“Oh, is that so?” She nibbles her lip and strokes my rapidly swelling boner. “And why’s that?” She’s lucky there are cameras and guards all around the dock, or I’d have her bent over this bench and howling over the ocean.
“Because I finally get to marry the woman who fixed me.” We both know I was never really broken, but it’s not meant for my mental state. Sedona patched a hole inside me with her love, and I won’t let her forget it.
She’s the love of my life. The fire in my heart. And the best damn thing that has ever crossed my path.
“M-marry?” She gulps, and her hand instantly retracts from my cock. I grab her wrist and slam it back in place before it gets too far.
“You didn’t think I’d give you a chance to run away, did ya?” I wink. “No one’s going to get another taste or touch of MY pussy again.”
She swoons and collapses into me.
“All yours.” She pecks my jawline. “Only yours. Me, my pussy, everything.” She giggles at the vulgarity of the last statement, but it confirms what I’ve known for so long.
Sedona Quinn is my one and only.
“Fuck, I love you,” I say before throwing myself into her for a kiss. She tries to say it back, but my tongue down her throat doesn’t give her an opportunity.
We make out on the dock like naughty kids until our boat arrives. When it does, I get a side-eyed glance from the operator, who no doubt doesn’t believe I’m better.
Oh well.
He’s just a small stepping stone on the rest of my path with Sedona.
Eight Years Later
“That’s him, isn’t it? Your husband?” Emma Crowly, an up-and-comer in the psychiatric space, corners me against a wall of screens, gawking at Victor finalizing the evening’s show with Erik Peterson and tonight’s host.
It’s our final show on a long tour promoting Victor’s movie,Black and White.
“Yes, that’s him.”
Her eyes are glued to him. Who can blame her? Out of the asylum and into the gym, Victor has only amplified the exquisite frame he already had. His black hair has silver shining through in the ultimate salt-and-pepper quaff. Age has done wonders for his discerned, distinguished look, and I’m loving every second of watching it take him.
“Think I could get an autograph?” Emma asks. She’s salivating over him like a rabid dog finding its first meal in days.
“It isn’t for me to decide, is it?” A little smile trickles across my face, watching her stare at my man. In a past life, I might have felt intimidated by a young, fresh face and flowing brunette hair.
But I know my Victor. He doesn’t have eyes for anyone but me, and I’m damn lucky to have it.
“Oh, shit, here he comes.” Emma turns to me with eyes bursting out of their sockets.
“My love,” Victor announces his presence as he gets close. He leans forward, almost as if he didn’t see there was someone with me at all, and gives me a kiss. While he does, his hand finds its way to my swollen belly, and he rubs it softly to greet our daughter. “How are you? Are the lights too bright? Too much noise? Say the word, and I’ll have them take you somewhere more comfortable.”
His concern warms my heart. We’re expecting our firstborn soon, and Victor has done everything in his power to ensure it moves swiftly and smoothly. One wrong item on the food list and his cheery disposition would falter into an enraged monster on the warpath for screwing with his pregnant woman.
And as much as I enjoy him as the caring, concerned father-to-be, I fucking love seeing the demon rear its head.
“Everything is perfect,” I say, taking his hand on my tummy in both of mine.
“Mr. Cullen,” Emma says nervously. “I’m sorry to bother you, but would you mind signing a copy of your boo?—”
Victor doesn’t even bother turning toward Emma while he speaks. “Can’t you see I’m with my wife?” Those deep amber eyes pierce through my soul the same way they did all thoseyears ago. “There will be time for all of that once the show is over. Thank you.”
I watch her waddle away, downtrodden that Victor wouldn’t give her a moment of his time.