“You might enjoy it.” My hips start again. “Never hurts to try something new.” She looks at me like she’s having an internal argument. “I’m not pressuring you, Sky. If you don’t want to, that’s okay”
I hug her close and she asks, “Are you mad?”
“Sky. No.”
Our breaths are shallow. My hips move in swift succession.
“If I say okay, but change my mind, will you be upset?”
I haul her in closer to me again, pummeling her with my dick. “Forget it.”
“Okay, let’s try.” I shake my head. “Please do it again.”
My finger runs along her wetness, and I push back into her backend. “Relax, love.”
The pressure builds. Sky comes apart, chanting my name, and telling me not to stop. I piston in and out, finger circling inside her, pulling out and back in. I’ve never seen her react with such an enormous amount of pleasure. She locks up, crying,Oh God, as I pump faster. This prolongs her release and I hit my height. Cum coats us.
She’s a rag doll on top of me. My breaths lifting her along until they die down.
“That felt great.” I grin. “Next time, I have to make sure not to say, ‘Oh God.’”
“Yeah. He had nothing to do with it.”
A second passes before she laughs. I join her, because there’s nothing more beautiful than Sky, laughing after a good fuck. This is what I get to have in my life.
“Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.” 3 John 1:2
Sky – June 2020
With Cade, nothing can go wrong because when I wake and go to bed, life is lighter and safe. It’s a busy time at work for Cade, so we skip the honeymoon. I don’t mind. Being with Cade is honeymoon enough. As the weeks pass, I become bored and loneliness creeps in. After Christoff attacked me, there was always something to do or a place to visit. Now, it’s Armstrong and I, and it niggles at my conscience that the other Old Ladies have jobs. I mention to Cade about working.
“If a job will make you happy, fine, but I’d rather you not waitress.” I askwhy. He brushes his hair back with his fingers. “I don’t feel comfortable with you in a restaurant environment, especially after what happened.”
I huff back into my chair, discouraged by his response.
Cade squats down in front of me, placing his hands on my thighs. “Would you be interested in going to school or taking a class in something you enjoy?” I perk up at his suggestion. “I want to give you whatever you want, Sky, to experience different things.” His hands rub along my thighs as if warming them.
“I never thought about school. But I don’t know what I would take or like.”
“Register for several subjects that sound interesting to you.”
I shuffle forward until I’m on top of his thighs, legs wrapped around his waist. My forehead rests against his. I’m still in awe of being Mrs. Cade Briggs.
My lips brush back and forth over his. “Thank you so much for caring about me.”
He sprinkles kisses all over my face. Cade’s actions speak volumes.
Another reason for my melancholy is I haven’t gotten pregnant. Since our wedding, we’ve gone without contraception. It’s only been a month, but we’ve put the month to good use. Cade empties inside me. Sometimes two to three times a night. I’ve been concerned but keep it to myself. Instead, I schedule an appointment with a gynecologist to make sure everything is okay.
On the day of my appointment, Cade informs me he’ll be home later in the evening because he’s fallen behind on orders after a meeting with a potential customer. It’s during the week, and Armstrong walks me there and sits outside. This is my first time for a gynecologist visit, so the doctor explains what he’s doing during the full exam and pap test, which doesn’t take long. The experience is uncomfortable, but it would have been worse prior to having sex. Cade has chased away most of my inhibitions.
When we get home, I change into my bikini and garden while Armstrong runs around or finds shade under a weeping willow tree by the lake. As the day progresses and the heat increases, I walk to the dock and dip my feet into the water. It’s half shaded to prevent a sunburn. My feet draw circles in the water as I reflect on pregnancy. There’s nothing more I’d love than to be a mother, especially the mother of Cade’s child. To feel the baby kick for the first time. Its first steps and words. And after witnessing Cade with the children from the club, he’ll be an incredible dad.