I gave a nod to her but focused on the voice in my head.‘How? His curse cut me off from my magic. I can’t reach into my bloodline.’

‘His curse has already pulled back thanks to your mate, but your bloodline is not only witches. Your father’s magic is not restrained by the curse. It is a part of your wolf and uncaged. Use all of your bloodlines. Moon, Sun, Earth, and the very shadows from which he hides.’

I could feel the presence in my mind pull back. My gaze moved to Sasha and the others.

‘Moon, Sun, Earth, and Shadows,’I repeated to myself as I looked at each of them in turn.

Sasha looked at me and tilted her head, the corridor coming to an end as we reached another single door.

‘I know how to end this once and for all,’I sent to her through the bond.‘Tell the others to follow my lead.’

She paused only a moment before she nodded and turned to Aurora and Baer.

“Ayden has a plan. Follow his lead. I can feel Morus just beyond this door.”

“Right,” Baer nodded as his clawed hands glowed with his magic. “We got this.”

Sasha opened the door and let me take the lead this time. I reached for my magic like the voice had said to and found it within my grasp. The tingles of power caressed me in greeting, happy to be freed of the spell that Morus had cast over me.

On the other side of the door was a grassy courtyard with a waist high hedge maze at the center. I could see Morus at the center of the maze, his back to us as he stared at a statue of a goddess.

“Well, I will give you this,” he said without looking back. “You are a persistent bunch. I think I’ll have Minerva be sure the next batch of you hybrids aren’t so self-assured. Maybe we will take them as babies and raise them ourselves instead of within their packs and covens like you four were. Clearly, it would have been more in our favor.”

I growled at the mere idea of him kidnapping infants. His disregard for our lives is clear. We weren’t living beings to him. We were merely tools to whatever end he had in mind.

“I think the next marked one will be raised completely separate from the others,” he continued. “Raise her to be the bride that Sasha was meant to be. It had crossed my mind to have Minerva take you the moment you were born, Sasha Darling, but I felt that you’d thrive better amongst your peers.” He finally looked back at us all, his gaze barely glancing over at the rest of us as he pierced my mate with his shadowy eyes. “A moment of weakness and a mistake I will never make again.”

I growled, then noticed Aurora and Baer circling around the maze as Morus focused on Sasha. He barely noticed them move. Didn’t seem to care much at all, as if he didn’t find us worth his time at all.

‘Use that to your advantage, Ayden,’the voice returned.‘He doesn’t realize how special the four of you are. He only sees the value in your mate. She is the key to distracting him.’

I looked at Sasha as she stared back at Morus with venom in her eyes.

‘Keep his attention, Sasha,’I sent to her, assured that our link was guarded from Morus’s notice.‘Tell the others to watch for my signal. Then, we each call on the element of magic that calls to us the most.’

She darted her eyes to me for only a moment before she sent her message of confirmation through the link. I watched as she stepped forward towards the maze entrance, taking Morus’s full attention once again.

“You really think you can handle another me? You really believe that you could have raised me differently than my parents?” She laughed. “My parents couldn’t control me, and I loved them with all my heart. I have a mind of my own. I always have. You wouldn’t have fared any better with your twisted mind control than you did today.”

Morus laughed in response, his dark magic twisting up his body from the ground as he prepared for Sasha’s attack. “I think you underestimate me, Darling. I’m not one of those little hybrid boys you’re so used to. I am a god. And you are a mortal gifted with god given gifts, but no true power to back them up.”

I looked over to see Aurora directly behind Morus now. Baer stood to her right, directly to the left of Morus, as he continued to mock Sasha in front of him. I took my own position to Morus’s right and dug my claws into the dirt to feel the connection to the magic there.

A pull from the sky drew my gaze up, the moon shining directly down on the courtyard above us with the distant rays of an early dawn approaching.

‘Shadows still hide from the glow of the moon’s light,’the voice repeated in my mind.

I nodded then, understanding exactly what it was that I had to do. I looked around at the other three, all waiting for my signal, each with a determined look in their eyes.

I let out a deep howl as my body syphoned its power directly from the moon’s light. With a sharp bark, I sent a perfect sphere of that light directly at Morus.

The others sent their own magic at the same moment, four perfect spheres for the four elements of magic aimed directly for Morus. Sun light from Aurora, green light of pure life force from Baer, and the darkest of shadows from Sasha.

Morus’s eyes widened as he tried to throw up his shadow shield, but our powers blew through his defenses. Each orb hit their mark, and sparks of colors shot out from his body.

We all stood in place as we watched with shock and awe as Morus’s body twisted and screamed in pain. The light of the moon and sun ate away at his shadows as the pure earthly life force seemed to syphon his very life essence from him. Sasha’s shadows consumed him while his own shadows merged with hers and consumed him from within.

The look of shock on his face was the last thing we saw of him. His body was gone with a wisp of smoke as each of our powers dispersed. None of us made a sound as we stared, not until my body suddenly jerked and contorted.