Maybe the nightmare has my mind playing tricks on me.
To ease my worries, I head downstairs to the large windows, looking out onto the terrace. Joey had dimmers put on these windows, so no one can see inside. My eyes scan the forest. The slumbering woods, with their twisted branches and frost coated dead leaves, give me the chills. I step closer. Something darts across the outskirts of the woods. It went by so fast I can’t tell if it was small, like an animal, or a human form. There’s a rustling to the right of the terrace. A rhythmic tapping on a window out of sight. My mouth goes dry, and I proceed to the left for a better look. The outdoor lights reflect off the window and spread several feet outwards before the darkness takes over. I blink and there’s another flash of light and then it goes out. Now, I’m freaked out. I step backwards into someone and I scream.
Sean places his hands on my shoulders, shushing me.
My arms flail from fear. “What the hell, Sean? Why are you sneaking up on me?”
“I’m not! I thought you heard me.” He laughs. “What are you doing up?”
My arms wrap around me. “There’s someone out there.”
He jumps over to the window, saying, “What?”
“Upstairs and down here, I saw a flashlight trailing along the forest. That’s why I didn’t even hear you; too focused on following whatever light flashed on and off.”
Sean runs over to the fireplace to grab the poker as Joey comes flying down the stairs because my scream woke him. I tell him the same thing and he joins Sean. They turn off the security alarm, slide the door open, and with flashlights and weapons in hand, search the property. Kara comes down, hugging her robe, and I explain to her what they’re doing. We embrace each other, inhaling small breaths until Sean and Joey return. They step inside, shaking their heads.
Joey asks, “What did you see, Tea?”
“I was standing by our bedroom window and saw a flashlight circling the area. Maybe they saw me when the light went out.” My hands rub up and down my arms, and I’m swallowing the terror. “Someone was out there, I swear.”
Joey wraps me in his arms and whispers into my hair, “They’re gone now. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Kara stands by the island, biting her lip. “Do you think someone’s still after you, Joey? Possibly someone who doesn’t know the hit no longer exists?”
He pulls me with him as he hugs his mother into his other side. “Could be, but let’s not go crazy about it.”
Tears are dripping from Kara’s eyes. “We should call the police.”
Sean sets the alarm and tosses me the phone. “She’s right.”
Joey rebukes their suggestion. “It will reveal our whereabouts.”
“If you’re not going to, then at first light we need to go out into the woods to look for footprints. We’ll call the police if we find anything.”
Joey lets out an aggravated sigh and agrees.
Since we’re all up unable to sleep, we decide to have breakfast and dress. When the sun comes up, Joey and Sean slip out the back door, telling us to put the alarm code in. Kara and I wait for a good hour until they return with nothing. No footprints.
Ever since James’ last words, I’m coming for you and that sweet pussy, before the crash, I can’t stop wondering if he’s the one prowling the woods. No one knows where he is at. Leo said he’s the invisible man. Once Joey dumped his beat-up body at his house, he disappeared, along with a couple of his men. There hasn’t been word of any James sightings. Elijah’s black web offer still stands, and I hope someone finds him sooner rather than later.
When we’re all settled into the living room, Joey says, “I plan on selling this house.”
In unison, Kara and I ask why.
“Don’t you think we should make a new start somewhere else?”
He isn’t wrong. A new state, a new home we choose together, would be an enormous benefit for new beginnings. Sean can get his own place and fitness center, Kara can work, and I can finally return to college.
We all agree, and Sean contacts Paul, the realtor they saw for the houses and a fitness center in this area. Joey and Sean agree he deserves the sales commission after Joey’s jackass attitude in outing Sean’s sexual orientation to him. Paul agrees to search for a buyer for the house.
For the rest of the day, we pull up a map of the U.S. on the smart TV and browse to see where we’d like to live. Sean states he wants to live near us, which is understandable after a life of friendship with Joey. They’ve a bromance going, and I’m elated that Sean is going to be nearby. His friendship means a lot to me.
Chapter 12
After Teagan saw someone lurking around the house, I remain at home with the alarm on at all times. Although it could be anyone roaming the forest, my money is on James, because no hunter or persons nearby would be out in the middle of the night. I’ve kept my assumption to myself. The underworld poisoned James’ mind, and nothing shy of death will stop him from getting what he wants, which is the money I stole, me dead, and Teagan. I can’t let my mind stray to horrific things James can do to Teagan, and even to my mom. With all of Elijah’s finances and stocks, I’m able to prevent myself from getting buried in dark thoughts.
While Paul searches for a buyer, we keep the place in order for any potential viewings. When we need to go somewhere, such as shopping, we go together. It’s suffocating staying inside, and each of us lost to our imaginations. My mom is afraid to go to the pool alone, so she’s abandoned it. Because the movie theater is underground, mom and Teagan refuse to watch a movie. And since they won’t go, I don’t feel comfortable leaving them alone upstairs. These limitations are strenuous for us.