I purse my lips together. “And this is her on her best behavior. Now you know why I didn’t want you to come.” His smile falters. “But I am so freaking glad you’re here,” I say as I put my hand on his arm. “Truly, thank you.”
Damon’s smile returns even brighter. “I’m glad I was able to come.”
“Speaking of which, how on earth did you know where my parents lived?” I ask.
“Some clever sleuthing. I’m not just a pretty face, you know.” He grabs the cocktail shaker and whiskey glass, juggling them once before he winks at me.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Makes one bomb-ass milkshake and he won’t shut up about it.” I smile warmly at him.
“I asked Reid to find it for me. He’s one of our go-to tech wizards,” he says as his eyebrows crease in concentration. He pours simple syrup into both the shaker and whiskey glass. Damon even sticks his tongue out at times as he continues to make the drinks, making flutters explode in my stomach and chest.
“So you were planning to ignore me saying not to come the whole time?” I ask, enamored by his process of muddling the mint with everything, making his muscles flex.
“Yes and no. I wanted to leave you the open option, which woulda been harder to do if I stayed back home. The ball was always in your court. If you didn’t want me here then I woulda respected that, but something told me you would change your mind.”
I guess I wasn’t as stealthy with my emotions as I thought. He could read me like an open book.
“I hope one day you’ll understand that if you need me, I’m there. I’llalwaysbe there for you, gem.”
My breath hitches in my throat as tears flood my eyes. “I think I’ll always need you,” I admit and take a deep breath before bravely adding, “Want you.”
His eyes meet mine as he continues to shake the cocktail, and his tongue seductively traces his lip. “I guess we’re choosing not to pretend right now?”
“You’ve earned some honesty with the kindness you’ve shown me.”
“Well, if we’re being honest. You may have ruined all other women for me because I think I’ll always needandwant you too.”
Is it getting hotter out here?
He gives me a shit-eating grin as he passes me my passion fruit mojito. “This will help cool you down, little gem.”
I take the glass and take a sip as the sweetness from the passion fruit and mint explode in perfect unison across my palate. Half the glass is downed within the next moment. “Wow. That’s amazing.”
He smirks at me. “Here, you can have mine too. Let’s go give this old-fashioned to your bitter, old mother.”
“Okay.” I laugh, still focused on my drink.
“Who’s that with Vivy?” he asks. “He looks familiar.”
My heart stops, forcing my feet to stop in their tracks. I don’t dare look up. I chug the rest of my cocktail and grab the one Damon offered out of his hand and guzzle that one too.
“Charlotte!” My mother shouts before I can respond, not that I had a response. “The party hasn’t even started and you’re over here drinking like a floozy. I’m sorry for her manners, Demetri.”
“I’m sorry, Mother,” I say, looking at her forehead.
“Aww, shucks. Let her live, Vivian. She’s young.”You like them young.My uncle leans forward to give me a kiss on the cheek, but Damon’s hand shoots out, stopping him.
“Hello. Demetri, was it? My name’s Damon. I’m Char’s friend.” Even though he’s smiling, I can tell he is asserting himself as my protector. My heart constricts as no one has ever stood up for me like this before. Especially not with my uncle.
I’ve finally worked up the courage to tell my mother what my uncle has been doing to me for years. She has to understand, right? She’ll helpme—save me from this demon. I look up hopefully at my mother as the last words come tumbling out of my mouth. “Please, Mother, make it stop.”
She wipes the tears from my cheeks, making my stomach flip thinking that this has to be the moment we finally bond, that she will be that loving mother I’ve always wanted. “You look ugly when you cry. Wipe these fake crocodile tears up.”
My heart shatters in my chest with each shard stabbing my lungs, making it difficult to breathe. There’s absolutely no one I can rely on in this world. “Mother,” I croak out.
“Stop it, Charlotte! This is a clear, blatant lie to get more attention,” she screams at me. But her voice shakes, and it never shakes.