ranveer understood her pain of being unheard by her eldest son.
"Soon things will settle down, don't worry", he assured her, and after she walked inside her chamber, he left for his...
As soon as he entered his chamber and shut the door, his resolve broke and all the thoughts about the past he was keeping at bay to function properly, now broke into his head.
Chirag was ready to do anything for Amruta and her family, well that's what Neil told Ranveer, even Amruta was confident that Chirag was a good man but Ranveer didn't believe he was what he showed everyone. Ranveer suspected Chirag wanted Amruta back and plotted against Abhyansh for it, but Ranveer had no base for his argument because till now all the past he got to know was through Neil Singhania.
Kailash Rajput clicked pictures with Isha wearing those bangles and kept them safely with him. These would form a strong motive for Amar to kill the Ranawat princess and prince. After Pratap's accident, Amar ignored the differences and helped him recover, Pratap slowly forgave Amar for going behind his back and reaching out to his mother.
Then the Ranawat twins were abducted and Amar left Ranawat palace hurriedly on the same morning. What made him leave the Ranawat palace in a hurry is still a mystery to everyone including Neil. But after Advaita was killed and all the evidence pointed to Amar, it was proved that it was the reason why he left the palace that day.
"I didn't know what made Amar leave the Ranawat palace in a hurry, even Kailash didn't discuss it with me ever on what he was planning, I just know that he was planning the Ranawat siblings' killing and he was going to trap Amar Rajput in it. How he did it is still a mystery but your bhabhosa wasn't innocent, he killed tens of Abhyansh Singh Ranawat's men that day before hitting the Ranawat princess with his car, it might be an accident but he was responsible for her death", Neil said
"What do you mean ?", Ranveer asked, and What Neil said left Ranveer in shock.
Amar's car hit Advaita and he rushed out to see what happened, and that's when Abhyansh received a final blow on his head making him lose consciousness. Kailash was passing through that way, he was out on some work, when he received Pallavi's call, saying Isha fell down and lost a lot of blood and needed to be taken to hospital immediately. Amar looked at Advaita and realized who she was, he was left in dispair, one side his best friend's daughter was badly injured by his car, on the otherside, his daughter fell down and needed his presence. Amar was in a dilemma on who to tend to.
Amar walked towards Advaita, she gave him a weak smile forwarding her bloodied palm towards him, begging him with her eyes to save her. She so wanted to convey what a monster his brother Kailash Rajput was, but she couldn't, her head and body were filled with bloodmaking it impossible for her to say anything.
Then Kailash offered to take her to the hospital, while Amar went and tended to Isha. Advaita's eyes widened, she understood what he was doing, sure she was just 7-8 years old but she was very smart for her age, unlike her innocent twin. She shook her head and started screaming in pain, Amar's eyes were filled but he chose his daughter. Kailash's manipulations only fueled his decision. Kailash asked his brother to take his car while he got his car repaired when Amar told him his car was getting out of control which caused the accident.
Amar left in Kailash's car while Kailash killed Advaita brutally.
"Your bhabhosa left the little girl to die, despite hitting her with his car, he chose his daughter, he was a selfish man... if he hadn't left her there that night, she wouldn't have faced so much torture, I am an emotionless and selfish ba***rd, but evenI felt bad when I saw that little girl's dead body which was sent to Ranawats by your father, No wonder Abhyansh Singh Ranawat hated Amar Rajput's blood for so long", Neil said
Those words of Neil rang in Ranveer's head every second he was idle, every breath he took in Ranawat palace was like poison to him, he was angry and extremely mad for what Kailash Rajput did to Advaita, but he was utterly guilty for what his 'bhabhosa' did. He never thought Kailash Rajput as his family let alone his father but his bhabhosa was more than a father to him, and the fact that it was because of him that the Ranawat Princess was subjected to a brutal killing didn't let him sleep. He could never forget or forgive this and he knew his sister wouldn't forgive too but he was afraid of her reaction when he would tell her all this. It would leave her shattered, till now she was hoping her father to be proved not guilty but he was guilty though not in a way Abhyansh blamed him but he was responsible for a little girl's death, and Isha would feel more guilty as because of her that her father had to leave Advaita to die.
Kailash Rajput told his brother that Advaita died on their way to the hospital, it broke Amar Rajput, the guilt was killing him from within, he immediately told the whole truth to his wife and mother, who consoled him. Amar wanted to take Advaita's body to Ranawats but Kailash Rajput stopped him saying the whole empire and their people who were dependent on their family would come on the roads if he went to jail. They also know Abhyansh and his anger, he would definitely kill Amar so Sanghvi Devi advised Amar not to reveal it.
Bhuvan returned to India immediately after knowing what all happened here. He helped Abhyansh recover and soon Abhyansh, Bhairav, and Bhuvan started their destruction, avenging Advaita's death, they killed everyone responsible for her suffering brutally torturing them, its as if Abhyansh turnedinto an animal and looking at his suffering turned his best friend into an animal too. Most of the time Abhyansh and Bhuvan in revenge used to take impulsive steps without caring about their safety so Bhairav had to be the cautious one, always accompanying them.
Amar realized the Ranawats by now got to know who did it and Abhyansh found that it was from Amar Rajput's account that the money was debited for paying the man who caused Pratap's accident but Bhuvan stopped him from reacting listing the possibilities. Amar and Pallavi wanted to tell the truth to Abhyansh but they couldn't muster the courage.
Abhyansh and Bhuvan tried to get to Amar but Neil Singhania with his underground friends prevented it. One day, Pratap called Amar and blamed him for all the destruction and for plotting their downfall, Amar realized there was more to it and started his investigation. During the same time, Abhyansh came there to get him arrested but Pallavi gave his alibi which generated hatred in Abhyansh who was already dealing with his father's accusations against his mother, he started noticing the destruction women around him were causing.
Chirag started helping Abhyansh in catching Amar Rajput butAbhyanshdidn't trust him. After he received all the details and information, he decided to kill Chirag but Amruta leaked the plan to Chirag causing his escape. Abhyansh was furious, he didn't know how Chirag got to know, but he decided to attempt again soon. Chirag told Amruta that Amar Rajput and the other royal families were searching for him to kill him as he helped them, while her son was also behind his life despite him helping them, so Amruta in order to save Chirag's life gave him the blueprints of the back palace.