“It’s likely that the unsub was a male and I think it might help to have another woman present, especially while asking probing questions. I know that the two of you know each other but sometimes that can make it more difficult for the victim to open up.”
“Let’s go,” I nod at Callie and then look between Bruce and Gunnolf. “You two, see what we can find out about the other victims. I want to know who they are, where they worked, where they lived, when they went missing, and anything and everything else you can find out about them. Don’t be afraid of hounding the medical examiner.”
“You know we won’t be shy,” Gun says with an amused smile. Bruce merely nods and starts sifting through the missing persons database with the photos taken of the more intact victims from the graveyard at Eagle Creek.
“I’m driving,” I tell Callie as we head out to the parking lot. Devious amusement flickers in her emerald eyes.
“You don’t want to be chauffeured?”
“Not with the way you drive.”
“I’m a great driver,” Callie smirks.
“You would be great as a Grand Tourismo racer sure. I don’t want to puke again.”
Callie laughs settling into the passenger seat. Not a joke, she drives like an absolute madwoman with a serious need for speed. The first and only time Callie took the wheel with me in the passenger seat, I threw up when we arrived at the crime scene. I never made the mistake of letting her drive me anywhere ever again.
Bruce and Hati share my sentiments, but Gun seems to appreciate Callie’s driving. Let him. Ironically now I can’t keep myself from pressing down on the gas pedal a little more than usual. Callie mercifully doesn’t tease me about my driving, but she does make a point to lean over and look at the speedometer, once.
The closer we get to the hospital, the stronger my ‘mate’ pull towards Elara becomes. My heart pulses thick heavy thumps in my neck. I know Callie can hear my heart, can sense the panic and desire flowing through me. She pretends not to notice, a kindness I will be sure to repay later.
Once we reach Elara’s bedside I can scarcely breathe. My beautiful mate is laid out on the bed in that thin paper hospital gown with a blanket draped over her from her waist down. She’s pale as a ghost and each breath she takes rattles a bit.
But despite her bandaged fingers, ghostly complexion, chapped lips, and the midnight purple circles under her eyes she is still the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on. A gentle smile plays on her lips when she sees me, but she winces as the split in her bottom lip reopens. Her eyes slide over to Callie.
“Elara, this is Callie. We are here officially with the SPIU to take your statement about what happened and to find out anything and everything you can remember. The doctors did mention that the drugs might have impaired your memories, so just do the best you can, alright?”
“Look at you, a special agent now, investigating supernatural crimes, nonetheless. I thought you’d never leave the military behind,” her voice is hoarse, barely a whisper.
“Change comes for us all,” not that it would have made a difference. Elara never could stand the idea of having a man in the service or in the law, not after what happened to her father. Elara doesn’t say anything in response. She just studies me like she’s never seen me before, like she’s trying to take in every new wrinkle on my face.
“Elara,” Callie steps forward. “Could you tell us what you remember about what happened before Agent Blackwood found you?”Agent Blackwood.My Goddess it feels weird to be using that title with Elara.
“It’s still so fuzzy. I can’t remember too much of what happened, but I know that I was kidnapped.” She closes her eyes searching the depths of her memories. “I can’t tell you how long that was. I lost track of time. I was drugged while being held so everything is a little confusing. I was blindfolded too.”
She swallows hard, taking a moment to collect herself as a tear slides down her cheek. My fingers twitch at my sides longing to reach out to her. I want to pick her up off that thin mattress and hold her in my arms. I want to stroke her hair and tell her that everything is going to be alright.
“It was a man who kidnapped me, I know that much. I got him to talk to me as much as I possibly could, and I talked to him too. I tried to humanize myself as much as possible, but I don’t think it helped.” She swallows hard letting her gaze drift out of the window.
Callie and I exchange glances, “It helped a great deal.” I finally say after a moment of silence.
As if moving in slow motion Elara brings her eyes back to us, “no one else survived?”
“No, you were the only one.”
“Elara, you were the only one put in that grave alive. Did your kidnapper mention any of his past crimes to you?” Callie asks and I fight the urge to dress her down for putting pressure on my mate like that.
“I,” Elara hesitates her fingers fiddling with the edge of her blanket. “I think he did. I vaguely remember him saying that he was sorry that he couldn’t do to me what he did to the others.”
My nostrils flair at the sentiment and Callie takes control of the questioning once again, “You said you were blindfolded while being held captive. Is there anything you can remember about where you were being held, smells, sounds, temperature?”
“It was cold, so cold, and it smelled kind of wet and like mildew. I was on concrete, chained to a wall.” My eyes shoot to her wrists, but I don’t see any bruising. She noticed and says, “Chained at the ankles.”
“That sounds like a basement or cellar of some kind,” Callie says nodding in my direction.
“I’m tired,” Elara’s eyelids begin to flutter just as a nurse enters the room.
“Agents, I need to administer medicine to my patient. I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” It wasn’t a request; it was an order. “She needs rest, but you can come back in a few hours to talk to her more if you need to.”