His voice turns into a raspy growl. “Not just any toy. One that you should have had a chance to torture a long time ago.” Damon pulls my blindfold off, and I take in his serious face before looking at my new victim.
My breath hitches in my throat as I see the naked man tied up in the chair. He seems to be doing well for the most part, except for an openwound on his head, mild ones on his chest, and one that’s healing on his left ear.
Uncle Demetri.
“How?” I mumble in disbelief.
Damon starts to walk away from me and closer to a rolling cart as he says, “If you remember, at the party, I told you he looked familiar, but I couldn’t place him. You wouldn’t guess where I put the pieces together . . .” I don’t dare blink as I look at him. “At Walter’s place, when we were there to save Lily, I found files confirming he’s a frequent flier at places like that. But today, you’re gonna be the one having fun.”
Rage fills my veins. The thought that he continued doing things to others . . . It’s easier to destroy boogeymen for others. Facing your own is a whole other beast.
I know I can handle it though because Damon, the man I care so fucking deeply for, is helping me face it.
“We didn’t do too much damage, as this is your kill to take,” he says as he rolls the cart back closer to me. “I brought all your favorites and some new toys to test out too.” I look down to see my throwing knives and darts, syringes with various vials, a dull switchblade, electric shock machine, and so much more.
“Thank you,” I say simply. Not that those two words are enough. I move towards Damon and kiss him on the cheek. Gabbing the switchblade, I turn towards my asshole Uncle. “You thought sneaking into my room those nights were you silencing me into a life of meekness—victimhood. But you were wrong. I became a fury, a goddess of vengeance. And it’s finally your time to repent for all you’ve done.”
I yank off the cloth gag from his mouth. “Charlotte, come on. I’m family. Please don’t do this.”
“Please don’t do this,” I mimic as I grab his face. “That’s what I said over and over again. But you would say to ‘smile and take it like you wantit, Charlotte, or this will go a lot harder for you’and you kept that promise. Leaving me with scars no one but I could see.” I take the dull serrated blade and carve a permanent smile on his face as he squirms, trying to get away. “Now you can fucking smile and take it.”
“Do you want money? Anything. I’ll do anything,” my uncle begs. “Charlotte, I’m sorry,”
“No, you’re not. But you will be,” I promise. I squat down, and his dick dares to twitch seeing me this low. “Wow. You are a sick fuck.” I spread his legs wide open, and I stretch the skin next to his crotch—making sure not to touch his disgusting dick—and slice a huge section of the epidermis with clinical precision.
“No! No! No!” he screams out.
I give him a sinister smile. “Guess you didn’t find that as hot as you were expecting.”
“I sure did!” Damon chimes in. I turn to look at him. The sight of him along with the high of torturing my demon makes my core pool with need.
“I want you to join me.” I smirk at him as I offer him the blade.
“Are you sure, little gem? This is for you,” he asks as he walks towards me.
“Stop! I’ll do anyth—” I shove the piece of his flesh deep into his mouth. He starts to gag and attempts to spit it out with his tongue but can’t.
“Shut the fuck up. I’m speaking.” I glare at my uncle. “I’m sure. I’d much rather share this with the man who has done nothing but take care of me like myfamilyshould have.”
My uncle cries, having managed to finally spit out his skin. “Please.”
We both look at him, grinning. “Let’s enjoy this right now,” Damon says. “He deserves a slow and painful death. And later, I’ll be enjoying you,” he promises as he takes my lower lip between his teeth, biting down hard.
It makes me moan in pleasure, almost wishing I didn’t need to deal with my uncle right now. “Okay.” I pout, feeling my wants and needs at war. But this has been a long time coming, and I want to savor this moment before devouring every inch of Damon.
Damon squats down as he grazes his hand down my leg before grabbing a throwing knife hidden in my boot. He playfully nips my thigh before coming back up. Without even looking, he throws it at my uncle, landing it in his shoulder, forcing him to scream out.
I instantly feel myself get wet for Damon, but I try to stick to the task at hand. Turning to my uncle, I say, “So where were we? I think I want my pounds of flesh.”
Sauntering over, I grab part of the electric shock machine. “This one’s Ade’s favorite right? Let’s see.”
Damon helps me set it up, and I enjoy watching my uncle convulse over and over again as I bring the gauge up. I take a moment with each of the different toys. By the time I’m done, my uncle is missing a good chunk of his flesh and is bloody and bruised where he has any left. His stubborn ass held out through each part of the torture we inflicted for hours, but I can see the light slowly dwindling.
“Oh, Char, I forgot to tell you one of the best parts.”
I look up at Damon, curious at what else he could possibly have up his sleeve.
“You dear old uncle is so considerate.” He smirks as my uncle’s bloody face looks up at him, confused.