"The first trimester is critical for both the mother and child, and since Rani sa is carrying triplets, she should be even more careful, strenuous activities are a big 'No'. A little walk and exercise here and there is okay... She needs 'gentle' care...", she said stressing on the word 'gentle' and both wife and husband understood what she meant by that. After the instructions, they stood up to leave, the doctor too got up and about to say that she would see them for the next ultrasound but Abhyansh beat her.

"See you at the Ranawat palace for the next ultrasound", Abhyansh ordered in his cold tone and the doctor understood that she is supposed to go to Ranawat palace from the next time,that's his way of asking... Before she could nod or bow at his order, he turned to walk away, Isha gave her a polite smile and walked away with her husband. Abyansh opened the door for Isha and took her palm in his gently leading her out...

The doctor rolled her eyes at his rudeness and arrogance but she couldn't deny him, she didn't have the audacity and more than that, she was aware of all the good things Abhyansh did for the people, he even sponsored 80% of the funds to built the hospital she now proudly called hers, he made medical care affordable for all the people in the regime, and in return for all this, if she had to go to the palace and treat his wife, who is a kind queen, she would be happy to do it. Not that she has any choice though. She wondered how gentle Abhyansh was when it came to his wife. It's as if she is seeing two different people in a single body. The elder lady shook her head and got back to her work.

"Rana sa, what about the scanning ?", Isha asked when they were walking outside the hospital, Bhairav and the guards guarding them...

"I have arranged it in the palace...", he said and she rolled her eyes...

"We could get it done here...", she said but he didn't say a thing and she got her response in his silence. If this continues, she would probably go crazy till the end of her pregnancy... She controlled her mouth as if she opened it, she would definitely say something that would shock his men and she would regret it later.

They soon reached the palace. Amruta frowned when she saw her elder son and daughter-in-law walking in... she thought they went to office ? What happened that they returned so early ?

"Isha... beta... Is everything alright ?", Amruta asked holding Isha's forearm and Isha gave a smile calming her mother-in-law.

"Bhairav... Ask everyone to assemble in the family hall in 2 hours", Abhyansh said and walked away to his chamber, he knew his wife would like to sit in the hall with the family so he left her there signing Bhairav to stay there and keep an eye on Isha... Isha who understood her husband's silent orders to Bhairav fisted her palms, she so wanted to kill her husband, she was pregnant, not sick.

Bhairav let Pratap, Avyan and Devyani Devi know about the Family meeting. Pratap got worried thinking the meeting was to increase his punishment. He thought his sufferings were over when his son punished him in the back palace for weeks, making him do strenuous activities for slapping and abusing his wife. He learnt his lesson but Pratap knew his son wasn't satisfied with it.

Pratap and Devyani Devi walked to the hall immediately.

"What new torture is he planning for me Isha ?", Pratap asked as soon as he settled down in the hall... his tone held accusation and Isha frowned at it. She didn't like anyone talking in that tone about her husband but it's his father, so she had to hold back her temper...

"Everything is not about you Sasur sa... Rana sa has an announcement to make...", Isha said the latter phrase softly... But her earlier sentence held a warning tone and Pratap got it.

Devyani Devi glared at Pratap with a 'think-before-you-talk' look. Some casual conversations followed after that, and Isha and Pratap got in word war but it wasn't serious, and Amruta smiled at the change in her husband while Devyani Devi hoped her son would realize all his mistakes at least now, though it's very late still better late than never. Avyan reached there and participated in the family conversations.

"I just realized, we don't have a family group", Isha suddenly said, everyone was surprised to hear her.

"Family group ? bhai sa won't like it", Avyan said

"I know, so we won't add him... Don't worry", she said and everyone raised their brows in shock... It would be better for them to not have a group if she is supposed to add him, as no one would speak a word if he is there in the family group so Isha decide to eliminate her husband.

Isha quickly added Amruta, Devyani, Avyan, and Pratap.

"Hello guys", she sent...

Everyone was apprehensive to reply, what if Abhyansh got to know about it ? He wouldn't leave the person who replied first...

"Hi",It was Devyani who sent the first reply making Isha smile widely...

"You keep boasting about your skills, show your courage now", Isha taunted her father-in-law who quickly typed a 'Hi' making Isha laugh. Pratap's message was followed by Avyan and Amruta.

"Bhabhi ma, Why didn't you add Ranveer ?", Avyan asked

"Should I ?", she looked apprehensive, if Pratap and Devyani would like it or not... She created this group so that her family interacts at least through this... she saw her friends interact very well with their families in the family group, they even argue and fight there, she wanted that bond for her family as well. She has a group with her brother and Vikram, and they three used to interact a lot there, but since the rift between her brother and Vikram, the group has become silent, though now they sorted their differences, there's still some gap which is yet to be filled and she knew her brother didn't forgive Vikram yet.

"You should add him...", Avyan responded, Pratap and Devyani nodded at Isha who gave them a small smile and is about to add Ranveer when Avyan stopped her.

"Bhabhi ma, first, let's keep a proper name and profile picture before adding him, otherwise we won't hear the end of his taunts...", Avyan said

"Right right...", Isha said and added Sharah and Veera's picture as the group icon, Avyan and Isha who knew Ranveer's fear for the two beasts laughed out loud, hi-fying each other.

"Now, he wouldn't even start the 't' of taunt", Isha said and Avyan nodded with a laugh.

"Laughing at your own brother huh ?", Pratap taunted Isha...

"We should think of a way to end his taunts as well...", Isha told Avyan pointing at Pratap and Avyan nodded... The duo are like those naughty kids who play pranks on everyone.