You’re not a dick. She’s not your Old Lady. You’re helping her get on her feet, that’s it. Fucking is normal, and there’s nothing shameful about it.
“In the back.” She leans forward, expecting more of a response. “To a bedroom to fuck. I’m sorry if that bothers you, ‘oh Pious Princess’.”
Her hand shoots to her chest, falling back in the chair, as if I’d smacked her.
Shit! Horror morphs onto her face. The beautiful face I can stare at for hours…except she thinks I’m a disgusting pig. A sinner of all sinners.
“Why are you calling me that?”
“Aren’t you?”
She pushes her chair away. “It’s not nice, Cade.”
I throw my arms in the air. “Nothing I do is nice.”
“That’s not true. You’ve done a lot for me. I just don’t know why you’re calling me names.”
“It suits you.”
Sky crosses her arms. “If you keep calling me that, then I’ll call you Gabriel, after the Archangel.” My smug snort only keeps her going. “Gabriel is a communicator of important messages.” For the first time, I detect a bit of cynicism in her tone. “And everyone knows what a great communicator you are.”
There it is.
She settles back into her chair, glancing around the kitchen.
Without looking at me, she asks, “Do you like her…the woman who you went in the back with?”
“What’s with the questions?”
Sky grabs her shirt into a fist, eyes angling toward the island. “Because I’m curious if she’s your girlfriend or....” I stay silent and then she asks again.
“No, Sky. I don’t even remember her name.”
There’s a crack in time, a space where neither of us speak nor move, until she asks, “So, you slept with a woman you don’t even know?”
I can’t hold back an attack. My head shoots up, eyes narrowing in on her. “Sex is normal. I’m not married. I’m not in a relationship, so if I need or want pussy, I’m going for it. One thing I don’t need or want is your fucking judgment.” I point my finger at her. “You want to get to know me, fine, but you better be prepared to hear things you might not like and leave your fucking beliefs at the door.”
Without another word, Sky slips off the stool and disappears into her room, closing the door. Armstrong lays outside of it. What I said was harsh. I didn’t mean it. Or did I? My life has been fine until Sky showed up and now, I’m second-guessing myself.
Sky got the waitress position at the restaurant, which helps us keep a distance from our last conversation, using Armstrong as a cushion for silence. My anger has subsided, but I feel remorse. She didn’t need my wrath, especially after what she went through at the club. The only thing keeping me from apologizing is her verdict on my sinful soul. When Sky brings religion into the mix, it’s an irritation, and I lash out. This is my life. I don’t need anyone telling me how I should live it. I’m doing fine.
A motorcycle turns into my driveway, and when I open the door, it’s the prospect Gunner.
“Is there a problem at the club?”
Gunner takes a couple of steps, leaving a good ten feet between us.
“Uh, no QC.” He glances around with his hands in his pockets before continuing, “I stopped by to see how Sky is doing.”
My eyes narrow in on him. He’s a young, good-looking kid, so it makes sense he’d be interested in Sky. Unconsciously, my fists pump at my sides, and I remind myself she isn’t mine. She can date whoever she wants to date like I can fuck whoever I want to. But there’s a gnawing sensation in my gut. It’s gotta be nothing more other than my attraction to her.
“She’s working.”
Gunner’s head hangs low as he glances sideways at me, toeing a rock near my driveway. “Um, I was wondering if I can take her out some time.”
“Do I look like her father?” He shakes his head. “Then ask her.”