Page 76 of Quiet Chaos

It’s a pleasant weather day, so we all migrate outside. Cade joins us after thanking the prospect and talking to him about picking the sisters up for the wedding. Both Sister Mary and Mother Corinne grow lighter in his presence. He offers them something to drink as he swirls the ice cube in his glass.

Mother Corinne eyes his glass. “Your drink is interesting.”

Sister Mary and I glance at her, then each other as I say, “It’s alcohol, Mother Corinne.”

She tips her head to the side. “I’m well aware of that, Sky.”

Cade’s smile broadens. He likes the fact Mother Corinne indulges herself from time to time. “I’ll get you a glass.” He turnsto Sister Mary. “Would you like one?” She doesn’t hesitate to nod her head.

This is a new experience for me. I didn’t know the sisters drank alcohol. Then again, we were never at a social gathering where it was offered. I still am not a fan of most alcohol, but I steal sips of Briggs Bourbon from Cade’s glass every now and then.

As he moves toward the bar, his hand brushes against my cheek. He carries the glasses over, hands them out, and slips his arm around my waist.

Mother Corinne turns to us and announces, “I’d like to say a prayer.” Everyone hushes. “Now I know Cade isn’t a praying man, but I hope he’ll accept my prayer.” He gives her a slight nod. “I’ll tweak it a bit.

She takes Sister Mary’s hand and asks the rest of us to do the same. We all link hands as she begins. “All-loving Father, gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. I pray the words Cade and Sky speak of their marriage are sweet. Let the words they express to one another and about one another be done out of love. I pray against any negative words or thoughts regarding their marriage so the enemy cannot use anything to build a case against them. Amen.” Everyone whispers an Amen.

Mother Corinne raises her glass. “To Cade and Sky, it’s difficult to find that one person to share our lives with. When Sky left the convent, my daily prayers were for her to find herself and all the happiness she deserves because our Sky is truly a blessed soul.” I wipe tears from my eyes. “After meeting Cade, well, there was no denying she found the one person to keep her safe, happy, and, above all else, love her forever. I pray your marriage is abundant in love, laughter, and children.”

Julia and Seth chant,hear, hear!

For the first time, I notice a pinkish tone on Cade’s face. The rest of the day, we talk of the past and present, and the hope of a wonderful future. My eyes break into a waterfall every so often over a story, a gesture, or something someone says to us. Cade and I are attentive and affectionate to one another. It makes my heart quicken, and tomorrow can’t come fast enough.


It’s our wedding day. Julia, Patsy, and Sister Mary support me while I prepare for the day. In the walk-in closet, Patsy helps me into my dress while Julia and Sister Mary wait in the living room. Cade and the rest of the group have already left. When I walk out, Patsy runs to stand next to Julia and Sister Mary. Their eyes tear up.

Sister Mary takes soft steps toward me. “Sky, you are extraordinary.” She touches my dress, arm, and face. “You are a genuine wonder. I bless you on this day and every day forward.” A snicker escapes her lips. “Cade is a lucky man.”

Julia and Patsy agree. They circle me as if I’m a statue, praising and sending me well wishes.

I can’t take it anymore and say, “If you all don’t stop, my makeup is going to be dripping off my chin.”

A half hour later, I’m standing in the back of the church, holding flowers in front of me. Closing my eyes, I say a silent prayer to God, asking him to bless this marriage, and keep us from harm’s way. I thank God for each breath he’s given me, and for putting Cade in my path.

I’m walking down the aisle myself. It didn’t seem right to ask anyone to give me away, and since it’s been my lone path to reach this point, I want to make it my own, until I reach Cade. We also didn’t do the traditional bridesmaids and groomsmen because we want to include everyone in our celebration. The organ begins, the doors open, and standing by the altar in atuxedo is Cade. My breathtaking Cade. Seeing the tux hugging his muscular build, tapering at the waist, thick hair falling to the sides, and mesmerizing broken lake ice eyes, has me take a quick intake of breath. The icing on the cake are his signature army boots. I guess the guys couldn’t talk him into dress shoes. I can’t believe I’m the one he wants.

His appearance takes me away from the moment. Patsy gestures for me to walk as the organ starts over again. Each step I take, my heart beats faster, and I swallow the tremendous amount of emotions to keep from crying.

My hand reaches out as Cade steps closer, takes it, and gives it a slight squeeze. He stares at me with a devilish smile. Neither of us pay much attention to what the priest is saying, our eyes wandering over each other. He looks so relaxed, as if marriage is something he does every day.

Cade is repeating the vows, but all I notice are his lips that light a fire on my skin. His eyes, which make me feel like the only woman in existence. His smile—often used to express his emotions without words. Soon I’ll be Mrs. Cade Briggs. It’s a wonder my legs haven’t given out on me from the sheer knowledge of knowing how blessed I am.

“She had that whiskey sipping, skinny dipping smile.” Atticus


The church doors open to an angel. My angel. My Princess. Sky is the epitome of a woman—a natural beauty, adorably kind, cluelessly sexy, and one bourbon sip away from owning me. Here she stands before me in a dress fit for a goddess, a face rich in expression, and amber eyes, gulping me down like a shot. Even though I’m not religious, I feel a little weird that my dick jerks in church at the sight of her.

She buries her soft hand in mine, and my mind goes straight to being buried inside her. My breath hitches. I’m sure she assumes it’s because I’m taken aback by her beauty, which I am, but my perverse thoughts cause it. I can’t wait to get her alone. To smell her purity, taste her, and lodge within her for hours.

Putting aside my impure thoughts, I am lucky to have found Sky. She’s enriched my life, brought my family closer, and loves with abandon. Who would have thought an introvert like me who avoided romantic intentions would have found his place next to a pious woman? We may not make sense on paper, but together, Sky and I balance each other out. Sky has extracted me from my quiet cave, and I’ve introduced her to new things. She’s learned to explore without self-judgment.

Sky’s eyes tear as she says her vows. The bubbles cloud her vision and trail down her cheek. I can’t stop myself from wiping them, using the pad of my thumb. When she finishes, we exchange rings, slipping the wedding band on each other’s fingers. Her hands shake and I steady them.

All I hear next is “you may kiss the bride” and I scoop her into my arms, smashing my mouth against hers. My desire has overtaken decency. I put her down, her lips swollen from the kiss, and I shake my head of anymore sexual thoughts…until later.

After church, we head to the clubhouse. From the back door, I can see the backyard of the clubhouse decked out with lights and decorations. Tables stretch along one side, and a dance floor with a DJ in the middle. The DJ announces for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Cade Briggs, and I take my Princess’s hand and walk out into the sunshine. Cheers erupt and everyone comes over to congratulate us, shaking hands and hugging. A few guys make lewd comments. My eyes dart to the sisters and then I glare at the guys to shut up.