"Okay... Come, I'll walk you to your room", he said and she nodded but she felt the weakness in her legs, above that she is hungry... So she forwarded her hands to her husband who understood what she wanted. He took her in his arms and walked towards her room.

"You gained weight", he stated earning a glare from her.

"Yes... Is there a problem ?", she asked him sharply, he didn't expect such harshness... What is wrong with his wife these days wondered Abhyansh.

"No bacha... I am just worried...", he defended himself.

"Put me down and leave", she said upset about the fact that her husband finds her fat. If this is the case in the first few weeks, what would happen in her final weeks of pregnancy ? He would call her a Buffalo.

"I have no problem, in fact, I am happy that you gained weight, I just want you to eat healthy and gain healthy weight", he said softly calming her down...

They reached her chamber and he helped her settle on the bed and sat beside her. She looked at him wondering why wasn't he leaving. He chuckled understanding her unasked question.

"I'll go after you doze off", he said softly ruffling her hair.

"I am hungry", there she said it, because with her hunger, she couldn't fall asleep and he wouldn't leave until she dozed off.

"You didn't have your dinner ?", he asked

"I did but it was long before", she said making him frown... Her appetite seems to be expanding at a higher pace, he decided to talk to Dr. Parthasarathy about it. Earlier she used to have lite dinner yet she wouldn't get hungry till the next morning. These days he saw how she is eating more frequently and a lot more comparative to her usual portion.

"I'll make something for you", he said and she nodded listing her wishes surprising her husband, everytime he cooked for her, she offered to help or if he denied her help, she kept the menu simple, but now, it was as if her wish list did not have a full stop.

"Bacha... Is the Rajput palace's cook on leave ?", Abhyansh asked earning a glare from Isha...

"She will prepare the breakfast but there's still a lot of time for it, this is for me to eat now, if you have any problem, then leave, I'll cook myself or ask my brother", Isha said

"Okay, Isha... That's enough... Why are you getting upset about every little thing ?", Abhyansh asked trying to keep his tone soft but his irritation was clearly visible... Isha glared at him, her eyes welled up shocking him...

"Isha... I was just asking...", he trailed but she laid on the bed and covered herself with the duvet... "I'm sorry bacha...", he apologized and she hummed realizing she might have overreacted... "I'll try to cook all these but might need your help in some, will you come and sit in the kitchen with me ?", he asked softly, she threw the duvet aside and nodded... He smiled at his wife and carried her to the kitchen... He opened his mouth to say something about Isha shut him up...

"Don't even comment about my weight", she said quickly...

"I wasn't about to Jaan... What's wrong with you ? Why is my wife with hell lot of patience is acting so impulsive today ?", he asked settling her on the kitchen slab...

"Sorry Rana sa...", she genuinely apologized, it's just her mood swings were too much and she couldn't just stop herself from snapping at her husband. "I have been experiencing mood swings for a few weeks and I keep snapping at bhai, and sometimes poor Dr. Parthasarathy and both of them wouldn't mind it, so I never needed to control myself", she said hiding her smile, she knew her words would trigger her husband, when it comes to her, he competes like a child.

"When did I say I have a problem with it ? I was just trying to figure out the issue behind these mood swings... and now stop playing with me, concentrate on passing me the recipes rather than making me jealous", He said and she laughed wholeheartedly... No matter the issues between them, time spent with her husband always made her happy, delighted.

She guided him to cook, simultaneously eating all the delicacies he was making.

"Put some more chilly powder in it", she guided...

"Some more ?", he asked not sure but she nodded, it was too much of a spice even to himself considering he was the person who eats a lot of spice in his family, his wife comparatively eats less spice, but who would tell him that his child/children has his genes dominating their mother's.

It was almost early hours when the husband-wife were done with their culinary exploration. To Abhyansh's surprise, his wife had all of it that he cooked.

"Seems like your appetite has increased a lot, I'm happy... But is it okay for these sudden changes ?", he worried

"Rana sa... I talked to the doctor, everything is fine, stop worrying so much, I'm fine...", she said, feeling guilty for hiding the truth from him.

"Okay, but still, I would like to talk to Dr. Parthasarathy about it, I'll do it on my way out, have some sleep", he said kissing her forehead.

"Rana sa... Can we talk 2 days later ? I don't want to talk about it today, I need some more time to think", Isha said, she knew her husband would be very hurt seeing her supporting her father but she couldn't get in herself to believe her father could be so cruel... Whatever the truth was, and whoever did that to her sister-in-law would face heavy consequences, she determined. If it was her father who did all those as her husband believed, she would break all ties with that man and even stop her brother and herself from holding her father's death anniversary rituals.But she knew there's a misunderstanding, her father can't be cruel. Period.

"fine... Take care, I'll see you after 2 days then...", he said and walked away from there... On his way, he met Dr. Parthasarathy who convinced him that hormonal changes are common and Isha's larger appetite was due to the same, he wasn't lying though, hormonal changes are the reason behind her increased appetite but those changes were due to her pregnancy which Dr. Parthasarathy conveniently avoided as per his promise to Isha, but he prayed to God every second to save him from the BEAST's wrath once he got to know about it.

Isha slept for a few hours before waking up, she got freshened up and both the Rajput siblings settled in Isha's room to discuss the things. Neither of them believed that their father could do such things, but they also recognized that what happened to Advaita was absolutely cruel and whoever was responsible needed to be punished severely. They wanted to search for the truth but didn't understand how.