Page 36 of That Emerald Vow

“Sooooo . . . we’ve both had a good night’s sleep to process,” she says with a raised eyebrow.

I roll my eyes at her. “Ijustwoke up, woman.”

Smirking at me, she says, “Exactly. I’m keeping you on your toes so you can be honest with yourself about your feelings.” She takes a sipof her own coffee, looking all high and mighty.

“Ughhhh,” I groan as I fall deeper into my couch cushions.

“No, ‘ugh.’ You said pass. Now it’s time to push. I told you ‘later, not never’ and later is now,” she says, matter-of-factly.

I furrow my eyebrows at her with fake annoyance. I know I need her to help me figure out all of this emotional garbage, but I also don’t want to. The last two days have been full of more feelings than I’ve had to deal with in years. “Fiiine. But you’re taking me out to my favorite diner after.”

Now it’s her turn to roll her eyes at me. “Done, you big baby. Now spill. You and D. Why are we moving backwards?”

“Cause it’s too hard, Lils. It’s too much. I was wrong before,” I admit as I swirl the latte in my cup so my hands have something to do.


“There’s no buts. This is a big step for me to want more, yes?” I look up at her.


“This quickly got too complicated, and right now, I don’t need that. There are so many damn layers to this. I’m not gonna close myself off, but this is becoming too much too fast to also add the love”—my eyes go wide at my word choice—“I mean romantic relationship aspect.”

Love.Is that what I’m feeling?

“That may be why you have more reasons to give it a chance. Bigger risk equals bigger reward. You guys clearly have a connection.”

“We do. It’s been amazing getting to know him, and I’ll continue to do so. But I’m not gonna push it. If things happen in time then okay, but this is too much, too fast.”

“You’re right. I guess I’m just excited for you to be willing to put yourself out there. But it’ll come in time.”

“Exactly. Like, fuck, we all revealed some big secrets. We’re not aboutto run down the damn aisle.”Do I even see myself getting married?Definitely never did before.

“Haha. Okay.”

“I mean, if you and Ade want to though . . . I’m ready to be your maid of honor.” I playfully shove her knee.

“You’re absolutely too much.”

“I’m just right, baby.” We both start laughing as we embrace in a hug.

“We’ll be okay, it seems.”

I purse my lips thinking of the girls we were when we first met and who we are now. “Yeah, it seems we will.”

“I’m glad. It gives me hope.”

“Couldn’t have made it here without you,” I say as she squeezes me hard, which is all the response I need.

I hear my cell phone chirp over on the coffee table. Turning to look down and see who it is, an unwilling smile creeps up on my face. Damon.


Hey, gem . . . Last night was heavy, and I wanted to check on you and let you know I’m thinking of you.


Also thank you for listening and not running in the opposite direction. You truly are such a remarkable and precious woman who I’m so happy to have met. Have a good rest of your day.