"Okay Khan, Do whatever you think is right, but remember, this is the last chance, if the president won't agree to our demands, I'll fly there", Abhyansh concluded his statement and hung up.
"I thought the issue was settled long ago Ranawat", Ranveer tried to strike a casual conversation though he knew his attempts were futile.
"Why did you do it Rajput ?", Abhyansh came directly to the point, ignoring his brother-in-law's words...
"I can't tell you now, but as a brother, I couldn't control my anger at that time Ranawat, My sister deserved to know, and she deserved to know from you, not from me", Ranveer said
"Then why the hell did you disclose it to her you a**", Abhyansh yelled banging the table... "I could tolerate your every nonsense Rajput, only for my wife but her tears are one thing I couldn't tolerate, you knew it, don't you ?", Abhyansh asked and Ranveer nodded, he knew his sister's distress is something that's intolerable to his brother-in-law, it's the same for him too but still that day, he couldn't control his fury.
"I was very upset Ranawat, I was furious...", Ranveer tried to defend himself...
"Fury ? Are you more furious than me ? There was a time when I was a ticking bomb Rajput and today, I always keep my anger in check when my wife is near me... If I could do it, I expecteveryone to do it, otherwise it wouldn't take me a minute to turn into my past self", Abhyansh said, and Ranveer could hear the warning in his brother-in-law's tone...
"Ranawat... If I had to choose between my sister's right and her happiness, I choose her right", Ranveer argued...
"I would choose the opposite Rajput, you being alive should prove it", he said, clearly hinting that he felt the right thing to do was to kill him but left him alive just for his wife. "Want me to choose the right for once ?", Abhyansh asked pulling the revolver from his side...
"You can't do that, I brought my armor with me", Ranveer said
"Rani sa is here ?", Abhyansh asked immediately siding the revolver and started working on his system, well at least that's what Ranveer thought.
"Yes, I brought your Rani sa with me, I don't trust you with my life", Ranveer said,and just like that, their serious conversation took a turn as Abhyansh's mood took a 360-degree turn with the anticipation to see his wife.
"Very mature of you Rajput", Abhyansh said furiously coding on his keyboard, Ranveer frowned at his brother-in-law's sudden concentration on his system.
Suddenly, John barged with the CISO(Chief Information security officer).
"Your Highness, we are very sorry to disturb you but this is highly important", John said and Abhyansh sighed knowing what it is, but he had to act ignorant, so he signed John to continue.
"Sir, he has attempted to hack into our systems and access our security cameras again... Should we go ahead ?", John asked
"It was the same person Maharaj, last attack was on last Thursday... He is the same, I could confirm through thedigital fingerprints... I'm very sure... Orders please Your Royal Highness", the CISO said
"That's okay, forward me the access and ask your team to back out, I'll handle it", Abhyansh said calmly, giving a look to Ranveer.
John though surprised by Abhyansh's decision didn't question him, they bowed and left from there...
"You are hacking your own company's security cameras Ranawat ?", Ranveer asked as soon as John and the CISO left from there... Abhyansh didn't answer but kept coding... "Why ?", Ranveer asked but then the CISO's words stuck him, last thursday ? It was the same day Isha came to office the last time... "My God! you are stalking your own wife Ranawat ?", Ranveer stated, it wasn't a question. "Well, your security team proved to be stronger than your intellectual, they caught you", Ranveer added, Abhyansh saw his brother-in-law was enjoying this too much...
"Not yet...", Abhyansh said throwing his laptop towards his brother-in-law... "Play the hacker, I'll take care of the rest from the company's end", he added shocking Ranveer.
"Ranawat... you can't do this to me... this is a tedious job... I can't and I don't want to", Ranveer whined...
"I wouldn't take me a minute to prove you as the hacker, and it would be a perfect revenge for the pain you caused my wife, No ?", Abhyansh asked, still working on his system with unwavering concentration.
Ranveer cursed his brother-in-law but nonetheless picked up the laptop and started his work. Both of them are experienced hackers but none know about their this hidden skill. Abhyansh knew about Ranveer but Ranveer didn't, that is until now.
After an hour of constantly working, they ended this cat-mouse chase. The CISO and the team were happy, they decided to build a more robust system and strengthen their internal security. The team even apologized to Abhyansh and left his cabin. All this time, Ranveer was gaping at Abhyansh for his master game.
"Haw... You are such a beast Ranawat", Ranveer commented which Abhyansh royally ignored. He never said he was a gentleman or a good person. He is a beast, he is cruel and he made sure everyone is aware of this fact.
"By the way, Now that you ended this cat-mouse chase, how would you hack your security cameras and look at your wife ?", Ranveer challenged.
Abhyansh after 2 minutes, turns his monitor for his brother-in-law to see Isha having a discussion with Ragini and the visual shocked Ranveer.
"How the hell did you do it ?", Ranveer asked, well, he wanted to learn the skill too, hacking is something he learned because it became a necessity to protect his company, but after a point of time, it became his passion, it interested Ranveer so much and at his free time you could find him doing ethical hacking and sometimes unethical too.
Abhyansh showed it to him and the next few hours went in brothers-in-law sharing the knowledge with each other while having fun with their common passion. Abhyansh simultaneously kept an eye on his wife. Well he wasn't a fool to waste hours of time in showing his tricks to Ranveer, he had his motives behind his move, if he ever got caught by his wife for hacking the security cameras to look at her, he would say he did it keeping his brother-in-law beside him, or, with his help. It might not reduce her anger on him but it would definitely be shared between him and his brother-in-law. The other positive side of it is, it would be helpful for their businesses aswell, since he started involving Ranveer in R Empire's internal decisions. All the stakeholders, shareholders, their competitors in every industry, and the international business and political community understood Ranveer's importance and role in R Empire. So, Ranveer's skill upgradation would only help their empire grow.