I rest my head on his shoulder, lulled to sleep by his steps. It’s a struggle to keep my eyes open.
Joey whispers, “No amount of food, drink, or air can compare to how much I love you. From the time we were kids, my crush grew roots, flowering into a love greater than the universe.”
A smile glues to my face. An, “I love you, too,” slips from my lips before I’m out.
Chapter 27
Our experience in Tuscany has left my body in a sedated, dreamy state with a sliver of sadness because it came to an end. I didn’t think Joey and I could get any closer, but our honeymoon sealed us in a forever. We ate, drank, traveled, experienced, and fucked without any misgivings. He’s the yin to my yang. The light to my dark. I’m a polished queen in his presence, and he’s my ruler. I’ll never relinquish my independence, but Joey’s commands hold me hostage in weak moments.
Traveling is tiring and I can’t wait to get home, shower, and cuddle into bed. We called our families to let them know we were back in the States. Even though Erin has hired a wedding planner, she wants to make the choices and asked me to help her out as soon as I’m settled. Of course, I’ll join her in planning her wedding. It’s the least I can do considering everything she’s done. While we were away, she’s kept an eye on our house, watering the plants inside and out, and bringing in our mail.
I have a week and a half left before fall classes start, which I’m looking forward to. Psychology fascinates me, so I love attending classes, with a few exceptions. The mind is so complex that even brain injuries leave doctors perplexed and clueless about the recovery. Each person recovers differently, and depending on how and where the injury occurred, sometimes the doctor can only wait it out.
We pull into our driveway, and I can’t believe how much our flowers have grown. They’re overflowing in abundance, creeping onto the walkway and folding over the planters. Bursts of colors accent our blue jay colored home. I stand for a moment and take in the beauty. Hiking my carryon over my shoulder, I tread into the house, leaving the door open for Joey. By the stairs, I dispose of my bag and head into the kitchen, shuffling through our mail.
I drop the pile when I hear a noise coming from the hallway. Instead of waiting, I step closer to check it out, all the while telling myself what an idiot I am. This is how characters in horror movies die.
Don’t be so paranoid. It’s most likely your imagination.
Something falls.
My arm stretches out to switch on the light and James’ hand seizes my throat, forcing me backwards into the kitchen. A finger presses against his lips. I scratch at his hand, wrist, and forearm, which only makes him smirk. I feel my face reddening from the lack of oxygen. In a last-ditch effort, I kick him in the shin, and he tosses me into the kitchen corner.
I’m holding my throat, coughing, as he says, “You are trouble, just like your dad said.”
James’ eyes pin me there. I try to get my breathing under control and take a sidestep away from him.
He wiggles his finger. “Uh, uh, don’t move.”
There’s a butcher block knife set behind me, so I slink my hand back, placing it on the counter.
James shakes his head, reaching behind his back, as he says, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
My hand drops back to my side. He probably has a gun, and I need to stay alive long enough to warn Joey.
The four of us swore not to let our guards down, and here I do. For months we’ve been alert to our surroundings. All it took was a relaxing honeymoon to have me forget our nightmare. James is dirtier than the devil. Cursed from birth. He’s tormented Joey for too long. My Joey has none of James’ demon traits. Joey takes care of the ones he loves, while James’ vile ways bring nothing but anguish. My husband has come so far, freed himself from this monster, and found his mother. I can’t…I won’t let James cause any more damage to Joey.
My eyes dart behind him to throw him off, and I run the opposite way, but he catches me before I scream to warn Joey. He crushes me into his chest, pinning my arm behind me, while his other hand clamps over my mouth.
Pressing my stomach to the countertop to immobilize me further, he says with a sinister chuckle, “Now, now, we wouldn’t want you to ruin the surprise.” I’m screaming through his hand, shaking my head to dislodge it, and I stop when he adds, “Keep it up, and I’ll really make him suffer.”
Tears stream down my face. I’m finding it difficult to breathe. I notice the crooked fingers on his right hand, jutting out into different angles. He holds me against the counter with his body, his arm releasing me so he can fondle my breast. I buck back and forth to make room so I can wiggle out of his embrace. Unfortunately, I’m pinned tight.
We hear Joey talking to Simas, who forgot we were coming home today. He stopped by to drop off more mail since Erin and Elijah were gone for the weekend.
James smiles. “Ah, I forgot what a wildcat you are. We never got to fuck, rudely interrupted by that cocksucker.” His finger sinks under my bra, rubbing my pebbled nipple. “You like it.” He kisses my head and I sob into his hand. “I’ll take care of you later. Right now, I have some business to address with that piece of shit son of mine.”
Right then, Joey walks into the house, saying, “Tea, Simas came by…”
He stops when he sees James holding me hostage. His hand is still inside my T-shirt.
Joey drops the luggage and comes closer. “You sonofabitch.”
“It’s more likeyou’rethe son of a bitch. Stop, or you’ll be scooping up your wife’s splattered brains.” James lets me go and steps back to reveal a gun. While staring at Joey, he adds, “Teagan, remain where you are and place your hands on top of the island.”
I do as he says, my eyes never wavering from Joey’s.
“Let her go. This is between you and me.”