Page 66 of Quiet Chaos

Sky leans back, holding my face in her hands. “Yes! Yes!” She can’t stop kissing and talking. “Yes, Cade! I’m yours.” More kisses. “I want to be your wife. I want to grow old with you.”

My hands take hers and bring them to her lap, pressing my forehead against hers. “I love you, Sky, and I apologize for not telling you sooner, even though I assumed you knew from everything I did. But I get it. You wanted to hear it.”

I hold her in my lap, her back against my chest, head cushioned under my chin. She holds her hand out, admiring the ring and turning her hand in different directions, which reflects the light.

“I won’t disappoint you, Cade.”

“You could never.”

“I’ll be the best wife you could ask for.” She moves her head to my shoulder, looks at me, and says, “And I’ll give you all the babies you want.”

I can’t stop laughing at her charm. “As many as I want?” She nods and turns back to admiring the ring. “What if I want twelve?”

“Twelve it is! We can name them after the twelve apostles.”

Letting out the loudest hoot, I say, “Hell no!”

I kiss her temple, run my fingers through her hair, and we remain sitting for a while. We make our way to the hot tub, where I run the water, undress us, and step inside with her in my arms. I make love to her in the jacuzzi, bed, balcony, and back in the bed. It is a lucky weekend for me. I got my girl.


“Thou liftest me up to the wind; thou causest me to ride upon it, and dissolvest my substance.” Job 30:22

Sky - March 2020

I haven’t been able to stop looking at my beautiful engagement ring. It’s simple, yet elegant, and much bigger than I’d expect. The first thing I did when we got back was call Sister Mary, because I want to share every big moment in my life with the sisters. They all congratulated me and hope to make it to the wedding, which I don’t know when or where it will take place.

Cade must have told Reed about the proposal since he and Patsy stopped by during the week. Neither of them could contain themselves regarding the engagement.

Today, Daredevil, Howler, Boulder, Lashes, Crow, Bumblebee, Handlebars, Stiletto, Reed, and Patsy are joining us for a ride to Idaho Falls. I’m excited to tell everyone about our engagement. Of course, we’re leaving Armstrong again, but Influencer is taking care of him.

In the kitchen, I am preparing things to bring along, such as cutup vegetables and a dip. Cade laughs at me every time he sees me filling a cooler for a ride.

I dress in a pair of jeans, boots, and a sweater. As I’m pulling my jeans up, Cade comes in and pulls them down.

“Cade!” I laugh while fighting to keep my jeans up. “You said we’ll be leaving soon.”

He tosses me on the bed, his body covering mine, but his forearms take the brunt of his weight.

“I can’t help it. You’re too damn cute.” He does this thing with his mouth again, heating my skin, as he creates a path of open-mouth kisses along my collarbone. The sensation clouds my judgment for a moment.

“Listen here, handsome.” I run my fingers through his long, thick hair. “They’re all going to be here soon and…Ow. Now I’m going to have a fat lip.”

“I can make all your lips swell.”

“You are a bad Gabriel.”

His head snaps back and laughs. “Yeah, you love evil Gabriel.”

Cade’s thumb rubs my sensitive area over my jeans. My breath hitches as I grab his hand.

“Please, Cade.” He stops and gives me a sensual kiss.

Scooting backwards, he says, “I got you something.”

He disappears into the closet while I button my jeans. A hanger dangles from his finger, which holds a vest. Cade turns it around and there’s a patch that says, “Pious Princess”. I snicker into my hands while shaking my head.

He says, “Try it on.” I take it from him and go to the washroom. “Where are you going?”