Wren came back in the living room to relieve me of the bags while I took off my shoes. She whispered an apology before placing the gifts underneath the tree. I walked behind her into the kitchen, carrying the food bag, where a couple of people sat in silence. We waved as Jessica introduced them to us. In the kitchen’s alcove by the fridge and oven, Emily and Jessica conjugated around me, taking the food, asking if I was hungry. Could they get me anything? I locked eyes with Wren, begging for assistance. She covered her mouth to stifle a laugh and then saved me.
She took my hand and said, “Sit at the table, and I’ll get you something to drink.” I didn’t argue. Even though I found her friends funny, it was like being in a piranha tank.
I sat in the chair at the head of the table for more legroom. Wren brought me a bourbon.
“Do you want me to get you something to eat? There are appetizers.”
“No, I’m good for now. Maybe in a bit.”
A few people arrived, introductions given, and Jessica’s mother sat by me while two guys who were there when we arrived went downstairs. Her sweet mom told me how nice it was to meet such a handsome man. She slid a piece of gingerbread with a fig-walnut sauce in front of me. Not one for sweets, I refused to decline her offer after her generosity. I took a bite of it while she and Wren’s friends observed me. I savored it.
On the floor, Wren squealed while holding a tiny dog. “Oh, my God. Jessica, when did you get a puppy?”
Jessica came around the breakfast nook and said, “Last week.” She bent down to take the dog from Wren. “He’s a Pomeranian. His name is Godzilla.”
Wren stood to take the puppy back and laughed. “I love the name! Aw, I want a puppy. He’s adorable.”
She cuddled it close to her face. A refreshing side of Wren, where she acted natural and comfortable. The opposite of the anxious Wren I had been around most of the time. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Her crop sweater rode up, revealing an inch of her smooth stomach. My mouth watered as I readjusted in my seat to tame my cock. My eyes followed her around the room, smiling the whole time, noting her interactions with her friends and the dog. Even around people who brought her comfort, she had a shyness that lingered just above the surface.
Jessica’s mother put her hand on mine, taking my attention away from Wren. “It’s so beautiful to witness love.”
I couldn’t remember the last time I blushed. Watching Wren only nourished my cock, so I pushed closer to the table to shift things around. Love didn’t play a role in this new… whatever. Neither did a short-lived infatuation. Definitely attraction though.
Wren put the puppy down, helped her friends place the food around the kitchen alcove, and came to me and asked, “Are you ready to eat?” I rose, put my hands on her hips, and trailed behind.
Everything smelled great, and I was starving. Wren handed me a plate, adding some Puerto Rican rice and a beef sandwich. She pointed out her bulgur salad, so I put some of that on. With my chair still available, I put my plate down, waiting for Wren. The table was full. Wren approached, and I offered her the chair, but she refused. I sat back down and took her by the waist, situating her on my left leg. It made her uncomfortable, yet she positioned a leg on each side of mine and ate.
After the food and desserts Jessica’s family urged me to try, I sat back in the chair, stuffed, continuing to nurse my second drink. It was a long drive home. I wouldn’t risk getting busted by the cops. Two guys left, who were sitting downstairs the whole time, and others who were here when we arrived. The place started airing out.
Jessica, Emily, and Wren disappeared into the living room. I snuck to see what they were doing. They sat around the tree, handing out their gifts, and laughing. Wren smiled at me when I walked into the room, propped against the wall with my drink.
Emily asked, “Why don’t you sit on the couch?” I told her I was fine.
They tore into their gifts. Wren hugged one of her presents to her chest, thanking her friends. I caved and sat on the couch to see what she got. She held up a blanket with three snowmen and each of their names on it. Here, I gave her expensive jewelry, but she loved their corny gift. She was never money hungry, and this proved it. They also gave her a frosted glass ornament with a bird inside of it.
Wren admired each gift. “I love my gifts. Thank you. Did you guys get these from Etsy?” They said yes and started throwing the torn paper at each other. Emily called for pictures, so I took them on each of their phones.
They cleaned up while I returned to the kitchen. Brad, John, and I talked about work. John was interested in investing, so I gave him my name and number. The ladies came into the kitchen and Wren stood by the breakfast nook, drinking a glass of wine. I called her over to sit on my lap. She shook her head. I was about to stand when she rushed over, sitting on my lap, and resting forward on the table.
Nervous Wren sat straight, so I placed my lips to her ear and whispered, “I’m not a stranger, Wren. Remember, I’m your fiancé. Lean back and chill out.”
She put her drink down, tipped back against my chest, and rested her head on my shoulder. It didn’t take long for her to unwind. My one hand rested on her leg, the other on her stomach. Jessica and Emily sat at the table, talking about their adventures with Wren. They had funny stories. Once, Wren and Emily went to a bar with an ex-boyfriend of Emily’s. A woman asked what he was drinking, and he pointed to his drink, and shouted, “OJ, not guilty!” Embarrassed by the way he acted, Wren and Emily ditched him by sneaking out of the bar.
Over the course of the evening, we migrated downstairs to watch a movie. Wren curled up in my lap and fell asleep. I’d glance down at her, small breaths puffed out of her mouth, and I wound her closer. Holding her felt right. After one movie, it was time to go. I woke Wren, collected her gifts, and said our goodbyes. She slept the whole way home.
Chapter 21 – A Gritty Past
For some reason, I woke early to another snowy day. In the quiet house, I assumed Finn was still sleeping. After a short yoga and meditation session, I showered and rushed down the stairs for some food. Finn startled me as he looked up from his phone when I entered. We both wished each other a good morning. He returned to his phone, and I made some tea. With my breakfast, I sat at the table to watch the snow as I ate.
Finn broke my daze when he said, “Chef Dan won’t be coming today. I gave everyone the weekend off. There are a lot of leftovers in the fridge.”
I acknowledged him and finished my meal. After loading my dishes into the dishwasher, I turned to see Finn watching me.
He said, “I’d like to show you something.” My one hand weighed on my hip as I narrowed my gaze. “Come on.”
He rose and walked down a hallway I hadn’t explored yet, which made me question why. Why hadn’t I explored the confines of the house? I had enough time to become acquainted with it. To scavenge the house, I might find something unsavory, and maybe for that reason, I stayed in the familiar rooms.