Before the obscene conversation continued, I saw Alessandro Battaglio approach our table. He had Wren’s hand in his as he brought it to his lips. His eyes never moving from hers. It was too intimate. I didn’t like it. Although a close friend of my father’s, Alessandro took what he wanted without guilt or regret. He was the one holding up my claim as CEO. The power, the money had a tight grip on him, and he refused to give it up to the rightful heir without a fight. Alessandro manipulated people and situations, and his appearance helped him along. For an older man, he was the tall, dark, and handsome type, still fit from daily workouts. His demeanor toward Wren didn’t sit well with me.

I excused myself and proceeded over to them. “Alessandro!”

He straightened to tower over me even though an inch shy of accomplishing it. “Finn!” After a handshake, he patted my shoulder. “I was introducing myself to your lovely fiancé.” Our eyes went to Wren.

She wet her lips. My gaze stuck to them as I mimicked her. When I regained my composure, Alessandro had her attention.

“As I was saying, Wren, now that you are practically family, you are more than welcome to visit me in the city. I also have a pleasant cottage by a lake if you are ever in need of getting away from it all.” He waved his hands in the air to emphasize everything.

My arm slipped around Wren’s waist. Expecting her to stiffen, she stunned me by sliding her arm around me too. I said, “We’d be happy to meet you for dinner. And I’m sure at some point we’ll take you up on your offer to stay at the cottage.”

Alessandro figured out what I was doing, claiming Wren, and letting him know she won’t be going anywhere near him alone. “Yes, yes, of course. I was only offering.”

Wren smiled and thanked him. To stick it to him, I placed my hand on her chin, turned her head upwards, and kissed her on the lips. Only I noticed the hitch in her throat before ending the kiss. Alessandro nodded and left. After he was out of sight, Wren let go of my waist.

The evening dragged on with schmoozing the board members. Wren worked the room with me for a while as I tried to get a better feel for their vision of Trevino Holdings, but nothing tangible. Many wanted to enjoy the evening and leave business for another day. Her feet were hurting, so Wren returned to the table while I continued.

I made my way around the room. Wren stood near a small stage, talking to Lawrence Morello, one of the most influential board members. With my drink in one hand and the other in my pocket, I watched her from afar. She left distance between her and Lawrence, which was difficult to do with his distended stomach. Wren planted a firm smile on her face, holding her drink in her left hand, the ring flickering in the light, the other hand relaxed against her side. Her bewitching eyes and dimple were two things my body responded to.

Lawrence reached over to slip his fingers under her chin. Wren’s hand clenched, although she held her own. He then tapped the tip of her nose and laughed. She joined in, and it seemed the conversation became placid. Wren spoke and Lawrence leaned in with his right ear turned toward her. The old coot either wanted to understand what she said, or was trying to look down her dress. She kept her breasts well hidden. I should know since I tried to see for myself. He moved back, brows raised, smiled, and his head bobbed up and down, jiggling his chins. Whatever she said pleased him.

I joined them, shook Lawrence’s hand, and draped an arm along Wren’s shoulders. “It’s good to see you again.”

“You too, Finn.” He smacked his lips, wiped his mouth, and took another sip of his drink. “I must say, your fiancé is divine. I can’t recall the last time I’ve had such an enjoyable conversation.”

My arm pulled her closer as I smiled down. “She is full of surprises.” I turned to him. “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself. These dinners are important, so we can keep in touch outside the office.”

His head bobbed. “I couldn’t agree more.”

Wren rested a hand on his shoulder. “And it gives me an opportunity to get to know the board members, especially since Finn will be CEO.”

Again, Lawrence approved of her remark. “So right, my dear. It’s good to see Finn settling down. His parents would be proud. And you’re just…” His hand slid from her shoulder downward, grasping her hand. “… just beautiful. A special addition to the Trevino Holdings family.” He addressed me. “Finn, if I was twenty years younger, you’d have a fight on your hands for this young lady.”

We laughed at his comment, but I thought,you mean fifty years younger.

“I guess they’ll be serving dinner soon.” I held my hand out. “It was good to see you again, Lawrence. Soon I hope I’ll be able to make you proud as CEO.”

He took my hand. “No doubt, Finn. I have a good feeling about you and your beautiful wife. We could use more young blood in the company. You have my vote as CEO.”

I clasped my other hand over his. “Thanks so much.”

We parted, and Wren made her way toward the washrooms. I followed to thank her for the help with Lawrence. I stopped her mid-way when Lucille came walking our way. To avoid another interaction with her, I backed Wren up to the wall, cupped the side of her face, and pressed my lips to hers. My body inched closer, hearing a dramatic sigh from Lucille as she passed.

Once she sashayed down the hall, I released Wren’s lips and body, slipped my hands in my pockets, and said, “Sorry about that. I didn’t want another Lucille invasion.” Wren’s face appeared shocked. “I appreciate what you did with Lawrence. He’s one of the heavy hitters on the board.”

She gave a weak smile with a softyou’re welcomeand walked down the hall. It was the second time this evening I kissed her, and neither one warranted it.

Those damn lips of hers. They’re soft with the perfect amount of firmness. And her perfume is driving me crazy. I need to get laid.

At the table, Carter sat to my left, with Lindsey on his other side. Wren sat between me and Gabriel Augustus, also known as roaming lips. A grandfather type, he was forever kissing someone’s hand, cheek, lips, or touching them without permission. He didn’t do it to offend, being from a different generation, but it bothered some women who stayed clear of him.

Gabriel sat down, and I offered to switch places with Wren, but he ignored my offer. Wren was the talk of the dinner, and he wanted to hear everything about her. On cue, he ran his finger along Wren’s arm, taking her hand in his to give it a friendly squeeze. I had to hand it to her, so far she acted like a champ. With all the touching and my kissing, she hadn’t faltered yet. Whenever others put their hands on her, my muscles clenched. It bothered me. Most likely because I was horny, and it was messing with my head.

The dinner party died down as everyone poured out of the exit. Several of the board members approached me to say Wren was a ‘delight’. They enjoyed her company, along with her stock tips. The last comment caught me off guard, so when we were driving home, I asked her about it.

She spent most of the time staring out the window even when she answered me. “Yes. I have a small portfolio I started while working at my last firm.”

My body shifted her way. “That’s great. I didn’t know you invested.”