In my peripheral, Wren turned away as if she didn’t want to interrupt an intimate moment. I released the woman’s hand, and from the back, wrapped my arms around Wren, resting them on her stomach. My thumb brushed along her exposed skin. Wren’s body lifted and tensed like a reed, strong and straight, her hands covering mine to stop my strokes.

Estelle clapped her hands, asking the women to leave for the men to line-up. I unhooked my arms, slid one hand to Wren’s wrist to pull her in for a kiss—soft as feathers.

The other men and I stood in a line, and Estelle put me as the last bachelor of the auction. Estelle and Margaret took turns introducing the bachelors. They provided some information about us. I felt like a pig going to the slaughterhouse. Women gasped, surprised admirations for each bachelor, taking a step closer, adjusting my jacket. The idea of going on a date with Wren made me nervous. Aside from functions, I hadn’t been on an actual date. It was important for me to impress her. Wren’s effect on me was torture.

Estelle cleared the fog when she called my name. When I stepped onstage, I received hoots, whistles, but the lights were blinding. I couldn’t see much more than a few feet from the stage. With my arms hanging at my sides, I kept shifting my weight from my right to left foot, hands twitching open and closed. Shouts of numbers floated in the air, $2000, $5,000, and then I lost count. My body clenched with each rising number.

She shouted, “We have a last bid of $25,000 for a date with Finn Trevino. I believe it’s higher than last years.” Everyone shouted hoorays as she took my hand. “Thank you all for making this charity another success. For all the bachelors and the winners, we will leave it up to you in planning when and where you’d like to take your date. Again, thank you and enjoy the rest of your evening.”

I stepped down from the stage to search for Wren when a woman approached me. She was tall with long, wavy blond hair, chestnut eyes, and a dress hiding very little. She took my hand and told me her name.

“I’m your date!” Lillian winked.

I tried to spot Wren, and then what she said dawned on me.She’s my date? What happened with Wren?

“Thank you. That was a generous bid.”

She swatted her hand and said, “Are you kidding? I have the money and I’ve wanted a date with you for so long.”

All I gave her was a smile, her eyes and hands roaming my body. I battled with questions about why Wren didn’t win the date. Was she too afraid to bid that high? Was she too quiet for anyone to hear? Instead, I had to go on a date with a woman who had no boundaries. I wanted to remark on her traveling hands, but she paid a lot for just a date. But that was all it would be.

An ocean floral smell caught my attention. Wren stood next to me watching Lillian’s tongue stroke her lips, hands running and squeezing my arms, chest and biceps, her breath ragged.

Wren let out a small laugh. She stuck out her hand and said, “Hello, I’m Wren.”

Lillian’s gaze never left my face and body, ignoring Wren’s introduction.

I leaned my head toward Wren. As I gritted my teeth, I asked Lillian to wait a second while I grabbed Wren’s elbow and moved her out of earshot.

“What happened?”

Her face crumpled. “What do you mean?”

“With the bidding?”

Wren put her hand to her chest. “I didn’t bid.”

I threw my hands up in the air and said louder, “What? Why? Why wouldn’t you bid?”

She was getting more confused. “You didn’t tell me to. I couldn’t spend your money—”

“It’s for fucking charity!” She asked me to lower my voice. “Now I have to go out with tarantula arms.” Wren laughed. “It’s not funny.”

In a serious tone, she said, “Finn, I didn’t know you wanted me to bid. But look how much we got for you.”

“I’m not a fucking gift basket.” She put her hand on my arm, but I pulled away. “You know what? Forget it. I thought we…” I ran my hands through my hair. “Since you didn’t think it necessary to prevent someone from going on a date with me, I might as well make the most of it.” I walked away when I said, “My cock could use some action.”

For the rest of the evening, Wren stayed away from me. When I caught glances at her, she appeared hurt. She stayed near Cole or Lindsey. I noticed she didn’t take part in conversation. My comment was harsh. It hurt, which was the driving force of it. I wanted her to experience what it was like when someone didn’t care about her feelings.

Chapter 19 – New Year’s Eve Bash


Finn refused to let me celebrate New Year’s Eve with my friends. Still pissed about the auction, I figured he was taking it out on me. To be honest, I never considered bidding on him. Of course, it bothered me he’d be going on a date with someone but using his money would have been awkward. Since the auction, we had limited interaction. I didn’t even know if he went on the date, which reminded me of what he said.

He would take his frustrations out by sleeping with that woman. From what I’ve learned, Finn doesn’t care about whom he has sex with. They’re a means to an end. Being aware of his sexual needs and his anger toward me made me sadder and livid. I didn’t want to sleep with him, yet the notion of him naked with someone else, sleeping with his date, her going down on him, drove me insane. It appalled me. It made me jealous. Things had gotten better between us. Finn’s gazes, his touches, whispered words, warmed my skin… my unyielding demeanor placating. Now we had digressed.

I had planned to get drunk with my friends to forget Finn. Instead, forced to socialize with a group of entitled snobs, resentment built up every minute. Although things shifted after karaoke night, there wasn’t much connection, yet Finn expected me to come along. Since I didn’t have a choice, I dressed whatever way I wanted, hoping to ditch his party. Maybe even hang out with strangers.