We both turned to the retreating form. It was the same witch I had been searching for. The one that Atlas had described as interfering with his trials to gain back his magic. The one who tricked him twenty years ago.
Sasha shoved my chest, knocking me off balance for a moment from the unsuspected move. She and the others race down the alley after the witch as I reclaimed my balance and quickly caught up to them.
“Back off, Fairchild! If you get in our way we won’t hesitate to take you out.” Sasha growled at me as I overtook her.
I smirked at the very idea. The only one amongst them who could take me on was Baer, and even he would have trouble one on one. The other two would only slow him down, just like they always did when we were in school, like when they were fighting for the top rank in every class. Yet another reason why the Rigel princess disliked me.
The witch threw back another spell, aimed directly for Sasha. I reached out, grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the line of fire, ignoring her growls of protest.
“How about you worry less about me and more about the witch, or do you enjoy being a liability?”
“Who the hell are you calling a liability?” She demanded as the witch threw yet another spell aimed directly at her.
I spun us both around, my back hitting against the stone walls hard just as the witch threw out a potion of dark smoke.
“Shit,” I growled, recognizing the bottled spell.
“Sasha! She’s going to disappear!” Aurora called out; her eyes widened with fear at the prospect of the witch getting away.
Sasha shoved me again to get away, running towards the dark smoke. I didn’t bother. My fists clenched to my side as I ground my teeth in anger.
There was no point in running after her anymore. Her scent was gone, and so was the witch. Like the very wild goose my mother always called her.
“Well, this is just great,” I mumbled to myself. “Fuck, I was so close.”
Baer looked over at me, his head tilted. “Why were you after the witch? What exactly were you expecting to get from her?”
I scoffed. “As if I’d tell you. The better question here is, why the hell are you three after her?” I glared at Sasha then. “What possible reason could you want to find a dark witch like that?”
My eyes narrowed with suspicion at my supposed mate. Her family was always so secretive. It was a quality that my mother grew to dislike, especially after my family offered so much of our own knowledge in a show of friendship. They never paid it back.
Uncle Atlas never trusted them. It was why he only taught the basics of his magic to the school. It was only to our pack and coven members that he taught the full knowledge of the magic. And for that, I had always admired him.
“I think it’s far more suspicious to find you out here searching for her. After all, your family has a history with dark witches in your lineage.” Sasha said with a growl.
It was the only thing she had on me. My lineage. The history of my family and the curse that bound my grandparents together. Luckily, it was the only dark ancestor of mine that she was aware of. The other, more powerful, dark ancestor had been agreed, by the coven, to be kept a secret. Though my mother had been tempted to share with the Crete witches, after they proved to have no interest in exchanging information, she soon changed her mind.
“If you want to bring up one half of my family tree, you could at least acknowledge the other side,” I said coolly. “My family has more of a history with breaking dark magic. Whereas yours seems to enjoy hording all information on the subject.”
I turned my back on her before she could respond. I cursed The Fates for their rotten sense of humor as she mumbled curses of her own behind me.
The alley’s dim light flickered above a door in the shadows. The scent of darkness and decay permeating the surrounding air. The very shop of horrors I had suspected to find the witch, now my only lead as to where she could have disappeared to.
I could hear the others behind me, clearly with the same idea in mind.
We all entered the store with a light bell, the sound completely out of place for the dark and decrepit building. The scent of the nervous clerk gave away what he was, his eyes shifting between each of us and the door to the back of the store.
I nodded to Baer to go towards the spot, deciding that if they were there, I may as well use it to my advantage. The last thing we needed was a flighty vampire taking all the answers into the dark of night.
“Hello there,” I said with a grin. “I think you know exactly why I’m here. So, why don’t we skip the formalities and just get right down to it. Shall we?”
Chapter Two
Ofalltherottenluck. Luck that I so desperately had been counting on. I couldn’t understand it. Could hardly bring myself to put the words together, even as the single word that held all the answers had tumbled from my lips.
I had prayed to The Fates to bring us answers before we left on this mission. Had prayed that this would finally bring an end to all the dangers that our families had been subjected to for decades now. And yet this was their answer to those prayers?