“Of course! Where would it go, silly?”

I shrugged. “I dunno. Just thought someone else would take it if the academy thought I was, well . . . you know.”


Dagny Largul had never shied away from speaking her mind or being particularly morbid at times.

“Yes, Dag. That.”

She smiled wide, cupped my cheek again like I was her favorite little sister, and nodded furiously. Flapping her hands at me, she said, “Fine, fine, I can let you sleep. For a few hours. Then I’ll barrage you with more questions. So much has happened! And I want to know what the elves are like. Were they Ljosalfar? Dokkalfar? Some type we don’t even—”

“Dag.” I fixed her with a playful glare. “You’re doing it again.”

“Right! Okay. Go away, Rav. Begone with your sexy behind.”

I quirked a brow, smirking, and wandered over to the staircase at the side of the room. I’d always been pretty certain Dagny swung that way—not that it was any concern of mine. It was just good to hear her joking with me, showing her true self instead of the reserved, book-quiet one.

Gods, after everything . . . it was good to be back. My heart was full, where just an hour ago it was fluttering with anxiety.

Maybe things will work out after all.

“And hey, Rav,” she called out once I reached the stairs.

I stopped, lifting my head and facing her.

“Don’t ever fucking do that again, okay?”

I smiled. “Sure thing, bestie.”

Yes, maybe things will work out,my mind repeated.

I should have learned I could never rely onhopeto carry me.

Chapter 22


DESPITE BEING DEAD-tired, I couldn’t sleep more than a couple hours. It was the middle of the day, and the excitement at being back at Vikingrune consumed my thoughts. My trepidation had turned to enthusiasm as I vowed to make my comeback a strong one.

At the same time, the sense of impending doom was never too far from my mind—wondering when the Huscarls would swoop in to arrest me, or the Hersirs would announce me as an illegitimate student since I had missed so much class.

With winter fast approaching, and the finals for initiates right around the corner, I was more determined than ever not to tarry. I had no time to waste on sleep.

So I hopped out of bed after a mere two hours of rest, charged by manic energy. I said, “Fuck it,” checked the clock on the wall opposite my bed, and grabbed my things: academy clothes, backpack, spear.