“Ha! You’re funny.” I smirked, and he pointed at me. “Right there, shows you’re jealous.”
The kettle whistled. I poured the water over the tea bag and tried to simmer my anger. He rattled me at a bad time. “You are so immature.” Mumbling to myself,jealous. “Jealous is when someone has more red M&M’s than me. Or people who get to travel wherever they want in the world. I’m jealous of baristas because they can make a damn good cappuccino. But jealous of you sleeping with our wedding planner. That’s a big fat no. Embarrassed and humiliated. Yes. I don’t care whom you have sex with as long as it isn’t anybody I have to work with involving us.”
Finn never took his eyes off me. His jaw flexed with each one of my comments. When I finished, he threw his leather coat on and said, “We’re leaving.”
I lifted my teacup, but he was already in the foyer, grabbing his keys. He was out the door to avoid any more confrontation. Neither of us had any intention of engaging in conversation.
This should go well today.
He pulled up by the valet, got out of the car, and opened my door. I hopped out and Finn put his hand out as I took it. The country club was substantial, with fall decorations strewn throughout every room and hallway. Before we even walked into the room, we heard a bunch of talking, laughter, and shouts. When they saw Finn, the guys started whooping and chanting Finn’s name. He placed his hand on my back, directing me toward the large table of overzealous, privileged men and women. At first sight, the dread seeped through my veins. I knew I would dislike them.
Finn pressed my back into his front as he said, “Everyone, this is Wren. Wren, this is…” He started from our left and pointed. “Julius, and his girl, Marie, you’ve met Kye, Amanda, Mason and Sophia, Jared, Jonathan and his girlfriend, Bethany.”
Most of them stared at me. Julius, Marie, Kye, Jonathan, and Jared were the only ones who shook my hand. The woman, Amanda, narrowed her eyes.
Finn pulled out a chair for me, took the seat next to mine, and draped his arm over the back of my chair. “What the hell are you Mugs staring at? I introduce you to my fiancé and you all sit there as if I announced I’m having a sex change.”
One guy said, “You getting married is as shocking as a sex change.” They laughed, except Amanda.
Amanda readjusted in her seat, looked at Finn, and said, “I don’t see it.” Her probing put me on edge. She turned toward me. “Finn’s a breast man. You’re lacking in that depart—”
“Don’t be a bitch, Amanda,” Finn said.
“What? I’m just saying. She’s...” Again, she directed her comments to me. “You’re small. I bet it hurt when he fucked you hard with his piercing.” They shouted for her to shut up.
Marie asked, “What piercing?”
Amanda licked her lips at Finn and said, “Finn has a frenulum piercing.” Marie still looked confused, so Amanda rolled her eyes and said, “His dick is pierced.” She shifted her attention to me. “Yeah, I had Finn Jr. in my mouth and pussy many times.” Sophia raised her hand, lowered it, and agreed with Amanda.
Everyone got quiet. Finn leaned forward and said, “Shut the fuck up, Amanda!” He spoke to Kye and said, “Tame your bitch.”
Kye raised his hands in surrender. “What am I supposed to do?”
Amanda picked up from there. “I can say whatever I want, Finn. I’m talking to your new flavor… vanilla, I’m guessing.”
Finn jabbed his finger at Kye. “So, you’re fine with her talking about who she fucks?”
Kye flipped his head back and laughed. “We all have rotated some women. What’s the big deal?” He gazed at me, licked his lips, and said, “Finn and I always share.”
Finn flipped him off. I observed him before getting up and saying, “I think I’ll walk around the club. I’ll leave you with your friends.” And as I walked away, added, “And whores.”
Behind me, Amanda asked, “Did she call me a whore?”
Finn followed me, but yelled back to Amanda, “It’s not like it was the first time.”
He caught up to me, ushered me into a small room, and shut the door. “Don’t you ever disrespect me in front of my friends.”
I punched my fists downward, walked to the wall of windows and said, “But it’s okay for you to do it to me?”
In four strides, his chest flooded mine. “I didn’t disrespect you. I told her to shut the fuck up.”
“Yet again, you forget to warn me about the swarm of women you slept with before parading me in front of them.” I shoved his chest, but he didn’t budge. My face heated, so I shoved again and this time he grabbed my wrists. “Aw, did I hurt your feelings? Amanda can make you feel better.”
He moved closer. “Maybe I should stuff my dick in your mouth to shut you up.”
My face scrunched from loathing. “You’re so vulgar. Can’t you communicate without sounding like a pig?”
“I can communicate very well without words.”