Page 44 of That Emerald Vow

“I’m offering, gem. It’s not a bothe—”

“No. Thank you, but no.” She sounds curt, not wanting to continue this conversation.

Hmm. This isn’t over yet.Deciding to drop it—for now—I change the subject. “How about we eat and we can figure out the rest later?” I suggest.

Her eyes narrow at me, but she decides to take the opening. “Okay. Let me put this away,” she says, picking up the dress.

We’re halfway through our dinner as we continue to talk about safer topics like work, the shop, and even plans to take down X. After a while, I decide to bravely broach the subject again.

“So, can I ask why you don’t want me to accompany you?”

She lifts her eyebrows at me. “Accompany me? This ismyparents’ anniversary, not a royal ball I need a date to.” Charlie tries to laugh it off, but it comes out more like a cat choking.

“Sure, butyourfamily sucks ass,” I say as I lift my hands up to stop her from responding. “They’re all assholes, just like mine. Not judging, just stating a fact.”

“Even more reason for you to stay away,” she says.

“I don’t scare easily. Especially not by a rich, bitchy housewife.”

She scoffs. “Yeah, you’d think, right? I can’t explain the hold she has on me. I just don’t want to deal with it.”

Reaching over, I put my hand on hers as it hovers over her barely touched plate of food. “Then don’t, baby girl.”

Her eyes look to mine at the pet name, and she gives me a small smile. “I wish. But it’s easier this way. I’m not spending the night, but I’ll be home late. So maybe we can do something on Sunday.” She looks at me hopefully.

I’ll do anything to make her feel safe.

“Okay, little gem. We can definitely do something Sunday.” A plan is starting to formulate in my head, and as we continue our dinner, the tension slowly dissipates. When she starts to clean up, I send a quick text to help with forming my plan.

“Let me help you there,” I say as I start throwing the small amounts of food left on our plates down the garbage disposal. “It’s such a blessing to have these, right? Makes cleaning up so easy.”

“Yeah, for sure. That and a dishwasher,” she says as she starts wiping down the counter.

“I recently got a newer one installed that is suited for bones. It’s amazing!” My voice comes out excited.

Charlie perks up and looks at me with a mischievous smile. “Bones? Like femurs and stuff?” My mouth drops, and I internally chuckle as she continues, “That could be really helpful.”

Not being able to contain my laughter any longer, it all comes bubbling up. “No, silly, like chicken bones and other animals. But that’s a thought.”

Her bottom lip sticks out. “Oh, well that’s less cool then.”

It’s been two hours since I got to my parents house, and I’m already thinking of sixty different ways to torture someone. Maybe I’ll just have to make another pit stop on my way home like last time to relieve some tension. My mother’s need for perfection has reached its peak as she makes me move around the centerpieces in the backyard for the millionth time.

“Mother, I think you really got it this time,” I say as we both take in the floral arrangements. They’re in the same fucking spot as the first time I placed them, but she said I was an idiot and knew nothing about décor.

“I think you’re right. See, Charlotte, I told you I knew more about decorating than you.”

The muscle in my jaw twitches as I clench my teeth to stop myself from saying something that would make things worse. “Yes, Mother. Clearly I still have many things to learn from you.”

She smiles at me as she pats my shoulder, like I am some naïve kid. Just as quickly, she pulls away as if I’m a stranger with a disease. That’s what affection has looked like with her my whole life. No wonder I’m allergic to any real form of intimacy.

I let out a sigh thinking about Damon. I really do want him here, but I didn’t want him to suffer through this with me.

I reach my phone as I feel it vibrate in my pocket.

Think of the devil and the devil shall appear. Or in this case, he’ll send you a really long text.
