Blaise smiles and stuffs his hands into his pockets. “No need to be formal. We’re all here to say our goodbyes to Rosie.”
In a crumpled whisper, I say, “I’m going to miss her.”
His head slants to the casket as he responds, “Many will miss her.” He turns back to me. “All of us went into her shop at one time or another to buy flowers for our wives, mothers, and girlfriends. I never saw the woman in a bad mood.” I let out a small chuckle. “Not only that, but she’d also offer little additions to our purchases, maybe a bow, or a small glass bottle you put into the plant that self-waters.”
“She was a great boss.”
Silence falls between us, and then Blaise changes the conversation to Joey.
“I haven’t seen you around town, Joe, or your dad.”
Joey blows out a breath and says, “I don’t live in Chicago anymore.”
Blaise nods his head. “That’s good. It will give you a chance.” Joey remains quiet. “I heard about the hit. Rumor has it your dad posted it.” Joey nods. “Rumor also has it he’s still out to get you.” He folds his arms and gives Joey a deadpan look. “You didn’t hear it from me, but James only has two guys protecting him.”
Finally, Joey asks, “Why are you telling me this?”
Blaise gives a one shoulder shrug. “Spoke to Elijah about you. The man doesn’t toss praises out often, so you must be of value. Said your dad has been blackmailing you for years.” His eyes narrow in on Joey as if examining him, but Joey just stares back. “Anyway, rumor also has it that James is trying to pilfer Frankie. Apparently, he’s offered Frankie money to find and bury you, so watch your back.” He’s about to leave before he smacks Joey on the shoulder. “By the way, you’re a damn good fighter.”
He winks at me and disappears into the crowd. Joey and I turn to one another, shocked by Blaise’s willingness to offer information. In life, I guess everyone picks sides.
The place empties out, leaving a couple of stragglers talking to Angelo. I approach the casket to give my last goodbye to Rosie. They did their best to hide the bruises, but no amount of makeup could hide the realization she’s gone. The only consolation is they apprehended her ex. From the whispers throughout the wake, the cops did a number on him, and the prosecution filed first-degree murder charges. Maybe he’ll rot in jail for the rest of his life. Even that is too good a sentence for snuffing out a life worth more than his.
My hand rests on her shoulder, teardrops dripping on her shirt as I whisper, “Goodbye, dear Rosie. You’ll be gone, but not forgotten.” I hiccup, inhaling my sobs. “I’ll see you in every flower. In the spring, you’ll come to life and blossom all through summer.”
Joey’s hand is on the small of my back to support me. There’s still more I need to say, except my shaky body won’t submit to stillness.
I gulp in air, wipe my hand across my face, and continue, “I know you never had a favorite flower because you found them all irresistible…like you were. For the short time you were my boss and friend, you softened my world.” In a strangled voice, I finish with, “Sweet dreams, Rosie. May you bring the scent of flowers to heaven. Watch over me, Angel.”
Joey’s arm wraps around my shoulders and hugs me into him right when my legs buckle a little. He guides me out of the room and straight to the car. I’ll have to gather my wits about me to prepare for another agonizing day tomorrow at the private burial ceremony, which will include Angelo, Joey, and me.
Chapter 13
While at Leo’s, we spend most of the time in our room. Teagan’s been inconsolable since hearing the news of Rosie. She’s relayed to me everything she loved about Rosie and her shyness with Officer Podesta. I hope her ex who did this to her gets an unexpected visitor in prison, damaging him beyond repair or killing him. It will rid the world of another rodent.
After Rosie’s burial, we return to Leo’s house, and Isabella has laid out a buffet of food. The only thing Teagan wants is to hold her niece, Maya. Tea coos at the baby, touching her tiny nose and fingers. It’s the first time I’ve seen her with a baby, and as much as it isn’t the time, witnessing delicate Tea caring for a baby makes my dick twitch. I’m reminded how much I want children. One of these days, I’ll dive deep into Teagan until she tastes my pre-cum, filling her womb with a baby.
Isabella and Teagan are taking care of Maya, so Leo and I talk about what’s been going on with the families.
“I pummeled Frankie because of his plans to overtake me, and then I spoke to Reuben and Danny about Cooper’s Crew. They’re still hoping you’ll come back, but I’ve told them you won’t.”
“A cop from the wake told me James approached Frankie and offered him money to find and bury me.”
“Honestly, I don’t think Frankie can pull it off. He’s a two-timing dick, but he doesn’t have it in him to commit cold-blooded murder.” Leo shrugs. “Even if he does, which is a big if, he’s no match for you.”
I slug back the rest of my bourbon. “He had no problem coming after me for the hit money. Plus, I wouldn’t know he’s coming to get me.”
Leo leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees, and says, “Once you took off, dumbass Frankie couldn’t find you. Besides, I’ve got people following his every move. I’m not about to let him hurt my family.”
His comment about family has me nodding in appreciation. Leo and I have known each other for a lifetime. We might have chosen separate paths, but he’s a loyal leader. One the men will follow because they trust him.
He severs my thoughts. “Back to Cooper’s Crew. None of them want James back. They’re unsure of where you stand, so I called a meeting. Reuben gathered Cooper’s Crew together, and we met in one of the warehouses that piggybacks against our territories. At first, everyone was wound up tight, expecting a blow-out. To get everyone to relax, I surrendered my gun to the floor and asked the rest to do the same. My guys and Cooper’s hesitated but relented.”
“During my recuperation, I talked to Reuben about the leadership. He knows I’m not keen on taking over.”
“Yeah, he brought that up, which helped me reel in the rest.”
My eyebrow ticked upwards. Did he just admit the families are one?