Pratap was never an affectionate father, he preferred to love his son from afar but he adored his son a lot. When Abhyansh was 2 years old, Pratap got to know about his wife's betrothal and that completely shattered his trust on his wife and changed the man he was. He started hating his wife and pushedawayeverything related to her away, and that included their son as well.
He verbally abused her for cheating, and toddler Abhyansh happened to witness all of it. Amruta tried to keep her son away from all this but he was too small to be left on his own and she couldn't trust any of the servants, and she couldn't even let her in-laws know how worse her husband treated her though they knew to some extent about his dislike towards her, but they didn't know it's not dislike but pure hatred and mad rage.
Abhyansh stopped opening his mouth fearing he would spit venom just like his father if he talked, for most of the time he didn't even ask for milk or cereal if he was hungry, thankfully his mother needed no words to understand him so that worked. The toddler brain was completely filled with the venom his father spat all the time. He witnessed his mother's tears and he hated them so much that he stopped crying. The thought of tears got him so aversive that he used to hurt himself as a punishment if he let even a drop of tear out.
One day, He witnessed his mother silently crying after his dadi asked her to get a good saree for her upcoming birthday, he got to know that his mother was crying because no one(his father) was ready to go with her or choose the saree for her, so Abhyansh promised her that he would select her saree and buy it for her every birthday.
Amruta took her son with her to shopping every year and he bought her the saree but to the temple, she visited alone. She didn't want her sins to rub on her son. Chirag couldn't forget her, he tried for years but couldn't, so, he kept visiting the temple to have a glimpse of her every year. He knew she wouldn't miss her temple visits on her birthday ever. He used to see her from afar, so she never noticed his presence.
WhenAbhyanshwas young, his grandfather was brutally killed. He couldn't understand anything, he tried to get his grandfather's death investigated but none took him seriously dismissing him to be a kid. He kept all the evidence he could gather with him safely, thinking to get them investigated further when he became capable enough. Everyone thought it was a natural death and let it go but Abhyansh didn't. He loved and respected his grandfather immensely, he was more of a father to him than his father ever was or ever would be. That old man had his own benefit in loving him, he wanted a capable successor for his empire and he saw that in his eldest grandson, so he started grooming him in that way, but still Abhyansh couldn't forget all that he taught him.
After Udai Singh Ranawat passed away, Pratap became the caretaker of the throne untilAbhyanshbecame capable enough to handle it. Udai never trusted his son's capabilities to handle the throne, so he kept it for his elder grandson who he trusted immensely.
Abhyanshwanted to take up the responsibilities at the tender age of 10 but Pratap refused and sent him to a boarding school.Abhyanshkept an eye on everything that's going on with the palace through the shrewd ways his grandfather taught him. When he was in boarding school, Avyan was kidnapped by unknown rivals of theirs,Abhyanshhad a basicidea of who they were but with the kind of planned abduction, he suspected more people were involved in it.
In rescuing his brother, he was stabbed multiple times but all the physical and mental strength he built throughout the years helped him survive it and rescue his little brother safely. He could take any number of stabs but determined not to let a scratch on his brother's body and he was successful at it. That was the first time he used his sword to slash people to death, till then he only practiced it under the protected environment created by his grandfather.
He carried his brother on his back with blood oozing out his body, he ran for miles to reach the Ranawat palace escaping their enemies. He was determined to take his brother safely to their palace and he couldn't lose his senses till then, he kept chanting the same thing, and just like that he collapsed in front of Ranawat palace when he saw Bhuvan and Bhairav running towards them...
After this incident, Pratap got to know aboutAbhyansh'staps on the palace and he sent him abroad cutting him off from all his sources,Abhyanshprotested but he failed against his father's power. He hated his weak self who lost to his father, so he was determined to become powerful enough to tackle with their enemies who dared to abduct his brother and harm him. He tried to know the palace matters from abroad but Pratap cleverly blocked all his sources leaving him completely clueless.
Abhyanshdecided to invest every second of his time in becoming powerful. But his foes who saw his strength and capabilities when herescuedAvyan decided to killAbhyanshas they were threatened by him, in those few years, 29 murder attempts were made to killAbhyanshand he escaped them every time. He was alone, his father didn't even send any security personnel with him suspecting he would generateinformation through them. ButBhairav knew the dangers lurking around the crown prince, but he couldn't go to protect Abhyansh as he was bound to follow Pratap's orders as he was the caretaker king, so he sent his younger brother Bhuvan to study in the same university asAbhyanshand protect him. 29 near death experiences bought these two closer, and they became best friends.
Abhyanshcould give his life for Bhuvan and vice versa. Their friendship was beyond anything and everything, and their enemies understood that they couldn't be defeated until they were together. These brutal attacks, the poisonous plots, and the dangerous games gave rise to The Royal BEASTas he was called.
Abhyansh'sintelligence and courage instantly attracted a lot of big figures andmoreover henever liked to play with weak people. Every time he fought and won, he won a powerful ally or defeated a powerful man acquiring his power, either way, it was an advantage to him.
In India, as soon asAbhyanshwas sent abroad, the power-hungry wolfs started their game. Pratap was friendly to all the royals and trusted all of them. He organized weekly dinners and lavish parties for them melting all the Ranawat wealth. Amar tried to stop Pratap but he was too prideful to listen to anything.
Amruta again met Chirag at one such dinner her husband had organized. She was shocked to see Chirag Rathore there after all those years. He introduced himself as her husband's friend and a best friend to her husband's best friend(Amar Rajput) indicating that Pratap didn't know about them yet.
Amruta couldn't bring herself to tell the truth to her husband as she wasalreadysuffering too much and she so wanted to die every time her husband accused her or verbally abusedher. Now if she told her husband about Chirag being that man who she was bethroted to, he would accuse her of purposely calling him there, also she didn't want to destroy her husband's relations with Rajputs, as she knew Amar Rajput was the only well-wisher of her husband among these vile people who just used her husband. Well, she wasn't clever enough to figure out about the others, her mother-in-law Devyani Devi told her, but regarding Amar Rajput, she knew as he was her best friend's sister's husband. Nandini Rana was her best friend, though they lost touch in these years, they again met through Pallavi Rajput.
Chirag kept visiting theRanawatswith Amar for Amruta. Amar had no idea about her friend's past, he met Chirag in college, he was in the Business block while Chirag was in the medicinal field but he never mentioned to Amar about his betrothal to Amruta.
Chirag saw how Pratap treated Amruta carelessly, he never spoke respectfully to her and Chirag didn't like it a bit but he knew Amruta wanted only good for her husband so he helped Amar in protecting Pratap and the throne from other royal wolfs who eyed Ranawat Royal wealth accumulated by Raja Udai Singh Ranawat and his ancestors.
Pratap in his arrogance didn't understand their plans, Amar tried to make him understand many times but he dismissed Amar Rajput's worries as baseless. Amar approached Rajmata Devyani Devi having no option requesting her to make Pratap understand. Rajmata realized Amar genuinely wanted to help Pratap, and the extent he went to protect him and his wealth showed how sincere he was and that made her trust Amar. But this step of Amar didn't sit well with Pratap and there started the bad blood between them. Pratap limited his interactions with Amar and it became difficult for Amar toprotect Pratap due to lack of information. Earlier, Pratap used to report his every move to Amar but he stopped after their misunderstandings grew and this resulted in Pratap's accident which Amar suspected was not an accident.
Later,Amar knew that this was planned by all other royal families except for the Rajputs and Rathores of course or so he thought. Chirag and Amar tried to save Pratap but were unsuccessful, Pratap became handicapped forever and at this weak moment, Chirag blurted out his worry for Amruta which caused Amar to suspect Chirag's intentions and he also observed his liking towards Amruta right from the start but he dismissed it till then, but soon Amar understood everything when he got his men to look into Chirag's life. Amar thrashed Chirag and restricted his visits to Ranawat palace from then. He felt guilty of his betrayal to his friend(Pratap) though unknowingly, not to forget, the pain and torture Amruta might have went through everytime she saw Chirag in front of her eyes.
After the accident, Pratap started recovering gradually and Amar was by his side always like a true friend and Pratap forgot his complaints for the time being.Abhyansh'spower multiplied like fusion, and he was capable enough to tackle his issues, at least that's what he thought, he decided to take the throne and end their enemies. He started studying every development in his palace from afar and that's when he realized the web of dangers his father had weaved around him and the whole Ranawat clan.Abhyanshimmediately started his journey to Ajmer but he was late.
His father was already drowned in problems neck-deep, he signed many documents without reading and that gave unprecedented power to his allies, with that power they started bullyingAbhyansh, and he purposely didn't show them hisfull potential,Abhyanshtook the throne and he tried to take care of his people without hurting anyone. Amar tried to helpAbhyansh, but after almost getting killed numerous times and facing more than a dozen betrayals,Abhyanshdidn't trust him much but he didn't let him know that. He was cordial to him and he seemed genuine with how he helped his father in recovering, how he bonded with him and brought out the best version of the venomous Pratap Singh Ranawat but looks could be deceiving,Abhyanshlearned it the harder way.
Abhyanshtried settling the matters at hand without a blood bath but unfortunately, that wasn't what their enemies wanted. There was an issue in their overseas business and he didn't want to leave his family at this time, well, Amar too advised him not to leave the country at this time andAbhyanshfelt he was right with his logical explanation, so he sent Bhuvan to tackle the issue.
In the next few hours, his twin siblings were abducted andAbhyanshrecollected how Amar hurriedly left for his palace after a phone call. He decided to investigate the cause later but for now, he decided to bring back his siblings safely.
He left his men along with Bhairav but on their way, they realized they left the palace completely defenseless, soAbhyanshsent his army of men to guard the palace with only a few left with them and unfortunately everyone succumbed to their enemies' brutal attacks except for Bhairav and Abhyansh.
Abhyanshand Bhairav tackled their rivals and their men, they found Avyan in a nearby big sheaf of paddy, which was set on fire and his brother was left in the middle of it to burn alive,Abhyansh'sblood boiled in fury at the cruelty, whoever was responsible for this, he would not only destroy them but their whole bloodline, he promised to himself.
Avyan was crying vigorously extremely scared of the fire and the extreme heat the fire produced boiled him but the oversized shawl that was wrapped around him saved him from the burn, Abhyansh rescued him and tended to his burnt wounds...
"Avyan... Where is Advaita ?",Abhyanshasked him, he knew his brother wasn't in a situation to answer but he was left with no choice but to ask him. He had to find his little sister before those monsters could harm her...Abhyansh'sheart thudded wildly in fear for his little sister...
"B... Bhai sa... Addu... She...", Avyan got scared and couldn't get a single word out of his mouth...