My face went beet-red as I realized what happened.

“Uh, love, your towel’s fallen.”

This, from Gryphon.

I gasped and put my hands on Eirik’s face, pushing his bearded mug as far away from me as possible, even as he swung me in a circle like it was the happiest moment of his life.

“Oh my gods, ew, ew—Eirik!” I yelped, kicking my feet, begging to be put down.

Luckily, Gryphon saved my life and pulled up the towel to clothe my freakinghalf-brotherso I didn’t have to see or feel anything that would scar me for all my days.

A third figure appeared in the doorway. “What in Hel is all the commotion? Oh.”

It was Ayla, one of Eirik’s other “roommates.”

And she was shirtless. Her tits were just . . . out. In broad daylight.

I averted my gaze to the ground, shielding my eyes with a hand in front like I was trying to block out the sun. “Gods above, you three. Clearly I showed up at the wrong time.”

“There’s never a wrong time to learn my little sister is still alive,” Eirik pointed out, lifting a finger. “Even with a wardrobe malfunction.”

“Wardrobe malfunction?” I spat, still not lowering my hand. “What do you callthat?” My chin thrust to Ayla and her tits.

She laughed, hands on her hips. “What? You see them every day. You have them too, little lass, in case you’ve forgotten. And yours are bigger than mine, so I don’t see why you’re so kerfuffled.”

I was mortified, not kerfuffled. I didn’t feel I was being prudish. “Keyword, Ayla, is they’remine.”

She let out a “Pah,” flapped a hand, and wandered back into the longhouse.

Eirik asked, “Coming inside?”

I shook my head sternly, finally lowering my hand. “I don’t want to chance it,” I said hesitantly, worried about what I’d find in there with three half-naked people showing themselves at the front door.

My brother seemed to be living his best life. Good for him . . .While I’ve been missing and thought dead.

Frustration rifled through me. I tried to hide it and give Eirik the benefit of the doubt.

“Suit yourself,” my brother said, shrugging his brawny shoulders. “When did you return? I’d heard you were back. Wouldn’t believe it until I saw you.”

“You didn’t think to come looking for me when you heard that?”

He shot me a crooked smile. “I knew you’d come to me, eventually.”

Damn older siblings. Always thinking they’re the most important ones.It was aggravating hearing this from Eirik—as if he had thought nothing was wrong.

“Was it really elves who took you?”

“It was,” I said. “Ljosalfar. They’ve returned to Midgard.”

“Field duty just got a lot more exciting,” he said with a twinkle in his eye.

“No, not really. They’re gone already. After letting me go.” The “how” and “why” they’d left wasn’t important right now. And it wasn’t like Eirik was pressing me for answers.

A sinking feeling hit me in the stomach, souring my mood. Despite Eirik’s apparent jubilance at seeing me, after obviously just getting laid and being in a good mood, something darker pulled at my heart.

I couldn’t trust him.

I only realized it in that moment, after saying the elves had “let me go.” That wasnotwhat happened, yet the lie had come so easily and naturally.