Chapter 24 – Knock Out
Our connection grew stronger after meeting Wren’s parents. We talked and laughed more; my touches no longer caused her to flinch. Quick pecks on the cheeks and lips became natural, which I took advantage of. She was freakishly ticklish everywhere. Her smile lit up her face, and that’s what I saw after a kiss. I wanted to be the one to always summon such a response from her.
Since she had her own space, I’d catch her singing and dancing around the room. Leaning against the wall, I’d clap when she finished as she covered her face. Damn, I couldn’t believe she sang, and her dance moves weren’t bad either. Sometimes, she’d try to get me to dance with her, but I’d dodge her lunge and return to my workout.
On an unseasonably warm February day, I planned to take the bike to the gym for some boxing sparring. I finished talking to Chef Dan about dinner that evening when I went into the foyer for my jacket. Wren came jogging down the stairs in a workout bra, loose T-shirt opened on the sides, and yoga pants. Every time I saw her wearing these types of clothes, my cock jerked, provoking crazy thoughts until it wept a bit. I slipped on my boots to avoid her appearance.
“Where are you going?”
“To the gym.”
She pointed behind her. “You have a full gym here.”
While tying my laces, I said, “It’s more of a boxing gym where I started going when I was a teen. To do some sparring.”
Wren bounced on the balls of her feet. “Can I come?”
I stood and looked her over. “Not like that.”
As she glanced at herself, she asked, “What’s wrong with it? They’re workout clothes.”
“Put something baggy on. And grab a coat.”
She put her hands on her hips and huffed out, “Really?”
“Yes, really. Some guys are ex-cons.”
“Say no more.” Wren ran up the stairs. “Give me a minute.”
By my motorcycle, I helped Wren with a helmet. I took longer than normal, savoring the softness of her cheek, the warm green pools of her eyes. I slid onto the bike and then grabbed her arm so she could swing her leg over the seat behind me.
“Scoot closer to me and put your arms around my waist. Hold tight. Don’t lean in any direction. Move with my torso.”
It was the first I had Wren on my bike and having her behind me didn’t help my overactive sexual fantasies. Her small, firm breasts touching my back, thighs outlining mine, and her hands splayed across my abs. She was a temptress in disguise. I revved the bike, knocked the kickstand up, and took off. As soon as the bike lurched forward, Wren’s hands gripped my torso tighter, a smile creasing my face.
I killed the engine in front of the gym and hit the kickstand down.
Before we entered, I said, “Stay by me. Don’t wander off. If you need to use the washroom, let me know.”
Inside, activity stopped, and all eyes gyrated on her. She stepped closer to me, so I slipped my arm around her shoulder and guided her toward a locker area. We disposed of our helmets and other items and went to an unused boxing bag. Buzzard, the owner of the gym, came over to us.
He snatched my forearm, gave me a shoulder check, and slapped my back as he said, “Finn. Good to see you.”
I patted his back. “Yeah, it’s been a while.”
We stepped back as I introduced Wren. Buzzard loved women, every shape and size. It didn’t matter.
He took her hand in his and kissed it. “A pleasure to meet you, Wren.” She smiled with a head bow. “Finn has been coming here for years. One of the best sparring partners.”
Wren’s face lit up with astonishment. “I hope to see him spar one day.”
“You will,” I said. “After you do some boxing bag work, I’ll spar with one of the guys by the ring.”
Buzzard gave a head nod. “Sounds good. I’ll find someone for you while the two of you hit the bag.”
I wrapped Wren’s hands for additional protection and put a pair of boxing gloves on her, then I put my own on. With the gloves and her baggy clothes, she resembled a little mouse, so fucking cute. She trailed along as I showed her how to bounce back and forth on the balls of her feet to warm up, hands in front of her face for protection. Wren chased my lead with a jab, another, a hook and an uppercut to understand the different punches. I explained not to lock her arm but tighten it to avoid breaking her wrist or injuring her elbow.