‘The voice spoke to her as well. It wasn’t quite in their mind anymore, but it was close enough to speak to them both and to tempt Sasha into the darkness of that magic.’

I tapped my finger on the cover of the book as I took in that information.

The voice was close. Not inside her mind, but close enough to establish a small connection to her to speak.

“The voice has a body then,” I surmised.

‘It would seem so,’my wolf agreed.‘I must rest now. I plan to have you healed by tomorrow just so that we can prove the other two wrong.’

I smirked at that and picked up the book from the table. I opened it as my wolf nestled into the back of my mind to rest before he continued healing me. It was the perfect opportunity to really take in this translated book and try to figure out what help it might offer us.

The first few pages were filled with descriptions of the technology of what I had seen in the library. The use of the crystals and the canals that I had noticed along the roads.

This place, as it turned out, had a similar layout to the modern-day Venice. Both walkways and canals were used to travel throughout the entire city. Still, I had yet to find the name of the city.

I flipped a few more pages and frowned as I saw the mention of beings with magical powers living within the city limits. Beings who came from all around the world to meet and trade within this mystery city.

Witches, shifters, and gods.


Chapter Twenty-Four


Alowgrowlescapedme as I paced back and forth in front of the golden building where Ayden was.

I hated it when he was right. I hated it even more when I had to admit it to myself that he was right.

My reactions to fear were potentially deadly for me or the people around me. My fear had nearly gotten him killed already.

Still, that voice haunted my thoughts and filled my nights with nightmares this last week. The only time I could chase away the fears was when I held his hand. Just as the bond had forced the voice out of my head, the touch of skin to skin with my mate chased away the nightmares.

“I hate that I need him like this,” I growled to myself.

The back of my neck burned where my birthmark sat. A sense of being watched coming over me.

I jerked my head behind where several similar buildings to the one we had taken refuge in sat. The doorway was darkened with the sun to the back of the building. Empty as far as I could tell by looking at it. But I could feel eyes on me all the same.

“Is someone there?” I called out. “Rory? Baer?”

I sniffed the air, but there was no scent, yet the back of my neck continued to prickle and sting like an alarm bell going off that something wasn’t right.

“Do you see anything?” I asked my wolf.

‘No,’she replied with a low growl.‘Just shadows,”she paused,’ wait.’

My knees bent into a crouch as I saw what she had. Movement in the shadows. Confirmation that something was there.

I was creeping closer for a better look when the door behind me crashed open, and laughter filled the air.

“Baer,” Rory laughed heartedly. “That tickles!”

“What does?” he reached out. “Oh, you mean this,” he responded before grabbing at her waist and covering her neck and cheek with kisses.

They hadn’t noticed me just yet as they fell into far too much activity than I had ever wanted to see my cousin involved in. I turned back to look at the building’s doorway, only to find the shadows not as dark as they had been before. The sense of a presence in the air no longer hung over me either.

Whatever, or whoever, had been there was now gone, taking with them the shadows and the sting of my birthmark.