“I don’t blame you. How can she do that while Maya is crying? I’m guessing you also cut her off from money.”
“Yeah, it’s time she makes it on her own. She’ll suck whatever she can out of anyone. I thought with dad dead and having Maya she would have changed. Nope. Same old whorish wolf.”
I’m amused. “Did she recognize Ashton was my ex?”
He lets out a humorless laugh. “I bet she went there for that sole purpose. She doesn’t like attention taken away from her, and you, Monkey, get all the attention.”
“She’s so pathetic leaving me three voice messages. The woman hasn’t said more than a mouthful to me in years and now wants me to take her in. Is she that dense to think I would?”
“Well, I advise you not to, but if she plays the mother card, and the guilt gets to you, don’t have her live with you. It’s time you and Joey lead a normal life.”
“What about you?”
“What about me?”
“Leading a normal life.” I pause for a moment. “Don’t you ever think about getting out? Taking Isabella and Maya far away and starting fresh?”
He lets out a long sigh. “This is me, Teagan. I was groomed for this life, and I like it. I’ve branched out into legal businesses, reducing the illegalities. I’ve built connections to the city, things to enhance the downtown area, along with profiting from it. It’s in my blood.”
“Okay, okay. I’m not judging.”
Leo barks and says, “Yeah, you are, but that’s fine. I understand you’re coming from a good place.”
“I love you, Leo. Dad is gone. Mom hasn’t been around mentally for years. You’re the only blood family I have left.”
“Hey, you’re not getting rid of me.”
“No, I know. I just worry about you.”
“Same. Now let’s set something up soon. I want to see your new home. I’d love it! Barbeque time!”
We end our conversation as Elijah arrives. He and Joey are talking by the door while I change my clothes.
When I join them, I slip an arm around Joey’s waist and ask, “Are we good?”
He gives my shoulder a slight squeeze. “Yeah. When will you be back?”
Elijah responds, “We’re only seeing two houses today. One is right down the street.”
I yelp. “I saw the sale sign yesterday! OMG, it would be perfect if you guys lived so close.” Joey and Elijah laugh at my reaction. “Your guys and can’t appreciate the awesomeness of having your bestie nearby.”
Elijah shakes his head and says, “Maybe if the house lives up to your standards, you’ll have the awesomeness of us.”
“Okay, I’m ready.” I’m bouncing on the balls of my feet and ask Joey, “Two houses shouldn’t take too long. Are you going to make those steaks for us?”
He cups my face, kisses me, and says, “Yep!” His head turns to Elijah and asks, “You up for a barbeque?”
“I would love it, except I’m flying back to New York after Teagan and I look at the houses. Thanks, though.”
I wave back to Joey as I get into the car. Simas is in the driver’s seat, so I say hello. The first house we check out is the one down the street. It’s similar to ours, but it needs some upgrades. Apparently, the owners are old and haven’t bothered to update the electricity and plumbing. The décor is dated, but fresh coats of paint and furniture can fix that. I explain all of this to Elijah, and he asks if my opinion is being influenced by the closeness of the homes.
My hand presses against my chest as if I’m appalled. “Elijah! How could you even suggest such a thing?” Simas, Elijah, and the realtor laugh. “But now that you mention it, you’d be fulfilling that awesomeness.” I walk around the kitchen. “In all honesty, it does need work. The kitchen cabinets have to be upgraded along with the appliances, and the place needs repainting. I also noticed the wood terrace rotting by the stairs going into the yard.”
Elijah glances at the realtor. “You heard the lady. It needs a facelift.”
The realtor responds, “I can bid $15,000 less than the asking price.”
“How old are the couple?”